8230 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPBADOn BLumt yr COMPANY, INC. (414) 542-8I00 2195135 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP MD+ , �3 o BEING A PART of THE S.w. 1/4 OF THE S.E I/4 OFSECT/0N 16, tip\ TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20EAST, IN THE CITY cFmusKEGO, f wAUKESHA COUNTY, w/SCONsw A grading and elevation plan will be provided c/y. to the City before any building permits are Issued. NOTE• TMIS "a-Wr DOES NOr L IE WlrMIN THE 100YR. FLOOD 6OW1WY, f�� } wvuN05 wERE mNKEO or PA w4sEL, A wr imn wvoc VEEark .rr,L t996 GRAPHIC SCALEMMEN=W 0 a 21 s0 fog 2W 300 SCALE: I "r too' S• /�4 '� o-DENOTES I"A2�fT. 4"IRON PIPE, sire. p04op0 LLILasuN.e� Ili .p- ter o e "" FORM 86G101 r6. 9 LOCATION MAP / "6 . �o / S { worec SCALE- I• r20oO• Parcel 1 cannot be re- divided. Soil borings I have not been taken o 14property as of ,24 Jan. 24th,199 , 60e sf/ JCURVE OATH R40.83620.I6 gyp, t I t CMO. COX e2 o�l! BRGrsi�L1��k Irk + I x o rPie'or Is w{ �Q ` a 1 3� j JIo N V�y o o a �3 Z 111.65 ` 111.65 11 1; M 65 `� R ' O Y '�y ^ CG334. S1S— t w l �ivE p4TA N,8�04"E. C p RAO.r'JT70.16 s DRAWAGE x CM0. + --a Is"S.� Is .� / t.M eE o6� v I 1 9xc. .�. 14 Q d r 2'22'.T6" • 1,4 w l r*V. dRd. N. W *7-S7Etl ! Ii werea.ra a wPARCEL ..Rd#,-a,,,9e,.Meg � l 2L6, r 6 6 sq. fl(JF I V ` ^goo,—. 66�W� R ku ginft 14, �0 In V {4 8 � �� � �l�rflul!`r5iu�uaiR t��►►a�¢��rl. � 4; a � ���• y N 1 Ie7I. 4f 446.58 ssx.ae_.11 N ae'04'55 "!'. t A 0 2 Sheet 10f3 V N P L 4 r n r E .. lob rta 24604 BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (414)542.8200 FORAA nAr-m, COMFM SURM pffip No. :'D Being a part of the S.W. I/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 16, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISOONSIN) certify: THATIhave GARY J• SMITH, registered land surveyor do he Southwest surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated a reby the 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16of the In the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and desccribedorth,, Range 20 East, follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said 1/4 section; thence as E., along the south line of said 1/4 section, 332. Point of ce beginning of the lands to be described; in feet to the along said line, 946.58 feet to a thence continuing N.8Bo04'55"E., a point, thence N.00o46126"W., 847.48 feet to Point; thence N.22050135"W., 108-se feet to a .3��. Point on the centerline of WOODS ROAD; thence S.40o50,3 along the center of said WOODS ROAD, 4ao.28 feet to a point; thence Southwesterly, 97.82 feet, along the arc curve, center lying to the Southeast, with a radius of 3820.16of a and with a chord which bears 5.40 06*43"W feet to a •, a chord distance of 97tg2 beginning. point; thence S.pp 46'26"E DEDICATING THEREFROM the �northerlye50 feet t to hforostreof et Containing 332,166 square feet net. THAT I have made such land survey, division and Map b E�iRD FENDER and LAURA FENDER, his wife, owners of said land. direction of THAT such map is a correct representation of the exterior boundari the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. es of THAT I have fully romplied Wisconsin Statutes and the land surveying, dividing, mapping an( Dated: October 2, 1996. i•,% J I ARYJ., WH = 9195 - M&WAUKEE .S U R"'-2.k with the provisions of division ordinance of dedicating the same. Z1i4 h7 4 Chapter 236 of the the City of Muskego in Gary� ith RLS-2195 OWNERS CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AS OWNERS, we hereby certify that we caused the land described on this plat to a be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on the plat. We certify that this plat is required by S.236.10 or 236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: CITY OF MIJSKEGO. the Sheet 2 of 3 Job No. 24604 BAw n BumPsw COMPANY, INC. (414)542.8200 CERTMIM SURVW Map No. 9,� 30 Being a part of the S.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 161 Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. WITNESS the hand and seal of said owners this / day of '/)'r0A•'l , 1997. In the presence of: �� �Ccc�Lhti SO . CAL s �ysl!' EDWARD FENGER LCL ) State of Wisconsin) ukesha County)ss PERSONALLY came before me this _-1 day of '-*'e*WQAU 1997, the above named EDMD FENGER and LAURA FENGER,.. his wife, t6 me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing inpt'ru ment and acknowledged.the same. cY' udt Notary Pi iic, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. My camnission expires AQ/(; j -� PLANNING COAOSISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego on this day of _ J� n t r n r y , 1997. l Chairman r Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION APPROVED by the Common Council and DEDICATION ACCEPTED by the Common Council of the Cityy of Muskego on this L_L_ day of r rut, 0. j1997 by Resolution No. :2 0 • 9 Signed on this day of MAYOR ;f CITY CLERK • + FORM BBC-101 RY J. SMITH* This instrument was drafted by Gary J. Smith. 2155 MILWAU219 513 5 <, ►v� 014, n .; REGtBTER'S DFFiCq ; i + fir C41N.1M • •� UL f RECEMEDFOIIAERojo.00 8 �i�y 1Ztb �1?Ljk7G� . ! pf ifb L4i cI Sheet 3 of 3 �� �� Job No. 24604 74 3'3