8222 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP2193�8g CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP AD. � Aa 1 BEING 4 RED1vfS/ON OF cs.m. 00CUMENT NO. 693.398 a UAmATTED LANDS, ALL /N THE S. E /I4 B N.E.114 OF THE N. W. I/4 G1c SELrT10N 35, 'rOwN ,S NORTH, RANGE RO E4Sr, IN THE C/TY OF MUSKEGO, w4UKESH4 COUNTY, WISCONSIN F:�SEEM W;A�-ml mm-a aasleuet I I ACaE4 GE Jj+• LOCATION M4 p — - - I "• :000' OWNERS ' SOBIESKI MATE. w S.,Oj W.1490 LOOMIS 04 MUSKEGO, W/S. IO GRAPHIC SCALE 029,50 too 4rw 400 sab SCALE: I "JIroo' Isaass O�DENO�Bs 1" X iV •IRON P/PF� I.IJ LBS. /L1N. fT. MON) N. E. COR. N. W.114 SEC33•540 1 N. JIM 49s 44 E: E.loA. d7sss W/ WIS.$ PL. coROsdS.rdvE1 a w W fwy 1. tA J .. INTERLINE SURVEY ,�os/ti *U/,VM 3 SERVICES, INC. EST HI ; r �� llttl W. FORM AVE.AYE H11LE8 CpRNERS, WISCONSIN 53130 / 0/ PHONE 425•2090 d � 1 . as � a f4,!-4!-- 0 1 � • �¢1d• sit NOTE: wErL4NO A 100 YR. <LOOO LOCH rIONS ARE APPROXIM4rE ONLY. flrRO" MUSKEOO MAFFINOI 0 4 0 FGAAY J. SMITW 2100 MILWA KEIL im MK SUZj . wl117 r � yet •7 � t E%151 �gn $ t In ytl • s to �{,yvn�wNCo�'� • y swr I � Ot, d. y. abv. r O k wf w w Q r tq .1psd7+ ,v, ass, BIB, 47 SIP/. df N. ff wAr.ul d,t,So9,a.�l.oe $ E. CT7R. N.W.114 uH�4rrF,Q 1 SEC..3.?,S.cb t4Nps (B11ASS MDN. / �� S• Lt. of 114 SEC. S. BB •J 4 'lB "w. S HEE r 1 or 4 Joe No. ryd yo CERTIFIRD SURVEY HAP No. O a y being a redivision and of C.S.M. DOCUMENT No. 695398 unplatted lands► all in the S.F. 1/4 and N.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of Section 35, Town 5 North► Range 20 East, in the City of �fus!cego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE OF WI;CON3TN) MILWAUKEE COUNTY)SS I, GARY J. SMITH, registered land surveyor do hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed, redivision of C.S.M. divided and mapped ay r S.MDOCUMENT NO. 695398 and unplatted lands, all in the S.E. 1/q and N,E. 1/4 of the N.W. North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muske/o °f Section' Waukesha Co35, uunty, Town 5 Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows:Commencing at the Northeast corner of said 1/4 Section; S.01007'01"E., along the east line of said 1/4 section, 1340.44thence to the point of beginning of the lands to be described; _t Beet 834 a ., parallel to the south line of said 1/4 thence said 1/4 sPoint;i,thence N.Q1o07'O1"W.. parallel to theueastolineti,6o-28 r 300.00 feet to a point;feet to a paints thence S.65o24'59"W., east Line of saidl/4 ection, 4nce 36-02 feet to►the Southwest of said Certified Survey Map Document No. 695398; thence to the S.OI007'01"E•, 6A2.03 corner parallel to the south Tine of sapdil% section,thence N38Ro34n28,,,antinving 4I.47 feet a Point on the east like of said 1/4 section; thence N•pI°07'DI"riJ., 390.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 349,843 square feet (8.03 acres). THAT I have made such survey, land division and map b the direction of DENISE NETS, f/k/a DENISE Y JAMES SOIjTESKI, WILLIAM SOnTSOBIESKICSKI and STEPHEN SOBIESKI Sas ten I, in common of the above described land. as tenants THAT such survey is a correct representation of the exterior boundaries of the Land surveyed, and the land division thereof n THAT I have .fully complied with the r jade. ot= the Wisconsin Statute Provisions of Chapter 236 f City of Muskego in surveying, the land division ordinance of the ' Y g, dividing and mapping the same. Date�*�4%4 y�.1996. ���i 9 9 6 . i� �QARYJ. SMITH �toa MILwAUK9% -07 1rS �U V;\l 4GA4. SMITH OWNERS CERTIFICATE RLS-2195 AS OWNERS, we hereby certify that we caused the this plat to be surveyed, divided and ma land described on Plat. We also certify that this mapped as represented on the 236.12 to be submitted to Plat is required by S.236.10 or CITY OF MUSKEGO. ti�e following for approval or objection: I Sheet 2 of Job No. 24370 ti r CRRTIFTED SURVRY Mj%p NO. 8aaa- being a redivision of C.S.M. DOCUMENT NO. 695395 and unplatted lands, all in the S.E. 1/4 and N.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of Section 35, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. I n as the hand and seal of said owners on this day of 1996. In the presence of: c DENISE NEI , f/k/a DENISE SOBIESKI r -- o- v J HN SO ESKI JAMES SOBIESKI rp Al n r 1z &—. WILLIAM SOBIESKI STEPHEN SOBIESKI STATE OF WISCONSIN) MILWAUKEE C UNTY)SS PERSONALLY came before me this day of 1996 the above named DENISE, f/k/a DENISE SOAIES I, JOHN SOBIESKI, JAMES SOBIESKI, WILLIAM SOBIESKI and STEPHEN' SOBIESKI, as tenants in common to me known to be the pers executed the forego -q?j instru ��nt and acknowledged the ,�V� Notary Puhli,t, County, Wisconsin. MARVA. tic �i11 / WUTTON Uy''c o m m s .l o n expire s il�ary A. Fluttan, Notary PublIc ExphslOrkM PLANNING COMMISST.ON APPROVAL APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego on this /G day of 1996. Chairman Secretary J. 4 Sheet 3 of 4 RW Job No. 24370 2126 M!l.WAUK E, ��f•,.°_ su .-,.,,�,��,. 'A I W CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 161, AZ_ being a redivision of C.S.M. DOCUMENT NO. 695398 and unpintted sands, all in the S.E. 114 and N.E. 114 of the N.W. 114 of Section 35, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPnOVBD by the Common Council of the day of , /rr_ - g�Sigh eon this 1996. // YOR Witness the hand and seal of doe be(~ao;f _. ..... In ithe_Presence of: I M. City of Muskego on this 1996, by Resolution No. _.._Limw day of ,sE_P_r&--ice A ene aCITY CLERK of said owners on this day 1997. ROSEANNE cmrDEL State of Wisconsin) Miles it County)so PERSONALLY came before me this 1 111111� of , 19 , the above named K ENT C RO5EANNE CAMPHE ,his wife, to mt� known to be the person w a 4 A executed hhe foregoing instrument and acknowledged the s noJA Lary Publ e, County, Wisconsin. OF wigW,r�'T My commission expires tit MINI// 110, Thi.a instrument was draft d by Gary J. Smit]Z. ARY J. SMITH s MILWAUKEE WI � �awax.�M 2193789 nu lsnURll rti 1D1401111Lt�d11D11�..-- a�./.7,�y.DuKY /��.(//? Aap n. 10 �.r^r ! d�OCK�.MA. i ��aRDED w Vdl. ,%,.pi ol+ t "'3D 1 Sheet 4 of 4 Job No. 24370 REGISTER