815 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP• 0 91 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP No, OF A PART OF THE 17ORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION .g TOWN 5 ITORTH, RANGE 20 EAST,CITY OF MUSKEGOO-TAUXESHA COUNTY WISCONSIN owners: Surveyor -=ppR D FOER R.C.HARDIE JEANidETTE FOHR 1.17 175 S 7115 L ake Drive 1} g �7 p N 2 �}O 70 St. • est Allis - --- - -- - r r• �sxs s� -r e----e,o re 0 3v iao. G�PAPH/C . SGAGE L 0� oo�rjt ' 4 43 ZO ROBERT C HARDIE i t WEST ALUS, ` °A� y 7 tiViS. �O , _ • O��t/O' TES 1,24.,�. avG• / "/.e0A.1 P/oE //3 �bs.P�e FaoT BEAe/nIG of NVerH L /NE aF .5t cTiay 1951574114MeP as .S- 99'p-M' ro "W . uceaoav7e SyEET ! orr'3 SHE�T.S � • • CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP. N4, OF A FART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 9 TO`VU 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST,CITY OF MUSKEGO,WAUKES2A COUNTY WISCONSIIT SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY OF MILIWAUKEE)SS' I,R.C.Hardie,land surveyor, do hereby certify:That I have surveyed_ and mapped all that part of the north East 1/4 of Section 9 Town 5 North,Range 20 East, City of Muskego,Waukesha County Wisconsin,bounded and descried as follows,to-wit:commencing at the northeast corner of section 9 and running S 99 39140"W,along the north line of said section,1525.56 feet to a concrete monum8nt;thence S 2005155450.05 feet to a point in the south line of Lake Drive;thence N 99 38140"E along said Lake Drive,19b.60 feet to a Point of curve;thence southebsterly along said curve having a radius of 14o.25 feet to the right,the chord 'nearing S 70 26120"E,95.5b feet,the are being 97.32 feet to the place of beginning of this parcel of 1and;thence continuing along said curve,the chord bearing S 37005'55"E,64.75 feet,the arc being b5.57 foet to a point of tangency;thence S 2304009"E, 44.10 feet to a point;thence S 430OS'50"W,291.42 feet to a point on the Meander line of Little Muskego Lake;thence N 43020110UW along said meander line,163.52 feet to a point; thence N 5305015"4315.0 feet to the place of beginning. That I have made this survey,land division and map by the direction of Gerald Fohr, and Jeannette Fohr,his wife,owners of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Charter 23b of the Wisconsin Statutes and ordinances of he City of Muskego in surveying,dividing and mapping the same. Date: 1;f- E-2 R.C.H7,xc��.e IaVnd ,urveyar OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDIGATIOP? As owners we hereby certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed,divided,mapped and dedicated as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of ordinances of the City of Muskego. /%fKness the hand and seal of said owners this dwy, of Gerald eannette Fohr SHOE% 2 3 SH��jS s • • 02TIFIED SURVJEY 14AP ITo . OF A PART OF TIM NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 9 TO?121 5 NORTH, RUTGE 20 EAST ,CITY OF NUSYLGO , WAUItESAA COUNTY W I S CONS IN STATE OF WI S COLTS IN )SS. COMITY OF 17ALi<rESHA ) Personally cane before me this �'z clay of a�-�C' the above nosed Gerald Fohr and Jeannette Fohr,hi s wife,to ifie Imoam to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acImowled4ed the same. My comet' ission expires: Notary ublic,11aW�:! sha, Counter Wis. Flan Oommission Approval Approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Muskego on this ^day of 19 65 . Cha iyman ,, ecretary, This instrument drafted by R.C.-Hardie 5114f�'73 4-w3 at o va } L:, cm `�