8040 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPdo loalul No. vase► mHoffosr Stock No. 26273 2132885 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 1040 PAGE 1 OF 5 BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER W 1/4) F THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION 24, TOWNS41 5 NORTHo RANGE 20 FAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN N LEGEND: • 24" LONG 13Y 1" DIA.W1.13 L.BS PER LIN F7 (SO REFERENCE BEARING: THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION 24, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST WAS USED AS THE REFERENCE BEARING AND HAS A BEARING OF S 01'33'41" E ISCONSIN STATE PLANE COORDINATES -- SOUTH ZONE) NOTE: PER THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 550488-00058, PANEL 5 OF 7 EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1982 THERE IS NO 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN LOCATED ON THIS PROPERTY. W E S O 1000 200 400 SCALAE H 1CG SCALE NOTE. THE INTENTION OF THIS CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP IS TO COMBINE TWO PARCELS WHICH HAVE TAX KEY NUMBERS MUSC 2255.900 AND MUSC 2255.991. NOTE: ALL LANDS WITHIN THIS CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP ARE SUBJECT TO THE WAUKES14A COUNTY SHORELAND AND FLOODLAND JURISTDICTIONAL LIMITS. %, W CORNER OF THE SW 1/4 ._5 ON 24-5-20 CONC, MON. W/ RE -BAR 32s,547.88 N Zoe o 2.aa7.73 E Svy ' w Sc it UNpLATI D LANDS ---4=r•���.N 87-33'35".`E 660.000' CATION MAP 4 SEC 24--5-20 E: 1 " = 2640' WETLAND LIMITS PER WIS.� !�I�I DNR WETLAND INVENTORY MAP 01 1 - �i C17II la y, W ` 00 C Sw coRNER or THE sw 1/4 SECTION 24-5-20 c CONC. {SON. W/ BRASS CAP � KALVIN K. .A. y 323.8e0.25 N KLIIl,1ECK i( 2.512.140.45E w_wwww Zwr KALVIN K. KLIMECK — Wis Reg, No. S-2209 DATED THIS 19TH DAY OR JANUARY, 1996 REVISED THIS 9TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1996 v FILE NO: E:\9600\CSM1 s U V% OWNER: DARWW D. do KIM L. GREEN W139 S9188 Boxhorn Drive, Muske 150 5Z9—S853 This instrument prepared by KALVIN K. KLIMECK, P.E.. R.L.S., of PIONEER ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, 435 East Water Street, Watertown, Wisconsin 53094 phone no. (414) 261-1242 fax no. 261--0997. r ,� FORM NO. ves.A Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. boy _ ME 2 OF 5 BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW 1/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, KALVIN K. KLIMECK, registered land surveyor, being duly sworn on oath, hereby depose and say that I have surveyed, combined, and mapped the following land bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section 24; thence South 01'33'41 " East along the west line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) 511.770 feet, sold point being the place of beginning of the lands hereinafter to be described: Thence North 87'33'35" East and parallel to the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) 660.000 feet; thence South 01633'41" East and parallel to the west line of sold Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) 234.000 feet; thence South 87'33'35" West and parallel to the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) 660.000 feet; thence North 01'33'41 " West along the west lure of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) 234.000 feet to the place of beginning. Containing a gross area of 154,421 square feet or 3.5452 acres of land. Containing a net area of 147,401 square feet or 3.3839 acres of land. Dedicating the westerly 30.000 feet of land of said lands for public roadway purposes. I further certify that I have made such survey, land division and map by the direct -- Ion of the owners of said land; that such map Is a correct representation of the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and map thereof made; and that I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes pertaining to Certified Survey Maps (S 236.34) and the subdivision regulations of the City of Watertown in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. KALVIN X. KALVIN K. KUMK — Wis Reg. No. S-2209 0g�09 ECcc DATED THIS 19TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1996 �. VATV�� INM O REVISED THIS 9TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1996 U ,� v STATE OF WISCONSIN) so COUNTY OF DODGE) The above certificate suscribed and sworn to me this 9th day of Febri4ary, 1996. My commission expires April 2,1998 WY PUBLIC * LINDA � KALVIN K, KLIMECK -- Wis Reg. No. S--2209 WOEFT DATED THIS 19TH DAY OF J REVISED THIS 7H AY OF EBR ARY199 g6 ti�FOF Wla��� OWNER; DARWIN D. & KIM L. GREEN W139 S9188 Boxhorn Drive, µueksgo, WI 53150 529-5853 This Instrument prepared by KALVIN K. KUMECK, P.E., R.L.S., of PIONEER ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, 435 East Water Street, Watertown, Wisconsin 53094 phone no. (414) 261-1242 fax no, 261-0997. Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. PAGE 3 OF 5 BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW 1 /4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN INDIVIDUAL OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: As owner, DARWIN D. and KIM L. GREEN, I certify that I have caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, combined, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map. I also Certify that this Certified Survey Map Is required to be submitted to the following for approval: City of Muskego . N DARWIN D. GREEN r- OWNER STATE OF WISCONSIN) 99 COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) Personally came before me this /Ot-4ay owners, DARWIN D. and KIM L. GREEW,-7a—n"8 the Instrument and acknowledged the some. My commission expires CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE 177" 1. Tor- Ar KIM L. GREENC• of Jam' 2 ��--�, i 996, the above named persons who executed the foregoing -- NOTARY PUBLIC FIRSTAR BANK, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, combining, mapping and dedication of the land described on this plat, and does hereby consent to the above certificate of DARWIN D. and KIM L. GREEN, as owner. In witness thereof, the FIRSTAR BANK, has caused these presents to be signed by Robert J. Smiley and countersigned by Fred Guille its Mo�age_D_ocumentntion end Officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 30thday of April , 1996. ti•vunw}. N a 0111,L.LCY Mortgag Documentation ;��7 KALVIN K. KLIMECK — Win DATED THIS 19TH DAY OF REMISED THIS 9TH DAY OF icer Reg. No. S-2209 JANUARY, 1996 FEBRUARY, 1996 i � EcK 08-2200 VWATER MIM OWNER: DARWIN D. do KIM L. GREEN W139 S9188 Boxhorni This Instrument prepared by KALVIN K. KLIMECK, P.E., R.L.S., 435 East Water Street, Watertown, Wisconsin 53094 phone entation Officer /faGX 529-5853 AND SURVEYING, no. 261-0097. FORM NO. 983-A ��rrrrr Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. PAGE 4OF5 BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW 1 /4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 IEAST, CITY OF MUSKE00o WAUKESHA COUNTYt WISCONSIN STATE OF WISCONSIN) as COUNTY OF-WAWKS64 4) LWAUEE Persona y caKme before me this 30trh day of April .1996, the above named Robe a and . Er,gd_GiTille_- __ to trie known to be the _ _Monts+aste 0 cumeni+,aKt ek Officers of FIRSTAR BANK and the pe�t1 who executed the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged the some. ��i• J. b go Cora RY My commission expires November 1, 1998 ara J. 1mrke-/ N CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE LAND MARK CREDIT UNION, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, combining, mapping and dedication of the land described on this plat, and does hereby consent to the above certificate of DARWIN D. and KIM L. GREEN, as owner. In witness thereof, the LAND MARK CREDIT UNION, has caused these presents to be signed by Stephanie Hopper , and countersigned by Groaory c. Frica , its Vioo-President andyic_a-P_reeiidant+ _ , and Its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this, aOt- day of April , 1996. STATE OF WISCONSIN) ss COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) Personally came before me this 10th day of April .1996, the above named Stephnnie llopj2er and Gregory . Price , to me known to be the Vice -President and Vice-Prenident , of LAND MARK CREDIT UNION and the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. My commi sion expires 04-25-98 .0�1 KALVIN K. KLIMECK -- Wis Reg. No, S-2209 DATED THIS 19TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1996 REVISED THIS 9TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1996 OWNER: DARWIN D. do KIM L. GREEN W139 S9189 B+ This instrument prepared by KALVIN K. KLIMECK, P.E., 435 East Water Street, Watertown, Wisconsin 53094 s/-1 KUiEdc T•8-2200 { WiMFITOWN Qrr�� ive, =ago, �31 PUBLIC 50 529-5853 NG AND SURVEYING, fox no. 261-0997, M U' 90 c-1Q 1 PORM No. 013.A j Stock No, 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. - ,o .�, PAGE 5 OF 5 BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER NW 110 OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1 /4) OF SECTION 241, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGOs WAUKESHA COUN'TYe WISCONSIN PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL A proved by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego this of 1996. DAVID DE AN — CHAIRMAN SUSAW J. SCHROED;U RECORDING SECRETARY COMMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION of Approved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego this _ /3 day _ 1996. REGI$'fER'sOFFICEj 2132885 Waul"M Ca VA fft"Ae rrilt Iill�li, KALVIN K. KLIMECK = DATED THIS 19TH DAY REVISED THIS 9TH DAY Wis Reg. No, S--2209 OF JANUARY, 1996 OF FEBRUARY, 1996 DA 4 > 'i N+ KALVIN K. o82200 \)XLIMECK 9= V ATE a VM d do �� S — OWNER; DARWIN D. & KIM L GREEN W139 S9188 Boxhorn Drive, Muskego, WI 53150 529-5953 This Instrument prepared by KALVIN K. KUMECK, P.E., R.LS., of PIONEER ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, 435 East Water Street, Watertown, Wisconsin 53094 phone no. (414) 261-1242 fax no. 261-0997. Cs.► Q�j