8014 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPFORM NO. 485-A • !lt% �b► Stock No. 26273 2123767 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP No. BEING A PART OF THEN. W. 1/4 OF THE S.E.1/4 OF SECTION 18r TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 2OEAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNT` WISCONSIN GRAPHIC SCALE 019 14 310 60 I?0 IB0 SCALE: P, r 60 a X 0 -DENOTES 1 "x 24 "IRO N PIPE, 1.13 L 8S. /L 1A1. FT. .. INTERLINE SURVEY SERVICES, INC. hC.S•M• 11221 W. FOREST HOME AVE. HALES CORNERS, WISCONSIN 53130 PHONE 425.2060 ALL BE4PINOS REFER 10 GRID NORTH OF rHE WIS,Br PL.000Ra'rE SYS% fS ?ONE) It v I 1'r ?Q00' --9663.49 -- I' � N, g7.3P' 43 "E. ` L N. 11. of 114 SEC. % N.W. Cor of5E.. 1/4 Sec. 18-5 -20 y iu 4 ' h O N.331. In. P G ! N a r r E 0 j £.,r,48r,Br4.79 W /S. S r. PL CGORO 1 I h k f S. ZON£J w 4761 -- s es. 04 — S. V 10 0. 03 w I t u d ` N,EC0f oIS.EV4 Q I?sa sec.18-5-20 Zr N. M& r42. 39 4 A N o s W! S. s s PL. CaWra�. 41 f5. IONE 1 ?25.Op 40.01 10,0 FIR•EL. rsr.r } r o M 40' 64R. B.W. OWELL'G "VIA saFri C0 15lON 11ER. 0y// �z �eoh a .13 NO TE ' 51° 8ur1.OING rOaE REk0VEO UZ, sN.£ fix' OF EITHCO, pARCEI�f' RE,!;ztLT! NC !N VZO" - aev MON n���rvEHSri►+� PARCkl -- ` 57 ?a FT''�+ 1,d"I,r a33 /8 A �asEn�ovr—�'-•���o ��� O PA/4CEL _2 j)^ (19,306 50, FT.) 2t 'Ojos ti '• 1, 16 7� f . i o'P �' V A'e�1` Ile OWNEl STEVE KR<MAN 10711 7M/L E ROAD FRANKSV/L.LE, WISC. 53126 y%G bEi " 5t R ��. 3 s� a$ 60 N/ 0 1 A J / �• ma`s �'�S'�'�---.'. GARY J, SMITH 2105 y ` MILWWI lCEE,,/� r sIi111i.C`` r� .�-1 SHEET /oF 3 VJ JOB N0.24320 "`- 0 0 CERTIFIED S[?RVEY NAP NO. Uyi being a part of: the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 18, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYORS CERTTFTCATE STATE OF WTSCONSTN) MTLWAUKEE COUNTY)SS T, GARY J. SMTTH, registered Land surveyor do hereby certify: THAT T have surveyed, eivided, mapped and dedicated a part of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 18, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said 1/4 section; thence S.01007105"E.► along the west line of said 1/4 section, 570.00 feet to a point; thence N.87032143"E., parallel to the north line of said 1/4 section, 966.98 feet to the point of beginning of the lands to be described; thence S.0100710511E., parallel to the west line of said 114 section, 268.47 feet to a point on the center tine of C.T.H. "L"; thence N.60033121"E., along said centerline, 414.62 feet to a point on the east line of the west .1/2 of said 1/4 section; thence N.01008"44"W., along said line, 80.25 feet to a point; thence S.8703214311W., parallel to the north line of said 1/4 section, 365.04 feet to the point of beginning. DEDICATTNG THEREFROM the East 40" and the Southerly 60 feet for public street purposes. Containing 37,863 square feet net area 63,636 square feet gross area. TTTAT T have made r-uch land survey, division and map by the direction of STEVE KRZMATT, owner of said Land. That such map is a correct representation of the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. THAT T have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the land division ordinance of the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing, mapping and dedicating the Same. Dated: March 7, 1.996. oZ : 1215 erol/OI V M. G NMO MEo w A & 5 ep a3) -,;�33 lje E . ZL, J I14 ' r,11RY J SMTTP RLS-71971 � �SGONS, ��%1*z GARY 1 SMITH 2105 MILWAUKEE (p SbeeL 2 o[ 3 Job No. 24320 w 0 i CERTTFTED SURVEY MAP NO. (1 being a part of the N.W. 114 of. the S.E. 1.14 of Section 18, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. OWNERS CERTTFTCATE OF DEDICATTON AS OWNER, T hereby certify that T caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on the plat. I also certify that this plat is required by S.236.10 or 236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: CITY OF MUSKEGO. Witness the hand and seal of said owner on this f^ day of 1996. Tn the preseence of: LwA'� STEVE KROMAN STATE OF WTSCONSTN) a WAUKESNA COUNTY)SS PERSONALLY came before me this 6'� clay of Ma' , 1996, the above named STEVE KR7MAN, owner, to me known 6o be the parson who executed the foregoing instrument aneq acknowledged the same. Notary P(gbtic, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. My commission expires -7L_ �9Z PLANNING COMMTSSTON APPROVAL G �� APPROVED the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego on thi^ b day of 1996. Chairman Secrrtar� COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATTON APPROVED by the Common Council and DEDTCATTON ACCEPTED by the ommon 7 v=� Council of the City of Musyke^go on this L � day or 1996 by Resolution No. 70 96 signed on this day of i1�lQ. ► 1996. r MAYOR CITY CLERK This instrument was dratted by Cary J. S GGivS�i''''% Sheet 3 of 3 Job No. 24320 �GARY I SMITH 2199 MILWAUKEE, WI