7960 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP0 • FORM NO. 085•A 00 &1KC!1dI Stock No, 26273 2104474 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Being a part of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 23, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. N07'R: a DENOTES 11W 24" IRON PIPS 1.13 LDS. PER LINEAL FOOT SST AT ALL LOT CORNETTS UNL.CSS NOTED OTIIERWISE. BEARINGS REFER TO 7'NR' WISCONSIN STA'I'1' PLANE CO --ORDINATE' SYSTE'1N SOUTH TONE'. NO PARCEL WITHIN 7'H15 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP SHALL BE REDIVIDED. UNPLA 7'7'RD 11OX BORN ORI vR 0 to '� GRAPHIC SCA1,1. � ,�E !�d s>:c 23-13-ao 0 60 100 200 ;t o I r1rG MUSKEGo !. A N D s VICINI T Y SKIS TCI-1 SCAT - -2000' -------- so_X--H_o-R-N------DR-1r-F--- .._.S01.8s 417" A S 01033'41 "" E . 52 N 01 133,41 " w - - lb01-d- - - - •p,d0 `�` Y7A.IJ0 � __--.- Gu, 3 1 uR 91 SIr CORNRR SS NX C01e .9R SR , ' t 1/4 Sh1C 80-d-80 r'x�10 tvvC-d-80 O �~ ` W 1���l. OP SA 1/! ,�a•xa^ CONC. MONUMENT ❑❑ \ ❑ ` O Sfh�' 80-b-PU .?2 ,811102b N a8d,d47;d9 N In biU j ❑ r� i` Q1a0d779 F �N ❑ Pd1�140.dd R' to 105.03 y S 01033,41 " R V n awcc +'!'ate w WELL CAP y 2110441 5 � 91104 Ilan 11 PL. 4TV 7H1S EN7MRE PROPERTY LIES WITHIN 7"HE SHORE- 185.00 LAND FLOODLAND JURIS- N 01 c'33143" W DIC770N LIMIT'S t` p S'CA LE: 1 "-15a' A GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY PUBLIC WORKS COMMIME PRIOR 7"0 ME MUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. UNPLA TTri P L A N D S WITHIN SIX MONTHS OF APPROVAL OF THIS CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP, THE 491 S.F. GARAGE STRUCTURE MUST BE MOVED FRAM PARCEL 2 rO PARCEL I M.E. No. 960053 S' 1704 7137" iw 80.37 � oCA � 4 %' a Ilk 'I (b REVISED FM 991 Sheet 1 of 4 .s ,4 FORM NO.9aA • • gam„ Stock Igo. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. MOLL - Being a part of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 23, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SuRVEYOR's-CERT1�11%CATS 1, Stanley J. potrykus, a Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That Y have surveyed, divided, and mapped a part of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 23, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said SE 1/4 Section; thence N 1° 33' 41" W along of East line of said SE 1/4 Section, 779.60 feet to the place of beg�nn�.ng of the lands to be described; thence S 880 26' 17" W, 314.25 feet; thence S 80° 27' 15" W, 61.97 feet; thence S 170 47' 37" W, 80.37 feet; thence S 870 53' 17" W, 343.80 feet; thence N 63° 33' 43" W, 344.00 feet; thence N 371, 37' 40" E, 100.00 feet; thence N 8710 26' 17" E, 365.00 feet; thence N 10 33' 43" W, 185.00 feet; thence N 871, 20' 37" E, 621.76 feet to a point on the East line of said SE 1/4 Section; thence S 10 33' 41" E along the East line of said SE 1/4 Section, 354.52 feet to the place of beginning. That I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Salavatore P. perrito and Michelle R. Ferrito, Owners of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter ordinance in surveying, mapping Date the provisions of Chapter 236 of the 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision and dividi same. Stani rykus, RLS, S-500 -S a STANl.BY J. p07RYKUS sta00 J WAU LVUt 1996 OWNERS' CERTIFICATE We, Salvatore P. Ferrito and Michelle R. Ferrito, owners, do hereby certify that We have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated, as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of. the City of Muskego Subdivision ordinance. We further certify that this map is required to be submitted to the following for objecting or approval: City of Muskego. IN THE PRESENCE OF,: Witness Witness r Ssl store P. Ferri o Mic elle errito Sheet 2 of 4 �%�V 2 low No. OSL!�A {t i nww • • stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Z_J Being a part of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section in the City of Mugkego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. 23, T 5 N, P. 20 E, STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss WAUKESHA COUNTY ) PERSONALLY Came before me this, O day of -��'• 11996, the above named Salvatore R. Ferrito and Michelle R. Ferrito, to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the a EG.2 I Y.. Notary Public -State of Wisconsin My Commigoion expires n 9q PLAID COMMI5SXON APPROVAL APPROVED by the Plan Comm'salon of the City of Mugkego by Resolution No. C. �o on t ' g��` day of f="e�bvuc�.+y ,15J6. Dava. Y nge �.s, Chairman Recording Secretary COMMON COUNCIL AP -PRO - AL APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of Mugkego by Resolution No. EW on this !' 4k dday of 1oeb,-4RVS& Dav d . eAngelis, Mayor J Marenda, City clerk tiss wr„ k..ho Co. w+ I 2104 474 ON �Ea NTAL.� PCVISEA PM ♦, 1999 Sheet 3 of 4 376 • • MM M 9B8•A • • �I�C,1Y1111q! Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. / Being a part of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 23, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE STATE FINANCIAL BANK, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping and dedication of the land described in the foregoing instrument of Stanley J. Potrykus, a Registered Land Surveyor, and does hereby consent to the above certification of Salvatore P. Ferrito and Michelle R. Ferrito, Owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said STATE FINANCIAL BANK has caused these presents to be signed by Jack J. Spoerl, Assistant Vice President, and Jeri Arndt, Personal Banking Officer, at Mu�kego, Wisconsin and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this v' day of _ j J-..._,� , 1996. Y, IN THE PRESENCE OF: Wi�ziess Witness STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY STATE FINANCIAL BANK JACK J oeri- r sis ce President Jeri ArjVfft, rsonaI An ing Officer PERSONALLY came before me this D day of , 1996, Jack J. Spoerl, Assistant Vice President and Jeri Arndt, sonal Banking Officer, of the above named corporation and acknowl ged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers of said corporation by its authority. NotalrT Public=�gtate obi s/consln My Commission Expires: PREPARED FOR: Salvatore R. Ferrite and Michelle R. Ferrite S140 W9341 saxhorn drive Muskegro, WI 531.50 PREPARED AY: STANLEY J. POTRYKUS METROPOLITAN ENGINEERINGF INC. 20875 CROSSROADS CIRCLE -SUITE 150 IWAUKESHA, WI 53186 This Instrument was drafted by Stanley J. Potrykus. A. a. 5 T SU'' ili`�► REVISED 1=11 , 1"s Sheet 4 of 4