7959 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPr N a � P ,SW. COR N.W.114 • • CER TINED SURVEY MA P Mo- cf.9 p^er uX 21VF j K.Y! E c 7Yi aA 29 r»J.JI✓ 5 a/DJx7�, RJaNc� ZO f•AS; /AF N 77V HclsJr�ErOI _ yjlgLK�+xJ1A GdL� udSCON1IA/- /a fa GJl.9OJJ/C SCAF6 d00 dcwC� = I'- ZOO' L�Ipt I?7'rf l322. a2 ppjaCEL It 7117 Ac. (S7E/ s03 .rm.fr.) rzoNEm�•� � a. Na f RJfinlwrr�T � titaRp r/LPI /OVI�D. rrep� rIL�pYI!_ 'b`� t.ID. = 3Jx-78 J7nt = wleC-e3'3D 4. 4 � � 5 h 7w 'q .3 7a. /7 1 A/- dd-Z3'Z?-G• Q i 4g� � e IV+vTi= jpW,r,g c .r+w O w 7 A� /Zi5 ZsL a c ►1 s hya .ra.�r- N �Ir rtr- Ar p to..3t i '90$ oc s7xi f. A sa • z - 3 B nJ< Iit JAG f2+Ev� r fog � t t o ■ J �- Z3'Z'"w 1.341 •O40 _! •, VJ S I aN Cc t+JfR� -.ArfMrrr r. p WWWA • L AYFFL lid j{AJF4i5l5ll RAC!/YE A1125 /y1US:rFSO 1 ✓I. 331-40 bi _ TNON.�/ "'BRASS CJ� SSE. CAq- NH! i/4 SFC.29-5-20 y.3za,6n.oz rrlS.57 pt.,CDDRa�S (S. 7ONEf x r".5-20 I a� , rrlr �co 4 LOGAT/ ON � F Paso I p,�ENar�s I"x Xg''+�orJ rrc, '".P.i Ofsfsi OItG. c .�/.oi;ltFts'E. � r li II •7 ,t+vo., +9SRst c,ra r /c3.7d oJ'•t a}• 10 1NTEP INE S JRVEY SERVICES, INC. 1122 HALES COP Q IVs 2195 1 s 0 N p RLd M I� •FORM NO. M-A Stock No. 26273 CURTXFTtD SURVEY MAP NO. 755 of a part of the S.E. 114 of the N.W. 114 of Section 29, Town 5 North► Range 20 East, in the City of Musiczgo, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) MILWAUKEE COUNTY)SS I G.ARY a. SMITH, registered land surveyor do hereby certit:y: THAT I have surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated a part of bbe S.F. 114 of the N.W. 114 or Section 29, Town 5 North, Range 20 Eaab, in the City of Musicngo, Waukesha County, Wiaconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said 114 Section; thence S.8802312911W., along the south line of said 114 section, 1.341.045 feet to a point: thence N.02008' 56"W. , 566.94 feet•, to a point; thenco N.S8023129"E., parallel with the south Line of said 114 section, 1.?41.75 rect to a point on the east Line of said 1.14 section; thence S.02004' 40"t:. , along said line, 566.93 feet to the point o-r commencnmenb. DEDICATYNG THEREVnOM the south 40 feet for public street purposes. I)tDICATTWO THEREFROM thorn portions per survey tor RACINE AVENUV, a public street. Containing $76 ,030 square feeh.,net. THAT I have made such .Land survey, division and map by bete dir► ation of LAUREL KAEBXSH and IONS X,AtnTSH, his, wtfr, owners of said land. TTTAT such map i,s a correct represenbati.on Of the OXterior boundaries of. the Sand surveyed and t1le land division trevoof madr•1 . THAT T have fully complied with the provisions of ChaptOr 236 of the Wisconsin Statute; and the 'land division ordinance of the City or Muslcego in survraying► dividing, mapping and dedicating the same. Dated! Navember..,Z%Ij,,,J 99 5 . G O Al ~ J SL.II7 iLWAUK - `qy sUr�J `��\` {;ARY . 'MITI ?•:LS-2!_'�5 OWNERS CERTTET.C4TF OF 13iflICA'TT.ON As OWNERS, we hereby corbif:y that we have causer' t1le ].ands described above to be surveyed, divi.deet mapped and dedicated a,i; represenbed on the plat. We also r.�-%rbtfy that this plat is required by S. 236.10 or 236.12 to be submi thrd to the f01 Zot; ink for approval or objection: CITY OF MUSKrCO. �lO ss>i 21044111 Mk►, - �t "CCna13 Tut: % ,teiir A.C.. 10 S`inot 2 of Job No. 24002 REGISTRA '5�� • FORM NO.OB8•A . mtLc 1tllar Stock No. 26273 CERTIVI Gn SURVEY MAP NO - of a part of the S.F. 1/A of the N.W. .1/A of Section 29► Town 5 North, Range 20 Fast► in the City of Musttngo, wau'resba County, Wisconsin. Witness the hand and seal Of said owners on bbis y of �e� uct✓► 1996. the xesence off. / JlaCC1Vt j W, (h -.7d, ^� �l wL,hunv,L KAE13xs" TONE KAEnTS11 STATE OF WTSCONSTM ) MTLWAUXEE COUNTY) CRS[?NAY,1,Y came 0C - r�� ► 1.99m> , the above TONE KAE13TSi-l► i.s crifo, to me 'cnotrn to be the f:arogoi.ng tnsbrument and 3c%now1-vegt:'d 11, berore me this `' flay named LAUREL KA'p!43M11101)a bile persons w `�� �r� �'.�r� •:� tbo same. J`.► "4."IJw4i �/nT t.�r.y Public► Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. My commiGGion oxplres _9 pL hNNTNC COMMTSSTON APPROVAL AppRO ED by the Man Commission day or airman +OVA 'P.4 pVdLIG Irv. - or bile City of Mu iceyo on this 1995: / Ad4v-, v�wr �ic7tr'�� Secretary GAMMON COUNCTI, APPROVAL ANn ACCEPTANCE OF inCDTCATION AppROVED by bbn Commoft Council and DEDTCATTON ACC]3E TEI) by the Common Council Of Ole City of Mus%ogo on this V°( day of '1Trxa.U..qMu. ► 19910 by Resolution NO. z-:3 Signed ont thin Z ! Y S daof 7c��,►ucxr-��_ 9 199 MAYOR 61 CTTV CLERK This instrument was drafted by Gary J. Smith. GARY J. - SMITH 2195 L%'V,\L'1C .i� WI ci'g Sheet 3 of 3 Job No. 24002 34.6r