784 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPi wCama31a, CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP SHEET ONE OF TWO SHEETS of a part of the NE-1 of Section 6, TSN, R.20E., City of Muskego Waukesha County, Wisconsin � 97,3 pF � o- 8 9 .4o' ' �a `'tea Q - D,END t'ES /"x z4'SRaN � 3 4g �sr• �. �, A13 #1.4IM t r 0 kq U w C,EA/TE) PARC44 �C I 94, 084.5t% S Q. Je � Ci io'0 h PA Rc.E� a4, o69-2s 54' Fr Cll'o A14C= 96.24' `b s?o VACgN r do 3 391 7/' �- S. 88Q34' W. 548. 46' //OT., RZ,4, tV 0 r E~ W f4 • 11V u%AS A5S•uME4 54E. We SEC. s-s AS S. 88`3o u/ ,' „WI A CCESS E1NP�Ar?� 'D •CANds a.OAIFTEMP. ACCE95 To TANS LR.;:'a TERMfN�� titii �i,,� To c u.c - 0,e-- S,QC iS -4 v.414 A e-4,� ...... c � / SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE CLAUDE C. STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) SS. Nl^d�,,�r�v, I, Claude C. Johnson, Jr., land surveyor, do hereby certify:;` THAT I have surveyed and mapped all that part of the Northeast One-c ak7bmrrr41;ction 6, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at a point on the South tine of the said Northeast one -quarter distant South 880 301 West 156.75 feet from the Southeast corner thereof; thence continuing South 880 301 West 391.71 feet; thence North .10 301 West 15.64 feet; thence 96.34 feet on tho are of a curve to the left of radius 60 feet, chord bearing North 120 301 East 86.32 feet; thence 62.83 feet on the are of a curve to the left of radius 60 feet, chord bearing North 630 30t West 60.00 feet; thence North 150 46' West 379.18 feet to a point in the centerline of Tans Drive; thence Borth 750 091 30" East along said centerline 137.97 feet; thence South 660 40' 30" East along said centerline 9:1.48 feet; thence South 4511 591 East along said centerline 459.34 feet; thence South 60 151 West 162.24 feet to the point of beginning, excepting and dedicating therefrom the Northerly 40 feet measured at right angles to the centerline of Tans Drive for road purposes. Also dedicating the following described cul-de-sac: Commencing at a point on the East-West one -quarter line distant South 880 30t West 548.46 feet from the Southeast corner of the 'said Northeast one -quarter; thence North 10 301 West 15.64 feet; thence 314.16 feet on the are of a curve to the left, chord bearing South 880 30' West 60.00 feet; thence South 10 301 East 15.64 feet; thence North 880 30t East 60 feet to the point of beginning. The above described cul-de-sac has a radius of 60.00 feet. SHEET TWO OF TWO SHEETS. THAT I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Emery W. Jensen and Lillian R. Jensen, his wife, owners of said land. THAT such map is a correct rapresentation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the Nand division thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and ordinances of the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing and mappZng the same. Date.- - January A0, 1968. Claude C. Johnso Jr.,.Land Surve or WAUKFMSHA LAND 5 VEYS, INC. O&W 'S =TIFICATE OF DEDICATION AS OWNERS we hereby certify that we have caused :the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped. and dedicated as represented can this map in accordance with the requirements of ordinances of the City of Muskego. WITNESS the hand and peal of said ers this day of Y �)Ak, 0AA Y , 1968. Emery W. tpinsen Li Zian R. JenserV STATE OF WI,SCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA } SS. Personally came before me this - day of J.AIV0A&l , 1968, the above named Emery W. Jensen and Lillian R. Jensen, his wife, to me knam to be the persons-T�ho exocuted the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. My commission expires: i' Notary Public, Waukesha County, Wisconsin PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL ppro yed �y the Planning Co,runission of the City of Muskego on this /9 day of .1968. Secretary This instrument was draft)d by Claude C. Johnson, Jr., Surveyor. w • • a i z J 4 i Lo it 0 CS 2 u s U , w Q W w a 100 U c " L]