7763 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPr`mw� FOAM NO. 995-A • • � YiG Fllfllef • Stock No. 26273 2056455 CERTIFIED SURVEY M4P Aw• BEING A PART OF THE NC.1/4 OF THE N W 114 OF SECTION 15, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WA U X ESHA COUNTY, W ISCONSIN GRAPHIC SG4LE iia 01025 50 100 � .�70 10 Scale: I•= 100, N.88-13'J4"E. _ _ - -zissA3 Zy't OF I/, SEC. rr. tr. Z o N W Ca N WI/4 SEC lS •/ %(� ° y w 1 i (QRISS PLUG1Lf►GI •� M SET ��i L£S 6 • V fdFL 5(�1 set �&SEq, � :J Q o �9 Z� ik u 4150 w W �y a 49.12 iiilll Q I C,oENOTES I "R 24" IRON RPF I. 13 Los. J LI N. FT 9EARI NGS REFER TO GRID NaRrH OF THE WISC. ST PL COORO'TE. Sys r IsOurH ZONE$ o W� "1 JIM FOSHEY ° f S79 W16503 WOODS RD. z I MUSKEGO, WI,S a _. ':OTr : This ;)z•n»crt %' ,} 1- tcs cntirrl•' within the ',ltnrelind-1-100 land Juris- , dictinnnl Linits of W County. O ���Cnrirtt�rllnrr��i N W g ARY J. i 2195 i Wi �Li .. INTERLINE SURVEY SERVICES, INC. 11221 W. FOREST HOME AVE HALES CORNERS, WISCONSIN 53130 PHONE 425-2060 70'� 5HED i I �MRCE L 1 193.839 so Fr I 2 _PARCEL 3 r as,.sz so. Frr y� z `° H o 6 � r u) r•. 1Mp h , Fa 139.71 of l00 OC 239.71— S.SW39*22 !! N P L A T T E O L A t 0 5 Fn NECurNWI/4SEC 15-5-20 ( BRASS PLUG I N 334.Z46.98 E, Z.303,e68V w+5 Sr PL CCORO� f S. IOIuf I Suhl7ittal Of a grading and drainage Min is required prior to the i Sslmnc. Of a building permit 17Or either pnrccl. SHEET I OF 3 Joe NO. Z3789 FORM NO. vaS A . • Stock No. 26273 C1:RTI FU*1) SU?;1'IiY 'IAA NO. 2-2—c---i hcitl- a dart of the N.Y. 1/-1 of the N.%. I/ 1 of Section 15, Town ; ':orth, Range 20 East, in the City of "it:sl:cgo, 1:'aul:espy Count,-, Wisconsin. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE: OF 11 I SCmNS I N) 519 1,11 LL''A1 KEE COUNTY)' I , CARY .T . S`1iT11, ren i st creel land st:r� c� or do hereby certify: THAT 1 have surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated a part of the N.U. 114 of the N J.% 1/-1 of Section 15•, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of '1ilslcr,o, 15as)ta County, Wisconsin, hounded and described as follow';: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said 1/1 Section: thence S.57009122"W., alont, the centerline of h'oode [load, 219.7S feet to the Point of beginning of the lands to he dcscrihed; thcncc S.01020138"E:., and Parallel to the east line of said I/•1 section, S53.86 feet to a Point; tllcncc S.S i°3:�'22"1►., at right anples to the previousline, 239.71 feet to n Point; thcncc N.nn'92'50"F., 7117.S6 feet to a point on the centerline of Hoods Road; thcncc `.;7*(19 "'-2"F•. along said line, 260.70 feet to the point of beginning. DEDICATI`C, THEREFRMI the northerly 3S fcct for pul,Iic street purposes. Containing 172,291 square feet after dedicat;on THAT I have made such survey, land division and mall by the direction of .TA'1F.S CARL FOSHEY and '),IRTA FOSHEY, Ili-, Wife, owners, of the above described lnnd. THAT such survey is a correct representation of the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed .and the land divisison thereof made. •E'II.1'1' I have filliy complied l:itli the pro�•isions of ('hapter 2.3fi of the ltiisconsin SC;lttltCs and the land division ordinance of the City of ,111sk-ego, in surveyeinr, dividing, mappingg and c)edicatin,!', the same. J&ne fv, 1995. v,SG O NSA GARY J. Siti " -_ 2195 VVI ��i 4,�f��•. S u GARY S'1TTII A?ZI.ti-21'�5 OWNFRS Ci wrIFICATE: OF DEDICATION AS OWNERS, we hereh%• certif}• that we have caused the lands dcscrihed above to he ;urvevcd, divided, maphcd and dedicated as repz•csented an the plat, l`'c nlso certify that this pint is recluircd by 5.2.3c;.1f1 or 236.12 to he suhnfittcd to the fallo"11'; for nl�l�i•ava) or ohicction; CITY OF ',111SKEGO. Shoot '- of .3 7oh No. 2.378,9 iJIJ n 00 • • 1oMnum opro E1 1� 114 REED MR RECORD IM '. L A.D . IQ ` , oum M 8