7725 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP4.y • • V4 • • IL T►t .NH. CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP ND. — -- PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF THE NORTHEAST 114 OF SECTION5, .COLLfG TOWN 5 NORTH,RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, W4UKESH4 COUNT If WSCONSIN 0 200 400 r Nmw 4 SECTION 3,T51J,R20E /�''r CUL UDE C. HNSON. JR. yr S 47651 NEW BERLIN MS. ',�9/��s"'wr�D �li,._ SUR 30UTN>s'EST CORNER OF TxF ND17T1I EAST 1 / 4 01 SECTIDV S CON C. NOW - GRASS CEP FOUND X-341,957 64 E _2,493,064.71 Q L LOO' I72.93' NORTH IDENTIFIABLE DIRECTION, 4 SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST �4e 114 OF SECTION 5, T5N,R20E, S88052 23 W, WISCONSIN g PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, . 1 GRID NORTH, SOUTH ZONE O r� 'rRa 3 96,083 SQFT 8+�1t��s�0 al -3 ��• n : m oe eoo 2.206 ACRES 13D 00.Rt o o` LOT I �. w I'& }" 163,3SO SR FT. o vitlt+Sc �i �' Rr 3.750 ACRES � a tirp aB i����fB• ;o y g� 633.40' 170. 70 • S8Ba52�23'�W � *��� IOOS.52•~ OWNER: 'e-UNPLATTED uN7s +i� sy y,i l,�%� ICI' Inez Miedzybrocki W192 S6601 Hillendale Muskego, WI 53150 /�� C. SJq. � 3964 sol p, s0�.• I h s = SOUTHEAST CORNER OF w� +v THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF PARCEL i PlRCEL ? j 4 v SEC77ON 5. CAST IRON ka y" •4.' +GNU. FOUND I 342, 019.6T I 2,495, T09.68 � V f _ NS lass.sl• DR _ LENTERLINE - S88°52'23'w 2645.66' SOUTH L11LE OF7wE NORTHEAST I/4 OF SECON 5 r $ JI r O Sheet 1 of 3 sheets. rQ��d GRAPHIC SCALE Ir-20D• a -INDICATES I-x -N" IRON PIPE, 1.13 LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT f. PF- INDICATES IRON PIPE FOUND SUBURBAN SURVEYS 8 ENGINEERING. INC. PLANNERS ENGINEERS COMPUTERS SURVEYORS 1407 E SUNSET MVE WAUKESHAI W153166 4I4-S42 -9;,i 4LAL&OA3TEQ LAARS , 8ss°51.5s0 E 10�3.3D 625.E+1 • 407. 98' mr 2 �0- *x ' THIS INSTRU41ENT DRAFTED 8Y CLAUDE C. JOHINSON,JR., RL S. S-0765 Dr. 0 0 0 FOAM NO.9B&A 0 P%.!rMW' Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. `72A5 Part of the SA of the NE4 of C. 5, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) I, Claude C. Johnson, Jr., Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that I have surveyed, divided and mapped all that part of the Southwest one -quarter of the Northeast one -quarter of Section 5, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Northeast one --quarter of Section 5; thence South 88052'23" West along the South line of said Northeast one -quarter 1600.26 feet to a point on the centerline of Hillendale Drive; thence North 15012130" East along said centerline 518.05 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel hereinafter described; thence South 88052123" West parallel to the South line of the Northeast one -quarter of Section 5, 1006.92 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of Racine Avenue (C.T.H."Y"); said point being on a curve; thence 259.77 feet along said East right-of-way line and the arc of said curve, radius of 11589.16 feet, the center of which lies to the West and a chord bearing North 00035'10" East 259.77 feet to the P.T. of said curve; thence North 88051'58" East parallel to the North line of the South one-half of the Northeast one -quarter of Section 5, 1075.30 feet to a point on the centerline of Hillendale Drive; thence South 15012130" West along said centerline 270.70 feet to the point of beginning, containing 270,261 square feet or 6.204 acres. Excepting and dedicating therefrom a strip of land 40 feet in width lying West of and adjacent to the above described centerline of Hillendale Drive for public street purposes. That I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Inez Miedzybrocki, owner of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Ordinances of the City of M 7ego, y surveying, dividing and mapping the same. Date: ;1 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION SUBURBAN SURVE & ENGINEERING, INC. Claude C. Johnson, Jr., �qi0765 rOHN �GOI`5������`� CLAU10E C. ON, M. ` 5-0765 { NEW E3ERUN W IS sUav As owner I hereby certify that I have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Ordinances of the City of Muskego. Sheet 2 of 3 sheets. FORM NO 9H5,A • i RmC miner Stack No. 26273 CEP111IrIED SUIWEY MAP Nn. 1 I-) Part of the SW.i Of the NE1.1 r, f Sec' r , Town 5 North, Rancle 20 1„-I5t, Ci.ty <,f Muskec3o, waukesha Cc,unty, V.Iisconsin f % clay o f ti �, 1�Fi tnes� the h,`>.nc3 andse��1 of said ntaner thi 5i c 1.995. in the t1resencc r,f : .- �"fir•? .lrT� r� �. 1_{_.� Inez M164-2ybr-ock.i T Srl'/lrl'L•: ()f' 1: ] S�'(1NSiv} SS COUNTY (T 1•.:A1IKESHA) k=h i .cla C)f _ , l �i95, lG�� } �C�11=` t ll� 11 11 +ln,• 1 511,','. tn mc� 1,ncn�n ,W be tj-jc .-��e1-�cln whc, r•::� c ut, ,l L}1 fc1r,` I" i ny tl"lliil('[jt .-Intl ri6:nm :citicaecl _L1Yr' 7nlc. - --- --_ Puhl i.c ,� . La :; , �tl�[,1�'+�'c�rl l�s.' =.11,' T�]:111 �'rs1+11111�:;1rs1Z r)f' t:111' C'lt_\• r,t ,'•;ll;;}',��r�rs ri[1 t-111` lsCll !:1\" ''t I kills' i'i 1`�''111•! ±.r il:?1{•-1 i _,_l,ht�ll��/11, f%")s)1-r,,•,''I l� • 1 11.• ('r)l,llilr,il Cr,l lette M. 1\1etlz C)1111(_i.1 r)r the Ci-ty rll' Piuskerio on this 1 991-1 . D,IV 1 cl T'� City Cl.cr}: 00 00 ,s vood"o oR.1M1 1 DAY M. R RECO!IDEO REGISTER y�, r;