7651 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPFORM NO. 985-A g HG minx" Stock No. 26273 Z0,33e94 cER rt tc- v SURvE ), MAP N u.,�� 6G1Ivr. A ^1RT of rHE s: E. I/-1 Or r�E ME to 4 OF SFMOa 7 r01VN Aorer! I, r4/? NGE f 0 FA 5 r X rNE O rY 06 AfU5K1.uV,I1 orluni 5H/1 Cc'YJIVrY, W/5CON.S'IN 0 0 INTERLINE SURVEY SERVICES, INC. 11221 W. FOREST HOME AVE HALES CORNERS, WISCONSIN 53130 PHONE 425.2060 G.Q4PiV/C ScgGi o /d ?S �a b0��� r70 ti7nn �en.4e.I.: / ^/oo� z4CAr/dw MAP X044I: /11dda, O - Z Aac' 0� V tv w c�r...,rF�e.• I N OV ,� s7,0 a0 gdao A.I mo 04. V ,y 'oW"r*rrrr,4 &'O-r. � ,C•j /-r0 I P ° Note, "Assessments for 4 improvements to Parcels 1 1; 2 will fie made when road improvementsN are completed." ��p �� ml R7 �{ R � �I Q v v t slr- ti 0 :fdY n m 0 00 e+Al p �- 5.87'rj� �� 393.49 o�c a CIA/ Ire PARCEL I 130, lip • -S& do. Er: J. coo Ar- ( I.vct. ,eo.re,evw.) i2c, A * 0 JO. FT. Aft7- Ai-- — — --1 74 A az 1` secs \rear I►.f Rr7+7 I 396. 26 *67"0033' E• , 4¢ 2y 4 PA RCEL 2 COAe r /6?, 940. SB So. 1 J. 7-50 A B. ! (/nNcl• 4.fjresr? ,049, 9 zS So, fr, Nor 10 .rr %ate s'p 4 04.10 fa a E. ov ot� r45 W6715�.5� Ll Vor0-rW. V�% v'Q AE CEL / C. -r Af. -- � � FIELD s 4•. "•'rr J��• oRIV£ - _ z4y8,o8-- s5z.z9 i ,ryE6T/GB3o ✓o,y M7 i A' w 00 FOAM NO, 985-A 00 Fl FT aktr Stock No, 26273 CF.1:'I' I F I Ell c11u1'1;11' .'1AV NO. _!L_�21__ hC1111', .1 hart or t11C' `,outI,eaSt I/•I nr the ':ortI e.,St 1/4 or Section 7, Toi,:n , North, 1'ange 711 F.ist, in the City OF '11isl:e!"o, 1''a1II:eSha Count"', '': i scans i n, Stm%,r.ynrdS CERTT F I CATF STATE, OF 19TSCONS I `) 'I11,1'1AI11:iifi Cnllti'I Y 'S 1, RA`:11OLPH I„ 1.1F:11 SK 1 , rep* i stcrvd l and surveyor (in herchy cert i Fy: 'I'11AT I 'lave sllrveved, divided and Inn 1)pcd a Bart of the Southeast 114 or the `;nrthenst IAA of Sect inn 7, Town 5 North, Range 20 Fast, in the r'ity of "uskeyo, WnuLpshn County, I,'i sennsi.n, hnunded and descri lied as 1'nl I o s : Commencing at the Southvnst corner o" said l/d svetinn; thence S.S7'OWMN. , g 5.2.,211 rest to a point; thence N.010S71011M , 65 l ,17 feet to the point or beg! nninp of the lands to he described; th:•nce cont 111111Yin N.0103710i11W,, 07N,39 Out to n po1tit ; thence S.S-0"lr air1' i2o,5n Met to n point; thence S.110 t3112"E., 67".27 Crvt to a point on the North line of PAr'EL I t'r:'?TIMID S11F'.vuv iNP %(". 11^rl• thence N47000135"11,, along*, said line, 437,11 Fec•t to the point or hcl; i nn i nq. izFs zviNc '1'111i121irr.wl the Fasterl y 3i feet for h11h1 i c street purposes, T11AT T linve rlade t11i s "IIrve.-,, l.111 d i v i s i n11 and Illa11 t'le IIi1•cctioil of I)nNA1,11 A. Sii'GF.!, :111d '1A!ZZV It Sii:rl;i'., his 1:ifr, nt:'nrrs nf' said land. THAT such mip 1s n correct: rclire,entntion 017 al t11e 0xrv1,ior l,oundarics of the land surveyed and the land division thereoc rin4p, '1'[IAT I have FuI 1 y compl i ed t; i th the Drat• i s i nlls of' chapter 2.;r; of the t'lisconsiu Statutes .and the land division ordinance or the !'it,' of ."IllsLe!to, 111 surve.vill!+, dlVidi1117 and 1r1a1111ing the Sa'fle, hated: June I.,. V KESHk 1 ulI111tRt1►11��RA: Do i ,1' 11 L, RA VA L S 1; 1 LL Q 1, S- 1 nt,1NFQS CliRTIViCATI', 1S rl1'lNF1;!;, we herehy certiFy that we cansrd the laird descrihvd oil this plat to he surveyed, divided, and dapped as rci reselited oil tile. I1lat. ''le also curt!ry taht this Mat is i•erj"ircd W, S, S6,11) or 236.12 to he submitted to thr 1'nllow! ny For nnprnvnl or ohiec•tion: Ulm 6 Elam FV 1RSNlI M .J.� J •Ie;ticR,��.�. !10 ��c�lrn�i is .�' S FORM NO.OBS•A Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SRUVEY !IAP NO. being a part of the Southeast 114 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of "iuskego, Waukesha County, Vi.sconsin. Witness the hand and seal of said owners on this }y`' clay of — �_ 1 9 n 5. In the presence of: STATE OF W I SCONS I N) IVAI)KI S[IA CnwITY)SS of �- i-i. -� , MARY N'. STECER, his wife, the foregoing instrument it(1NAi..I A. S I I: ;EIt w H —A Off - ! 0, C, I T. r, r I PERSONALLY came before me this I:rytf'' (1, 1995, the above named Iln"1.+ LD A. STFUR and to 1ne l:noirn to be the persons who executed and acknowledoed the same. ,,otary 11,u1)1 i c, Plnukesha County, I"isconsi.n, 'lv C01,1111 i.s5 ion expireti PLANT? INr, (:n!I`IISSTnN APpItn Al. APPRnVI'll by the Plan of the Cite of .'lushego on this 19th clay of I'ebruary 199q. � � 9 David L. De Angelis Collette i.rr+rl:t J Collette M. Klenz Secrc ar}' Cn'HMN' ('01INCI L APPQOVAI, AI'PI:[lVED lti), the Cotylrtnn Council of the Cite oP 'luskogo on this filth .Any of April , 199s, 10' Resolution No. - 63-95 _-- Signed on this 13th d,ny n P April Tyr''• al�'J' David L.` vc-Arlgelis 'IAYf)17. Je� K. llarenda CT'C`' r1,1;►2}: . effimm"fflTmry����i This i nstrnment was drn Ftvd by Rnndnl nh L. RtI a l sk i . ""RAMSKI �s .� Shoot n" .inl, ?tio. Ionsn N