7592 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP1 ' LJ ch K C4 %0 CV O • • CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NQ, t r; .9c/afc, A AA.Q7 cF 7w e- s E. 114 or 7NE N. L'. //4 c+F SECTloN IE� 7-0weN 5 NORTN/ +�'pNG� zp E.4.sr� iN THE C(Ty t'FM4JKtc:U klaUlcEsl�q Dun/Ty' W! X C 0 nls i/�: ' o - - —- G X'q.�H / c sc'91- E - -- .013 30 ,'ao ion you Goa scHCE . ZOO' O_L,E�aTcs /"x Lj* VVcrL RA,0 ANo Fs OOp P( qti/� �/FORM.eT�JN 4 /.f' FRCvJH(./N/L/?qL 1jE[D.CpS. A 7L19c }yLr4.4NQS ArjL To 3E O f:UYN oc IT'y AT A Cwr4 � n..arE. �t NE N/�: N k/ATLR MAl2 /G OF T3/L: TL r-r (M Y ca/s �/� c✓1 �.C+'C L/ES LT'WEt'N TJlE �j TlJs CORNL/rx C'N"'e 'Q. o TWE MC�NJI/Z� .A/Z. 77i,— .NlANAC/t Lw/IL /J Z� �Y/CRTjJ of R THE qeF srr� c�7t�.r. dw v.r Y� ai a,ir rcr IJ /4 r J✓/P� g 5 � i u Z 0 M 0 v ti L r ofu ►. *I Q V V V 4 Q J _ ! L .4 -v '0 s N b �1 ✓0'v"v ac/N O y 31.19 -- s.8 t!'35W. rl 1 S 35.59 .l • '� "sr/rry � �v✓.vE-e ' , ram, � r„ ;-a us cus, .i.P. 572, N/z4P7 -cs: ron/��n1 ,'-AP v,✓Q.O '� (ti HU.: dCC bO.:J/s. S3 jS0 ct'�. o .r4 h .o * . Oj� N.E 414 SEC. +1 (ORAtx "Doi) r MM c /r S PARCEL ! ry ti _ �,o ; 2 ` v (z/G, Z A 2 SO. FT.) a iO�N R. 1�FlN a LOCRTION MAP W %UNi( �TfSCHLE / s ZOGO fcT.. 71 Y.es �+ I� rrf'. b "r)S• 88'49�24 w ,rMc. Ir6 �, 30R73.ti Z•,a•ort /a. ye. "goo. 793.49 e r![( A7 7 f ScPlr c '" `\\ MFrac slut t-' Sv ra. s 0 r, t ti /oYAP.1 G /NG 2ESS i! 2 ESS cEM� 4N� + T W11 Go�2NER-� , \.•_ \ ZiL 2 (:)oA 17 � Conr .tT!P87` a -Fr:) la la ACBis UN A/.a M t a Lt E•LC > v • � P■ r'EJS CaRNtRf [,IEGK 7e.1 AL A C r f c o O \ Z � O •* � G 4 :7E AN064 6i4/E � 4 � � ,5.15�31�liwl s'ei�. v \ O �1Yjy D' Y -- 1328. dd� E r L A A'0—� ( A H D S u Iu I1 A 7 T EA 1 y "30 J Z INTERLINE SURVEY SERVICES, INC. 11221 W. FOREST HOMESI AVEHA! E5 CORNERS. 0 53i30 z1va ?HONE 425-225-2050 OWNER ✓C#A/ HEIN .s 7? w1zys an R•Elis tQOAD _ 1f,7 _I a a • k a ! 4o � V J e Y �e Y N ° � e � S ti 0 o � Wi • l`'1 � � ks - 1111 V J 457.8 ,�sm 2195 WLWAUKEE �q4 lily I ,,�a S U lee FCRV P.') A se • siH.C.fildlCr Stock No. 26273 CF7TII'T17D Sl'F 71:'7 1AP ':n. � beinq c. Fart of the S.I:. 1/4 of the '1.I:. 1/4 of Section 12, Town 5 'north, Panoo 2 rl East, in the City of Ituskego, 1,7atr :eshn Cmint%, wisconsin. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE 5'1'!1'1'I: OF 1.17)CnuSI?l)SS '1IL1.'AUKI:F COUNTY) I, C;i�P.Y J. S'1TT[[, rc-listercd land sur�.�c•'or do hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed, rlivic?ed and ma,, a nZrt of. the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/11 01P Section l:?, To 5 North, Rancie 20 East, in the Citv of '1uskerm, T-!aukesha County?, Wisconsin, bounded and descr. ibocl as fol lM ,; Commencing at the Southc,,-ist corner of said 1/4 section; thence ,4.01010' 30"W., �-llornc; the east line of saicl 1/4 section, 'I32.C,.1 feet to the point of bo dnnir-T of the lands to 'be doscr. il)nd; thence continuin(l '1.01010'36"l•r., alono swirl line, 76-1.19 feet to a r)nint; thence S . 12()49' 24'1W. , 300.73 feet to a point; thence 179.72 feet to a point; thence '1. 77c'101 35"1:. , 200.00 foot to n point; thence I3.12041'51"E., 237.30 feet to a point on tine centor line of Tess Corners ]toad; thence N.62c'10'2n)"1•:. , aloncr said line, 451.9 t feet to :� point; thence S. r71ol.G' 12"I,. , 1125.60 feet tc, a point; thence S.R7019135"h1., 53c�.`�9 foot to a noint; thence S.01010' 12"E. , 332.31 feet to n 1-)oint; thence `1. 17020' 24 "I'. , 1329. 06, feet to the point of beRinninR. RESFRVI?V(1 TI EREFRO'l the nor.thcrD., 50 feet `'nr 1)ublic str^(at trnr�s:,r. Containincl 791,9`117 THAT I have made Such -Jancl gurs7n-, di,:'i.inn �-Incl h- the direction of ,'Tnmz I2. ]II TiI, .Tnsl,ri, T,TI'. A':1) I.1USKi1S, o%,'nrrs of said laden. TI111,`i' such ^,an is a correct ro,,)rr_--c,ntition of t;1C c:-:terror bounclaries of tic land surve'.'ecl 7ado. THAT I have full%l com,�I.icd �!i.th the provi;ionF; nF Chav,te;- 2'C of the 4%isconsin Statutes and tho larlci division orcli.nance n` the City of '1uSkenn in surveyirl(r, clivi ?int and mzlnnimc the Bated: 1)ecomher 20, 1994. RT,S"-2195 O11NEPS Clil:] 1' I I'I(,. TI" lS C)I:�?1:d�S, t,rc ]lrrch� certif�� that tin ha17cl carn�ecl tale 1ZnC3s dcscrillctil on this to he Surweyecl, ml-Ir?)OCI as re"rosentecl nil thi7' r�1at, I al_sn ccrt_i_fv that this 1)1_at iS recruirc'c3 by S."')6.1.0 nr 2'(..12 to be sul)rni.ttecl to the fnllnwinn F01- at�l7rn.al nr nl�jecti.nn: CITY 01' ilc'rk. of 3 WEIVID FRI PIrMil T01 _:...:. AT ,nh ,r,, :? 351 7 • i FORM NO, 983-A Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MP NO. 'j-6J 00 being a part of the S.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of Section 12, Town 5 North, Ranee 20 East, in the City of fluskedo, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Witness the hand and seal of said owners on this day of , 1995. In the Presence of: A STATE OF WISCONSIN) WAUKESHA COUNTY) SS PERSONALLY came before me this MT+ day of ;Tnyt/�'( ern yr , 1995, the above named JOHN R. 11EIN, JOSEPH J. 14US US JR. and CHERYL L. MUSKUS, to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and ack the same. 77 Pl18��c 2 RM R. � Notary Public, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. T c, Tel} 4�t tiv commission expires �— j PLAN COT'MISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by the PlanCommission of the City of Muskego on this 3rd day of JanucIry 1995. Plan Commission Secre-eary Collette t;, Klenx COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of P,iuskego on this day of , 1995, by Resolution No. AXOR JefK. marenda CITY CLERK in David -L. De Ae-1ix� O POR ! V rG 99 4P O N� This insrument was draft ±'c�' (7ary J. Smith. Sheet 3 of 3 ,lob No. 23517 PARY1 1 mmi 2195 RACINE O., ,: ti