7434 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPLOT 1 GROSS 7.7735 AC. 138.G19 S.F. (7.743 AC. (337,294) S.F 1. 2 FT 0'4 1Do YR. FL LAIN LIMIT'S PARCEL 1 kXR CSM N0,1fi �N 2'17'17"W LANDS N8757'19"E O` dAARCEL 5 NGMNO.15 MEANDER OORNER N�Losa) 331.428.20 E 2,513,024.16 1 19 sb 14'0(o CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO -- PART OF THE SW 1 /4 OF THE NW 1 /4 OF SECTION " TiRTOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO. WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN N/W COR SEC 13-5-20 CASTIRONC U. N 334.538.05 E 2.511.89&12 IDENTIFIABLE SECTION LINE - -WEST LINE OF THE NW 1/4 SEC. 13, T5N. R20E.. ASSUMED BEARING S 00 '00' E (WISC STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. GRID NORTH. SOUTH ZONE) -& = MEANDER CORNER 9 13-5--20 g■ CASTIRON ONU• W/BRASSS CAP N 333.130.54 `. E 2.511.926.37 N W E S 0 200 I \ I I WEST LINE NW 1/4 SEC. 13 T5N., R20E., EXTENDED. GRAPHIC SCALE 1" - 200' 400 O - INDICATES IRON PIPE 1' x 2e. 1.13 LBS./LJN.FT. SET • - INDICATES IRON PIPE FOUND R - RECORDED AS NOTE: ENTIRE PARCEL WITHIN 100 YEAR FLOOOPLAIN LIMITS NOTE: LOCATION MAP ON PAGE 2 NOTE: SEE DETAIL ON PAGE 2 ��?kk S40042'43"VI i 171.81' 1454017'17"W I 20.50' S40'42'43"W 54.00'71J UNPLATTED io I LANDS /03 OWNER: CITY OF MUSKEGO W182 S8200 RACINE AVE. MUSKEGO. WI. PREPARED BY: RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. W239 N1812 ROCKWOOD DR. WAUKESHA. W. 53IN 'RICHARD •' EO MARDT ; �r S-1751 WAUKESHA, 40 Richard A. Eberhardt, RLS 1751 N54'17'17"W !� 26.50" 40'42'43"E 39.96, n ED X,13.16' WETI.AND BOUNDARY ' AS DELINEATED BY D.N. APPROX. 100 YR.— FLOODPLAIN LIMITS I •� WATER ELEV. 771.8 I (U,S.G.S.) 2/9/1994 SOUTH LINE NW 1 /4 SEC. 13 LT5N., R20E., EXTENDED. 97.27 '� 8E '�NMP1 TE0) UNPLATTED SE'C 13-5—�2o0R (IN MARSH) NOTE: 1O0 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION 774.1 rig 1 errs rVUA a FdMWv UAD V YM1 FILE 1624 CER7IFlED SURVEY MAP NO — FART OF THE SW 1 /4 OF THE NW 1 /4 OF SECTION 13, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST. CITY OF MUSKEGO. WAUKESHA COUNTY. WISCONSIN LOCATION MAP NW 1/4 SECTION 13. T5N. R20E I DETAIL �`a - -%-.�104 ZL all it Richard A. Eberhardt, RLS 1751 + 1p Fro MR 2.40'S N54@17'17'W 20.50' g� • Ott• � �_p ��• SHED � ►P f f /• f J WETLAND BOUNDARY AS DELINEATED BY D.N.R. DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES '1 0 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE 1r�5W � 54'17'1 �"w .50 '42'4�E 8'J��6� ` 2 FT ABOVE 100 YR. oao'� y FLOODPLAIN LIMITS ais'w APPROX. 100 YR. `` \ FLOODPLAIN LIMITS � \ . `' CON RICHARD A.': \ s , 5-1751 WAUKESHA. FILE # 1624 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY RICHARD A. EBERHARDT PAGE 2 OF 4 O CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO -- q r OF SECTION 13, TOWN 5 PART RANGE 0 EAST. CITY OF US EG04 WAUKESHA COUNK TY. WISCO SIN STATE OF WISCONSIN) (SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) We. Ruekert & Mielke, inc., Registered Land Surveyors, do hereby certify that at the direction of the Owner, we have made this survey being a part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 13, Town 5 North, Range 20 East. City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows. Commencing at the Northwest 1/4 corner of said Section 13; thence South 01*09,000 East along the West line of said Section 13, 1407.88 feet to a point on the Westerly line of said Section 13, also being a Meander Comer. thence South 54'41'33" East, 924.15 feet to the point of beginning of the lands hereinafter described; thence South 40`42'43" West. 171.81 feet; thence North 54'17'17" West. 20.50 feet; thence South 40'42'43" West. 54.00 feet; thence continuing South 40'42'43" West. 733.40 feet to the South line of said Northwest 1/4 of Section 13 extended; thence North 87`27'18" East along said South line extended, 941.99 feet; thence North 05`02'17" West. 159.51 feet; thence North 32`17'17" West, 462.00 feet; thence North 48'17'17" West. 83.16 feet; thence North 40'42'43" East. 69.96 feet to the centerline of Durham Drive; thence North 54`17'17" West, along said centerline, 26.50 feet to the point of beginning containing 7.7736 Acres (338,619 Sq. Ft.). more or less of land. Net area excluding lands dedicated for Public Road Purposes is 7.7432 Acres (337,294 Sq. Ft.). That we have made this survey. land division and map by the direction of the City of Muskego, Owner of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That we have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing and mapping the some. D , • 3 RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. r A y Richard A. Eberhardt, RLS 1751 vttloltliftoff,,, �.�`` gGOHB '�•. .•*RICHARD A.• ; EBERHARDT t S-1751 WAUKESHA. .' : •. W1 18SURv1 FILE # 1624 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY RICHARD A. EBERHARDT PAGE 3 OF 4 1 _�oPI ? F1 6AS � am CT 00 We Al "I~ Y .,����1 RVEY MAP NO — J�— P 3, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 0 EAST CITY OF US EG04 SECTION OF 1 WAUKESHA V UNTY, WISCONSIN As OWNER we hereby certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided.C� fled Surveyedicated as Map is requirrepresented to beon this submitted to map. As CityNoEfR, we certify that thi Y Muskego for approval. WITNESS the hand -and seal of said OWNER 19to In the Presence of.. STATE OF WISCONSIN) (SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) PERSONALLY came before the above named officials Persons who executed the APPROVED Chairman the Plann galls, this day of De Angelis. Mayor Je K. Marenda, Clerk me this day of -- --� 19Q of the City of Muskego. to me Vnqwn to be the foregoing, Instrument and acknowledged the some. My ggmmission Exp Public, W kesha County, Wl. mission of the City of Muskego on this 19th 199.►_�� ,roibtte Klenz, Secretary APPROVED by he Common Council of theCity4City of Muskego on this day of .� — �� 964660, •gC�OWB'`• EBERHARDT S-1751 z WAUKESHA, W � '•Q` 0,10006600 1?N4*WV% rsu u�.%► %%%;% 1 FILE # 1624 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS v0�`p0�ATF Is, Mayor J6h K. Marenda, Clerk DRAFTED BY RiCHARD A. EBERHARDT PAGE 4 OF 4 ON 9AM Y3V51 [s m 'S . ..C�-IAN rm"D ,HTFION a 14WOT Xt MOIT032 30 4\r WV1 3HT 30 #\r W2 3HT 30 TRAq M12MOO21W ,YTMUOQ AH23NUAW ,003>12UM 30 YTIO ,TZA3 OS 3014AFI NOrTAO1039 30 3TAO19IT.93Q 2'R314WQ ad of evodo bsdhoesb bnDI srtf beeuDo evorl aw forlf yNhoo ydeiarl aw ,A314WO eA aw ,9314WO eA .qom eirlt no batnsesigsi eo bstDo€bsb bnD bsggom• ,bebivib ,bs(sv lue to yJ13 sdJ of beffimdue ad of baiiups7 ei qoM vsvlu2 bsttitisO eirdt Jodi Vtifiso .IovciggD lot opeAeuM _ to vDb e� eirlt Si3iMV0 b€De to ID9e bno bnod erl! 23VITNV a er a io<DM ,eilapnA s0 r17913 ,obna-uaM .?l lu aL .to eonaeeicl edt nl (Ml2HO32W 30 3TAT2 22) (AH23)IUAW 30 YTWUOO et to xob _ eirif am sfotad.smoo Y.1JAM02S13q Of ad of nwong am of ,opeAeUM to V.110 erdf to elDioltto bemon evodD adf .emoe arlt bapbelwonAoo bno tnamulterd,pnlopeiot 961 betuoexe odw snosllaq V.% —70; 10, 3OAq esiigx3 no€eeimV.M .IW ,YfnuoO ndeeAu ,oilduq Y'TDfo elrit no opsAeuM to v.fiO erit to noieeim a e r % -- ,snel>l attelTo: XIDIOID92 ninnolq adf Xd 03V05iggA tuL to 1(Db i I ,ellepn blvD0 noRniDr1O eirit no opageuM to XtiO adf to IionuoO nommoO edl Yd (33VOflggA .1woM ,ei )halO ,DbnoiDM .?I TafIAHA383 .A OfiAHOIA Ye 03rusa 2AW TW3MUFIT2Ml 2lHT nat. 134ri -