7339 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP_ a w ►� FORM N0.9BS-A Stock No. 26273 1956803 a I ,x,_ tiv?i.mE`HK CCLIr1Tr ,EkTIF;E1 .yVFvE7 HAP IM-PEP M L)lvlSlt;rl +:F PAPI-EL P OF CEPTIFIEU SJ PVEY I tr.i rOL1_a tE `' 272 All) 11PLATTE(' LAIVS 11 THE r'JGF'THWEST ONE QUARTER al;l() ;,-,l ITHWEST 1AJE I?, 1APTER '�F THE SOUTHEAST 41f QIJARTEP OF :E"TIGr,l +. TC)WIJ"3HF' r- H-;,PTH. PANNE 20 EA;T TJ TFE -1T7 OF hri1 I:EGU. WAUKESHA OkliTf. WlSS`0rJSlN THE f�EFEPEHCE HEPIC.I-.FJ I: THE WEST LPIE OF THE SOUTHWEST Gr'IE QUJ� P.TEP C>F ::ECTICI-J 5 GE EEAP1113 N 02' u4' 41- W STATE PLANE C06FLIMATE SYSTEll. ,OFJTH 70NE C,P(,. EEAF�JC� ' • - r BY 24- P014 PFE AT Il.ls,'FT GET IILE"', VOTED *; . 2.4932.02 =.493320.20 NIR CORNER SE 129.5-20 CON[. SSON. 6RA23S3 CAR o = OWNERS: DANIEL AND SHERRY KRUEGER W195 S10084 RACINE AVENUE MUSKEGO. WI SURVEYOR: ROBERT N. RETZLAFF 4842 N 88TH STREET MILWAUKEE. WI 53225 ' 414-464-4638. 414-464-6101 FAX C 1 645.37' RADIUS. 104.58'ARC. 104,47-CHORD. N 83-44'23'E CHORD BEARING s! BACK TANG. BRG N 88' 22' 56- E FOR TANG. BRG. N 79' 05' 50- E DELTA ANGLE 09- 17- 06- C / L_ DEBACK DRIVE 0 - R - 30, R/TI TO C/L. FREY{WSLY OE01 GTE0 V - •Ee-c 294.85' 200 00' 11 1 s s 4d, Y, 1 --.-yam t,M1• "'� •3G.�1}' w.rwndygruwy S 1Qr f � yu LOT 1 4 LOT 2 7.� w f, in a C{' 4 N O U. 44 FOOT DRAI NA CE EASEhtEM' _,i�o--q�Hro rr�+n�+a ssr ox cr xE I VPLATTSD LANDS OF �� TOfIER I � 14ROS S 88'31'06-W 399.05' 0R SE "A 29.5I-70 T LOCATION iAA/l NO SCALE 1.0? AREAS LOT I l0.163 30VARE FEET OR 1.0403 ►CPES lOT 2 60.f66 SOVARE FEET QA I.l404 ACFSS TOTAL 160.331 MARC FEET OR 3,6107 ACRES 118.005.11 W2 93093.26 STI CORNER SE 114 29.5.20 CONC, WN, IRASS CAP W EX. ! P ��t�i�ll�lfiltF 1. P Z o 50 Iowa 200 SCALE I INCH - ONE HUNDRED FEET ip f61 • FORM NO. 985-A • • V !iC lunar Stock No. 26273 WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP -NUMBER ! � BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL B OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP VOLUME 5, PAGE 232 AND :PLATTED LANDS IN THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER AND SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF IRE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 05 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN SUI+VEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS MILWAUKEE COUNTY I, Robert N_ Retzlaff, registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed, divided and mapped a division of Parcel B of Certified Survey Map Volume 5 page 232 and unplatted lands in the Northwest One Quarter and Southwest One Quarter of the Southeast One Quarter of Section 29, Township 05 North, Range 20 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest Corner of the said Southeast One Quarter; thence S 02a 04' 41" E, along the west line of the said Southeast One Quarter, 1015.00 feet; THENCE N 880 22' 56" E, 33.00 feet to the place of beginning of the Lands to be described at the point of intersection of the east right of way line of C.T.H. Y with the south right of way line of DeBack Road; thence continuing N 88* 22' 56" E, on the east right of way line of Deback Road, 294.85 feet to a point of curve; thence northeasterly on the arc of a curve in the east right of way line of DeBack Road, 104.58 feet, said curve having a center of radius lying to the north, radius length of 645.37 feet and a long chord of 104.57 feet bearing N 83*44' 23' E to a point on a curve; thence S 020 04' 41" E, and parallel to the west line of the said Southeast One Quarter, 409.99 feet; thence S 880 31' 06" W, 399.05 feet to a point on the east right of way line of C.T.H. Y; thence N 02' 04' 41" W, and parallel to the west line of the said Southeast One Quarter, 400.59 feet to the place of beginning_ SAID lands containing 160,331 square feet or 3_6807 acres 'PRAT I have made this survey, land division and map at the direction of Daniel and Sherry Krueger, OWNERS OF said lands. ','HAT I have complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Control Ordinance in surveying, dividing, mapping and dedicating the same. THAT this certified survey map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. DATED this 25th day of March, 1994 REVISED this 10th day of April 1994 THIS instrument drafted by: Robert N. Retzlaff ,,,�ytuialr"litAr 4842 North 88th Street ..... ��ei.Milwaukee, WI 53225 l•+ '-OWNERS CERTIFICATE �OB�RT N. go, go, Daniel and Sherry Krueger OWNERS, do hereby certify that We have f R ET71_AFF -p used the lands described in the foregoing certificate of Robert N. atzlaff, Surveyor, to be surveyed, divided and mapped in accordance ith the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Control Ordinance. 'rr- ••'• �j WITNESS the hand and seal of said OWNERS on this day of 1994. qzd'4� l W SS niel Krueger Page 2 of 3 Pages %9D • 0 FORM NO. 985-A • • F SITa- Stock No. 26273 WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NUMBER '] BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL B OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP VOLUME 5, PAGE 232 AND UPLATTED LANDS IN THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER AND SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 05 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN OWNERS CERTIFICATE CONTINUED STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) PERSONALLY came before me on this day of QQaLL _ , 1994 the above named Daniel, and Sherry Krueger, OWNERS, to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. • _ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES '7 n- Notary6bublic CITY OF MUSKEGO PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED b the CITY OF MUSKEGO Planning Commission on this -tth day of 1994 by Resolution Number P.C. /0`.9- �-_ AV to'llette M. Klenz DiVia L. Lie delis, Mayor RECORDING SECRETARY CHAIRMAN CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL on th l��_ day of 1994 B LUTION U- 4 J K. Marenda `�,. De Atelis CI CLERK MAYOR PAGE 3 OF 3 PAGES pop ;pR ERT Nl* AI SI S R S BRICE ) rt 1951$803 'o; wn FVR RECORD Tit dl..nt AW