7293 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPCERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO 8E ING A REDIVISION OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 705N 17 ANDTOWN5 UNpLATTED LHANDS IN PART OF THE NE 1 /4 OF THE SE 1 /4 OF RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF TuIUSKEGO. WAUKESHA COUNTY. WISCONSIN1�M� �C�� LINE i EAST L1NE � THE SE 1 /4 SEC. 17. T5N. R20.. ASSD 1�EARING QO TY OF YUSKEGO S 00'34'13' E (W�ISC STATE PUWE COCWNATE VR82 $a= RACINE AVE. S1'STE11, C:BD NORTH. SOUTH ZONE} UUSKE00. W- C.S.M. NO. 7050 0 - INDICATES IRON P1PE 1' : 24•. -- 1.13 LB&/UN.FT, SET ` PARCEL 1 1 - WDiCI1TES NMPIPE FOUND 1�SOO'59'13"E 384.93' � R - REooRDEo AS l ti LOT I b � 1.5000 AC. �y N Z 65,MO.31 S.F. ti i1r1q In - I SOOSWI30E .31' 0 100 200 i (�r - GRAPHIC SCALE 10O' EAST LINE PREPARED BY: j PARCEL 2 l RUEKERT it MIELKE. INC. I } CSU 7050 I OCK WAUKESHA, VA. 5319OR. 8 'A' APPROX. 2 FT. 1 ABOVE 100 'YR.R 20.00 � -65 FLOOD LIMIT A 3184 CH � 2-5' _ CH 9RG - N4699'40'W 1 1 LOT 2 EASEMENa I ANG 90'44'S3' {�j N 4.8075 AC. NN ` N 209.419.54 S.F.ct a• �� % ,..,. • /� to � C , gp' PEi1M. UTILITY EASEMENT �D� • 1CHARD A.. 396691 R.845 1.970-972 ` N y EBERHARDT +: DOG. �y • 5-1751Z. = • dF 1 " FLOODPI'IPF Ls�!ll.l�, N 68'44 42*Jc „ E 1/4 COR SEC M 17-5--20 �z.7x ;N� Cr'g9�13., l e: 36 .27' '�"� '. CAST IRON MONU. _. • -' W/BRASS CAP _--_-- — r VT-- J` t��, �N N 3213,737.24 , DRIVE 944.OD' E 2,495,974.74 MERCURY., 1717.34 t"-,�--`-.. -- 2660 4343 .500'S9'13'E✓ �- NOTE: 100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION SE COR SEC. 17-5-20, (,AST - EAST'LINE'•SE '1/4 SEC. 17 785.5 (USGS) PER FEMA FLOODWAY IRON moNU. W/BRASS CAP TSN.. R20E. S 00'69'13'• E DATA TABLE 4 N 331.398.02 E 2,495,928.91 FILE #16 14 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY RICHARD A. EBERHARDT PAGE 1 OF CER11FIED SURVEY MAP NO BEiNG A RED11ASlON OF CERTIFIEDSURVEY� 1 4 OFNOSECT010�N 17 DTOWN 5TNORTH. LANDS IN PART OF THE NE 1 /4 OF / RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WiSCONSiN STATE OF WISCONSIN(SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) We, Ruekert & Mielks, Inc., Registered Land Surveyors, do hereby certify that at the direction of the Owner, we co�ded made this 59, cgesn202 t�2D4 inclusive. vision Of Certified Survey Mop No. 7050 rer of of Certified Surveys, Document No. Ighe Northw35497, ffice of est 1/4thofR the t Deeds /4 01 and unplotted lands in that part of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range0 t st. City of Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described Commencing at the East 1 /4 corner of said Section 17: thence South 00'59'13' East along the West line of sold Section0 feet South t8879'54 Point Westh 92.24 feet Easterly right —of --way line ofY Drive; thence to the point of beginning of the land hereinafter described; thence continuing South 88'19'54' West, 892.37 feet to the Northeast corner of Parcel 1 CSM 93 feet thence South 00'5913 Eaalong the a thence North 88'27'30" East along the to the SE comer of Parcel� 712,gg feet to the Westerly North line of Woodcrest Heights, a recorded subdivision, Right—oa f—way line of Mercury Drive;thenceof ourv� 59'13e West along the asaid of Westerly Right—of—way line. 368.27 feet to point a curve to the left. 31.65 feet, radius 20.00 feet and a chord bearing North 46'19 40' West. 28.45 feet o° the less of land beginning, containing 6.3076 acres (274,759.54 Sq. Ft.) more That we hove made this survey. land. ld division and map by the direction of the City of Muskego. Owner of sald That such map is a correct epreese thereof of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division That we have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the the some. Wisconsin Statutes and the City of Muskego in surveying. dividing and mapping Date: __ ��' -�4--- RUEKERT ac MIELKE, INC. Richard A: Ebgrhardt..RL��`_;�{ y o`er ..: "RiCHARIO A.% MERHARDT r • y WAUKESHA, ,• • SURvs'.ol FILE # 1614 FIV-199019 TU LZZI THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY RICHARD A. EBERHAR PAGE 2 OF 3 02 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO - _ 1 aqr BEING A REDiVISION OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 7050 AND UNPLATTED LANDS IN PART OF THE NE 1 /4 OF THE SE 1 /4 OF SECTION 17. TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST. CITY OF MUSKEGO. WAUKESHA COUNTY. WISCONSIN As OWNER, we hereby certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed. divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map. As OWNER. we certify that this Certified Survey Map is required to be submitted to the City of Muskego for approval. WITNESS the hand and seal of said OWNER this _&Ti_ day of 19_fr In the Presence of: STATE OF WISCONSIN) (SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) _ X David L. De Ingells, Mayor J K. Marendo, Clerk PERSONALLY came before me this -,L day of - the above named officials of the City of Muskego. to me known Wbe the persons who executed the foregoing Instrument and acknowledge the some. My C&nmission Expires: Notary Public. Waukesha County WI. APPROVED b he Picnning Commission day crir�n on of tWity of Muskego on this 4etary APPROVED by the Common Council of the day off,( ____ _�_._� 19 ji%jj ,•�� *eas%es �•�. �I �o ••RICHARD A:•� �+ EBERHARDT 0. S-1751 z WAUKESHA,go 11-1044041101111 •� City of f Muskego on this 9 "; �7_7_ 19� David L. De Angelis, Mayor J n K. Marenda. Clerk a (fit i ' .•``•;�, FILE # 1614 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY RICHARD A. EBERHARV-• . PAGE 3 OF 3