6950 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPIbU0(, 89 WAUKMM COUNTY CERTIFIID SURVEY MAP NUMB BEING A DIVISION OF LANDS IN.THE SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE QUARTER OF MOTION 07, TOWNSHIP 05 NORTH,' RANGE'20 EAST IN THE CITY OF _- MUSKEGO, WAS COUNTY, WISCDNSIN The reference bearing is the south line of the Northeast One Quarter of Section 07-05-20 East bearing N 87` 00' 33" W, State Plane Co-ordinate System, South Zone Grid Bearing OWNER: Russell T. Seaman, S74 W21052 Field Drive, Muskego, WI SURVEYOR: Robert N. Retzlaff, 4842 North 88th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53225 414-464-4638 414--464-6101 fax LOT AREAS: LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 FIELD DRIVE R/W TOTAL a= 1" X 24" iron pipe set Page 1 of 3 Pages �111illll C0009331 161,272.25 3.7023 133,551.85 3.0659 137,671.85 3.1606 13,199.98 0.3030 445,695.93 10.2318 11+w14,W,9 [AMPS of 01"N' s Sr CORNER Ni- 1/9 7-5..V 33/. 14' ell o0 '3. JJ6. II:. /0 rONC WON w/rH 9RASS CAP 330. 03 ' S 66.47'01 4 FOIA W"faN OL a rO Y+fd f�'f lrr h letl 111d L 0 /-+3 S d6't7'D1'I 3OD.03 d e, rarnd sysler lrfr f,rr o, h "kil; 1% I h U h C'I e 'w O1Rr ~ o y Pd IH q L 0T / S74 d P 105.P 7. 23' 10-.01' t a h L GR NE 114 _ Sri! i••N,rosagr -0��� Z i l�l'i+S F f i' � T1•�3�r1 R -BERT N. z F:ET?! AFF 0 50 Loa L50 Al SCALE / /NCII - Poo FEET JJ ' EXI SUAV .foAp A16Ur Of PSAY - SE CORNER N£ //� 7-S-!O 330. 00 ' JJa. sro. r6 P. 490. lll. Id ?.6.fB.Od /.986.74 CONC. MOW w/ M 9RASS CAI \ ID OD f DOr Rmn /C Srw- r OEOICAI1oN SDUIH L /NE Of 01/4RItA' SEC/ /ON - C/L f /tY 0 0/(/ rE, Tri-G,un[y is 9*04020 so: wit! �yyr_cr J WAUK&c,HA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NUMBER— 6 9S6 BEING A DIVISION OF LANDS IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 07, TOWNSHIP 05 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST IN THE CITY OF MUSKE00, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: STATE OF WISCONSIN ) MILWAUIKEEE COUNTY ) ss I, Robert N. Retzlaff, registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed, divided and mapped a division of lands in the Southwest One Quarter of the Northeast One Quarter of Section 07, Township 05 North, Range 20 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as follows: oommENCING at the Southeast Corner of the said Northeast One Quarter; thence S87" 00' 33" W, along the south line of said quarter section 2,648.08 feet to the Southwest Corner of the said Northeast One Quarter; THENCE N 87" 00' 33" E, along the said south line, 331.34 feet to the place of beginning of the lands to be described; thence N 00' 43' 32" W, 1,351.00 feet; thence N 86` 47' 01" E, 330.05 feet; thence S 00" 43' 32" E, 1,352.30 feet to the south line of the said Northeast One Quarter; thence S 87' 00'33" W, on the said south line, 330.00 feet to the place of beginning. DEDICATING from the above described parcel, the southerly 40 feet to the City of Muskego for public road right of way. SAID lands containing 445,695.93 square feet or 10.2318 acres THAT I have made this survey, land division and map at the direction of Russell T. Seaman, OWNER OF said lands. THAT I have complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Control Ordinance in surveying, dividing, mapping and dedicating the same. THAT this certified survey map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. ���_t{llsarauel,,t DATED this 27th day of October, 1992 �Scoiv dr'' .... 'ter REVISED this 19th day of November, 1992 �,••'' THIS instrument drafted by: ROBERT N. . Robert N. Retzlaff RET?LAEF 4842 North $Qth Street M % ��S 5 � Milwaukee, WI 53225 E OWNERS CERTIFICATE p ',!fisr I,Russell T. Seaman, OWNER, do hereby certify t tQl4. e lands described in the foregoing certificate off [ ...R ��f , Surveyor, to be surveyed, divided and mapped and ro 814g 'A in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Control Ordinance. WITNESS the hand and seal of said OWNER on this 21st day of December 1992. z �2L 9IT4M Lawrence R. Tomaich .R sell T. Seaman TE F WISCONSIN) NT`Y . - 1 s s PERSONALLY came before me on this''' t ay of December 1992 the above named Russell T. SearjW �� o me own to t e person who bxecuted the foregoingi �nowle�ed the same. IRES October 29, 1995 Notary Public Donna M. Cawood a r 0 Tri C.- r r,Iv 0 1* WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NUMBER D BEING A DIVISION OF LANDS IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 07, TOWNSHIP 05 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE SECURITY SAVINGS BANK, a Wisconsin Corporation duly organized and existing under and by the laws of the State of Wisconsin, MORTGAGEE of the above described lands, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, and mapping of the lands described in this plat and does hereby consent to the above certificate of Russell T. Seaman, (WNER. In Witness thereof, SECURITY SAVINGS BANK, has caused this certificate to be signed on this th. day of . 1992 by RONALD L. WILT, VICE PRESIDENT AND LAWRENCE R. TOMIACH, ASST SECRETARY CANCELLED - PAID IN FULL BY SECURITY BANK S.S.B. ON TH S DATE- cy Witness PRESIDENT Witness LAWRENCE R. TOMIACH, ASS:. SEC'Y STATE OF WISCONSIN) 07,AUKEE COUNTY )SS PERSONALLY came before me on this day of 1992, the above named RONALD L. WILT AND LAWRENCE R. TOMIACH, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of SECURITY SAVINGS BANK and acknowledged the same. Notary Public CITY OF MUSKEGO PLANNING CCMRISSION APPROVAL My commission expires APPR b the CITY OF MUSKEGO Planning Commission on this 1�jh day Of l/ V e rr) -r r 1992 by Resolution Number CoI�-e � h­,If'f)4 .WAYNE J. SALENTINE RECORDING SECRETARY CHAIRMAN CITY OF MUSKEGO COMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the CITY OF MUSKEGO CO MON COUNCIL on this c�q 4 ; day of >' 1992 BY RESOLUTION NUMBER Ocib j.A K. MARENDA .WAYNE G. ALENTINE MAYOR PAGE 3 OF 3 PAGES ���g7litis.,,s p�i`�'i afa�a.•la.,.�,all�� RO$ERT N. RET7_LAFF r '• 035 . a a•' w ��I