680 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP• • uC0003043 Ou SURVEYOR+S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF W&TJKESHA ) ss CMMIPIED SURVEY MAP OF A PART OF N* of the SA of Section 32, T5N, R24E City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. N.,LIN.E S.J.%r S�C..32-5-20 ,-S. 89 O -43',5,9 " W. .371, 7/' --� Mx. COA s Wr. !Yf N 1 .SRC.3z-3=20 Q p.£N47,-,c-5 t'"x 24 K_'R6Af P11 ,E 413 014IAr FT S'18941.33'S9" • . 2c�6.6+5' 7-z PAPRARY ACCESS To 7WIS .407' FROM c. rf "Y-094C1WA-,fV4-) alvrtL ,rvrv,4.E gr;Oq.EZ-T Is e.=oNS7RLC7".,0. /V. 89 0 S3"5 9' C- I. CL&UDE C. JOHNSON, JR., land surveyor do hereby certify: 4 \' b \\`\\����\1�����ltinirrrirrrr4�ryii CLAUDE C. z 1 r:JOHNSON JR.'. NEW BERLIN, vo Wis. 7:- :0, .,,,�����p•s U ROE �����,. THAT I have surveyed and mapped all that part of the Northeast one -quarter of the Southwest one-q arter of Section 32, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the said Southwest one -quarter; thence South Bgo 33159" Nest along the North line of the said Southwest one -quarter 371.71 feet to the Easterly line of 9� • • County Trunk Highwty "Y"; thence South 230 55' 35" West along said Easterly line 334.87 feet; thence continuing along the said Easterly line 504.00 feet on the are of a curie to the left chord bearing South 180 08' 34" West 503.19 feet, radius 2496.48 feet, to the point of beginning of the lands herein described; thence continuing along the said Easterly line 152.89 feet on the are of a curve to the left. chord bearing South 100 36, 17" West 152.88 feet, radius 2496.48 feet; Thence North 890 33' 59" East 266.66 feet; thence forth 100 36' 17" Fast 152.88 feet; thence South 890 33' S9" Kent 266.66 feet to the point of beginning and containing 40,000 square feet of land. The abeve described parcel is subject to a temporary easement as shown. THAT such map to a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. CHAT' I have fully complied with the previsions of Chapter 236 of the -Wiscoksin Statutes and erAinan as of the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing snet4pping.the �. same. Date: September. -7., 1965. -= WAuJMSBA LAND B6RVE Clscude C. Johnson, J�,. ; -Survo yr OWN.M'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AS OWNERS we hereby certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map i �accordaace with with the requirements of ordinances of the City of Muskego. WITNESS the hand aad seal of said owners this �_ day of � , � , 1966 HArold H' D k Carol DeBack STATE OF WISCONSIN' { COUNTr OFWAUKESHA { SS Personally came before me this /'r day of 1967, the &Uve named, Harold R. DeBack and Carol J. DeBack, his wife.;' to me known to be the persona rho executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. My commission expires: Notary Publ , Waalkes C ty, Wis. PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL Approved by the Planning Commission of the City of skego on this �Grr� 1965. Secretary day of This instument was drafted by Clsude C. Johnson, Jr., Surveyor. C:l Lu OC LO 6—3 as -1c ! LULJI