6775 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPJ 1735773 CEFi'T/F/ED SlJ�2V�Y MAID ,�. y'7 BE/NCy A ,o�v,gT OF TJ/E S•E i/4 of 7WZ N.W. //W aF SE'c r/oN i1, rorunl S" NOKTI�, RA�vCsE 20 r s2ST /N y'^NE CITY Mt.cfxE 6 0, syA1�KESh+A CoUNTy, I�/ScoKSI� �,Qgpy/C sc.vG� sc.vcE: i'_ SO iuC /✓, f/.� .r.d e. h /"x2¢' /RwJ Rh-d, I•J'3 y q I W r �} ,loJr/EGL �GrT�i@Sor: � /�~S �6Q Si9la1 d�9s9 v.v.n•rour.,� cr. �V/ x Mbrur�io w+lr. 6diSu I . !°9 � 5.fray 3 VIP 141W. P�8`I ° DES rl'q��° r, a 1 y —�- 0 �1`� 1� 0 if s fr lb � W u sr O/p9 oivr%h o a A = LPH L. •. INTERLINE S o SURVEY - •. SERVICES, INC. b 11221 W. FOREST HOME AVa HALES CORNERS, WISCONSIN 53130 4 •. dJ'' `l . h PHONE 425-2060' 1 / uC00091ss ,�. =o� e.w CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.5-- being a part of the S.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of Section 11, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha county, Wisconsin. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN SS MILWAUKEE COUNTY) I, RANDOLPH L. RAFALSKI, registered land surveyor do hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed, divided and mapped a part of the S.E. 1/4 of. the N.W. 1/4 of Section 11, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows; Commencing at the Southeast corner of said 1/4 Section; thence N.01106117"W.1, along the East line of said 1/4 section, 509.36 feet to a point: on the centerline of WOODS ROAD; thence 5.70°01109"W.9 134.84 feet to the point of beginning of the lands to be described; thence 5.19°58'51"E.9 208.71 feet to a point; thence 5.70°01109"W., 208.71 feet to a, point on the Easterly line of PARCEL 2 of G.S.M. NO. 6335; thence N.19058'51"W., along said Easterly line, 208.71 feet to a point on the centerline of WOODS ROAD: thence N.70°01109"E., along said lire, 208.71 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Northerly 50 feet for public Street purposes. THAT I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of LOWELL D. PETERSON and TRUDY A. PETERSON owners of said land. THAT such map is a true representation of the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and the land division ordinance of the City of Muskego. ,rated: November 4, 1991. -00py RA°s'DOLPH L. Sli�3 M"LE" Gam: r10-0 , RAN OLPH L. FAFA I, R.L.S. 175 OWNERS CERTIFICATE AS OWNERS, we hereby certify that we have caused the land described above to lbe surveyed, divided and mapped as represented on this map in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the land division ordinance of the City of Muskego. In the prese of: , LOWELL D. PETERSON [� ��C�.r'�� � ✓ �__ [,. /� ;ter-_ -.a TRUDY A. PETERSON Sheet 2 of 3 Job No. 20069 CP CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 2,11 being a part of the S.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of Section 11, Town_ 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego; Waukesha County, Wisconsin, STATE OF WISCONSIN)SS WAUKESHA COUNTY) PERSONALLY came before me on this _ day of , 199V,ithe above named LOWELL D. PETE SON and TRUDY A. P RS(-)N, to me known to be the ,,1+5#1AW% who executed the foregoing inst ment and acknowledged the 0 .HUGti`�J�i,�, A .� (3 Rs- c Not y public, Wa esha County, Wisconsig ,o i My commission expires �G,,S�9T''�•••••••''��`�� WG. OF WIV�,�\\\ PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego, on thib day of 919 91.• If COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL PROVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on this day of %l��A� 199a9 by Resolution No. MAYO 1'735'7'79 Q,, / CIT LERK jz g""'t""""11111 REGISTER'S OFFICE,:. .� w' �' .�ay�ry�`�}y ��ekathf Ct. A!!. � Na. %:,{�r�,f•.:��fa�,,�$`9 ' T— H ECEIYED FOR RIPCORD THE ...21-DAY r ,ail 'CLOCK�:E`..�. & RECORD DED IN 0ON f: This instrument was drafted by Randolph. L. Rafalski. Sheet 3 of 3 Job No. 20069