6676 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP1709635 al ".'_WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. of Part of -the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 and part-of-Govertiment Lot-<; situated in the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 26, Township 5 North, Range 20 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. --AI WEST 1/4 Corner —:5 F� Section 26-5-20 Z ; 3211,09762 2,506,969.68 R, m 0 j':A OD :m=e a �, O uNPLarTED �allos p � � N I °O7 09 W 16500 � o 007' o"NOTE: �l DEDICJYTED TO THE PUBIC. `THOD9 DRIyE" 6000' 1 N 1007'09"W 165.00' 1 30' 30' 1 N co co 0 Ja ig 0o IV N 0 0- I N y y m OD aJ OL OS m N DUI l rn rn r o rn 4. x -v �m :m :a -0 PARCEL 1 N p 130.680 Sq. R.± o cn o mC C M1 1 �o SOIL o 0 BORINGS IS 1007'09"E 165.0( yglP0T7Ep LAI1W OWNED By JOE SMUKOWSKI East I_me of 5W1141 �26-5-A 2663.37 SOUTH 1/4 Corner Secllon 26-5-20 316, 492.44 2j509,578.89 V 0 a u N P 30'1 n 0 c -i 30' __ __ -- s C to n Ln r D n m N - 5 pN Q DT11RTVE 1 1 z I 7C nl N1 --1 ON bCA x No City maintenance of the dedicated Right -of -Way will be provided until the Right -of -Way is improved to City standards. The proportionate cost of the improvements necessary to bring the Right -of -Way up to City street standards Will be borne by the property owners benefiting from the Improvements. Prepared for SCALE - 1"z 120' JOSEPH 8 SNIRLEY SMUXOWSKI 10 30 60 f20 240 z W 152 S 9632 THODE DRIVE 0. 00 Mu5KE00, W1. 53150 In O Prepared by 4 BAXTER 8 WOODMAN INC. LEGEND 326 N. PINE STREET [71 BURLINGTON, WI. 53105 ! FOUND BRASS CAPPED h10HUMENr (414) 763 -7834 0 FOUND I " IRON PIPE rn lob "na. 920050 O SET I "x 24" IRON PIPE weighing not Iee: Than 1.13 tbs. /fill. It. geortngs are based on the East line of the SW 1/4 of Secflon26,15N.,R.20E, beortng N1°04'09"W, :z a Wisconsin Co-ordlnote System, South Zone. ~ a W a o < m SOfL TYPES MpA MARTINTOIi SILT LOAM r ShA SAYLESVILLE SILT LOAM :p Sh8 SAYLESVILLE SILTLOAM o N ShC2 SAYLESVILLE SILT LOAM NOTE: 1HE NORT11 LINE OF 111E S.W. 4 OF SECFION 26-5-20 IS BASED ON EXIS'rING DEEDS, SURVEYS A14D CER`l'IFIED SURVEY MAPS NO.'s 2062, 4248, AND DDCMIENr NO. 701576, VOL. 4, PAGES 332-333. >f PATRICK R. _ - SCHUSTER * L! MIL.WAl1KEEe ; WI O, `y S 1014' 091jE W 2 C Center of Secflon Sechon 26.5-20 321.155.19 4509,529.19 PATRICK R, SCHUSTER, RLS-1985 January 22, 1992 920050 Revised February 5, 1992 Revised February 13, Revised February 19, 1992 Sheet 1 of 3 Sh )IWAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. .._"i Fart of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest. 1/4 and part of Government Lot 2, situated in the Southeast 1/4 of the Nol thwesC 1/4 of Section 26, Township North, Range 20 East of the Fourth FrincipAl Meridian, City: of Musbego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, Fat -i.ck R. Schuster, Wisconsin Registered Land Surveyor, hereby certify that by the direction of Joseph K. Smukowski .and Shirley- A. Smukowski, owners, T have surveyed, divided and mapped this. "Certified Survey Map", the boundaries of which are described as follows: Ccmmencinti at a brass capped monument marking the Southeast cornea- of the Southwest 1/4 of Sec_Lon 26; thence North 01'04'09" West along the east line of the Southwest 1/4 of said section, 2,663 .37 feet to a brass capped monument marking the Northeast corner of the Southf es; l/4 of Section 26; thence South 38"45'51" West _long the north line of Said 1/4 section, 508.2J feet to the point of beginning of the following described parcel; thence South 01"07'09" East, 165.00 feet; thence South 38°45'5.1" West and narallel with the north line of said 1/4 section, 822.00 feet to the centerline of Thode Drive; thence North 01'0i'09'' West alon; said centerline, J65.00 feet to the north line of said 1/4 section; thence North 88'45'51" East along said north line, 30 feet to the east right-of-way line of Thnde [hive; thence. North 10709" West along said east line, 00.00 feet; thence North 88' 5'51" East, 791.88 feet; thence South 1°14109" East, 60.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 4.204 acres of land, moj;e or less. ` That this "Certified Survey .`lap" is a correct representation of the e_.terior boundaries surveyed and described. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Section 6 of the Land Division Ordinance of the City c,r Muskego. 0%%tlu1iu11J1iC. rrr,�� ;• PATRICK R. a SCHUSTER S4985 s MILWAUKEE, ► 1 ��. Stjftv�;•• ���kei6t�c�ont�4~Y� OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION PATRICK R. SCHUSTER, RLS-198 Eamtor ? Woodman, Inc. January 21. , 1992 920050 Revised February 5, 19g2 Revised February 13, 1992 Revised February 19, 1992 Joseph K. Smukowski and Shirley M. Smukowski, as owners, do hereby certify that said individuals caused the land described on this "Certified Survey clap" to by survayod, divided, mapped anQ dedi•_at d as represented on this "Certified Survey Map". We also certify that this "Certified Survey Map" is required y 236.10 or 236..12 to be submitted to the following for approval or abjection: Common Council. City of Musk_ego. In witness of: sepll K. SIIIl.2kGd5+�1 i.°" ii1at_ -j�! " i cJ Shirle/M. Skukowski STATE OF WISCONSIN 1 County of Waukesha) Personally canoe before &e this clay of J�C-QlC'l.rA►�y 194'?,"_tile above named .,oseph K. S1110owski and Shirley H. Smukowski, to ITie rnown:to 15d-`s'nld., individuals who executed one foregoing instrument and acknowledge the.saQe. No; Ar2I �.1�3t�� c= �fP1+� E� Sheet ? of 3 Sheets f� V �rWAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. If Part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 and part of Government Lot 2, situated in the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 26, Township 5 North, Range 20 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL Approved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, this ay of g�- 1992, by Resolution No. , which action becomes effective pon receipt of approval of all other reviewing agencies and all conditions of the Cit)' of Muskego's approval were satisfied as of the ,��1�1ttiUtl+1//�._ P p a� 1992. A*. p�POR4 Wayn CJ G. Salentine, Mayor SIM S n K. Marenda, City CLerk �ji •"'• Q` �U� �E�5 PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL A, Approved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, this g�day of 1992, by Resolution No.�, which action becomes effective on receipt of approval of all other reviewing agencies and all con itions of the City of Muske,o's approval were satisfied as of the —day of 1992. L C eryl S mid , Recording Secretary C,OXV, + •rhrrr�6�i 0.PATRICK R.*i • SCHUSTER jS S-1985 • r MILWAUKEE,:O W1 k '%Lsu Rv...•�`• Wavne Salentine, Chairman PATRICK R. SCHUSTER, RLS-1985 Baxter & Woodman, Inc. January 22, 1992 920050 Revised February 5, 1992 Revised February 13, 1992 Revised February 19, 1992 GISTEA'S OFFICE } as 1709635 •a*teftt Co. WIS. ) N$•r..,,.--*� R#C�IYED FOR RECORD THE RT WCOCK A/ M .& REC.ORDE! IM ` �L) pF 1 Sheet 3 of 3 Sheets