6675 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPur-'N sass a7o9G34 "WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Beinrx a Redivision of Government Lot 2, situated in the Southwest 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 26, Township 5 North. Range 20 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, City of ixiuskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. t5 d Bearings ore based on the East line of the SW 114 of G Section 26,T.5 N., R.20E., bearing N 1004'09'pW, Wisconsin Co-ordlnote System, South Zone. Q E.MST)NG - BUILDING TO BE REMOVED �o \ ry�Qo EXISTING 7,o HOUSE PARCEL 1 ����+, `' s.• 134,000Sq.R.t • ���// ��� v EXISTING ( ��'• BUILDING .('S6 TO BE ' REMOVED i7EXI5TING a� BARN to SCALE - I "= 100' ^5 25 50 100 200 0 LEGEND . FOUND BRA53 CAPPED MONUMENT 41 FOUND I" IRON PIPE Gt' Q SET I"x 24" IRON PIPE weighing not sT� Tess than 1.13 lbs./lin. ft. ,y29 89 SOIL TYPES �� 'o� 60 00 o S� MgA MARTINTON SILT LOAM `SQ EXISTING LILLT LOAM BUILDING Am ALLUVIAL LAND Mf MARSH Prepared by_ Prepared for BAXTER 8 WOODMAN INC. JOSEPH 6 SHIRLEY SMIJA WSKI r SJ� .0 �+ 326 N. PINE STREET W.152 5.9832 THODE DRIVE yfl7�q Q� BURLINGTON, WI 53105 MUSKEGO, Wi 53f50 J O (4f4)763-7834 job no. 920050 NOTE, THE SOUTH LINE OF THE N.W. I/4 OF SEC. 26-5-20 (t�GG' roe r-* IS BASED ON EXISTING DEEDS; SURVEYS AND C.S.M. No.'s y .A s �� 2062, 4248, AND DOC No. 701576, VOL 4, PAGE 332- 333 O 1'IJlE• Ido Ciiy I1aintraia-lce of the dedicated Ap, Rot -of- 74 will be Raided . S` �k u1til the Ridit-of-day is its ' `•.4 %r r to City stax��ls. PATRICK R..% Late -tiarrzte cost of ther�6' SCHUSTER ��0° e c3' LOCATION SKETCH 7ALS � G0 PEE et�Jy" THIS MAP TH ODE DRIVE _ Northwest 1/4 Section 26-5-20 .5-19135 2 }ram jG'M7 U /+ AREA QUIT CLAIMED ' j`J� `ToN� TO THE CITY :Ir MILWAUKEE, 4' biig LLC lamtt•-of •. W up t0 J ,(REELi30,IMAGEH91 WI o� City StL-C-r-t S S will (S88a45�40"W261 S88°45 51 5W �I�•,�� `�N S88°45�51°W 26.15�O �23.17' i ' Center of Section .....•r•...• '� �� be bmj�}y7y the y„�iy �y �'� r z Section 26-5-20 L 11�`aa-Em Lkrleat� 1iCli1 tip ° ° $$8�4J .!!,i'A mo 321, 155.19 qqQ A f1, uC 2,509,529.19 lffgfflpl��1 �^ �•, o �V�- ��� 88°4551' E 120'(568"4540 W}CSM. No.4248 PATRIC- R. SCH.USTER, RLS-1985 January 22, 1992 920050 Revised February 5 1992 Revised February 11, 1992 Sheet 1 of 3 Sheets. 1239 60 30 30 S88°45" W+ 1300 21 North fine of SW V4 y S68° 45 51 W 2660 10 - I I—� 5ectlon 26-5-20 z (588Q15"'S"W 2665.66) ll I= _ c- ° r Section Control Survey Map 10 n IA o a WEST 114 Corner Section 26 - 5 - 20 1 m 321, 097.82 1 v St2,506,869.88 I I 1, f� SOUTH 1/4 Corner � Q1 I� Section 26-5-20A °w 318,492.44 �m 2,509,578,89 30 30' "WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. it Being a Redivision of Government Lot 2, situated in the Southwest 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 26, Township 5 North, Range 20 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, Patrick R. Schuster, Wisconsin Registered Land Surveyor, hereby certify that by the direction of Joseph K. Smu<<owski and Shirley M. Smukowski, owners, T have surveyed, divided and mapped this "Certified Survey Map", the boundaries of which are described as follows: Commencing at a brass capped monument marking the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 26; thence North WNW' West along the east line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section, 2,663.37 feet to a brass capped monument marking the Northeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 2b; thence South ST 45'51"West along the north line of said 1/4 section, .1,300.21 feet to the east right-of-way line of Thode Drive; thence North 01°01'09" West along said east line, bO.00 feet to the north terminus line of Thode Drive as described in a Quit Claim Deed recorded in Reel 130, Image 119 as Document No. 918052 recorded at the Waukesha County Register of Deeds Office, on July 21, 1975; thence South 88° 45'51" [lest, 23.1.7Register to the point of beginning of the following described parcel; thence South 88045'51" West, 70.68 feet; thence North 30 08 05" West, 365.20 feet; thence North 44°48'16" West. 230.41 feet to a found 1 inch iron pipe being South 44048'16" East, 138 feet, more or Less, from the waters edge of Big Muskego Lake; thence North 45011'44" East along,a meander line, 314.10 feet to a set I inch iron pipe being South 44048 9b" East, 102 feet, more or less, from the waters edge of Big Muskego Lake; thence South 440 48116" East. 330.85 feet; thence South 50 51'35" West, 209.13 feet; thence South 33008'25" East, 361.81 feet to. the point of beginning. Together with those lands lying between'the aforementioned meander lineandsaid waters edge. Containing 3.57 acres of Land, more or less. That this "Certified Survey Map" is a correct representation of the exterior boundaries surveyed and described. That I fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Section 6 of the Land Division Ordinance of the City of Muskego. ,�S�ti11n � � I lirp ff��'i FATRiCK.R. a SCHU5TER = = S1985 .'' PATRICK R. SCHUSTER, RLS-19,85 ter'; 111:1U1 AUKEE, : I :- Baxtert� Woodman, Inc. :',,^• Wl •;�O January 22, 1942 !� �URv ``�� Revised Fe,ruary c AQ9 1411 rntin+����� Revised Ferluaxy it, 199_ COMMON cnUNC1L APPROVAL Approved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, this �1.� day of , L992, by Resolution No. yS 9�• , which action becomes effective upon receipt of approval of all other revie,z+i+�+"�h�+N#IgJls and all condi ions of the Citv_ of Muskego's a p p r a v a I , �a�ii��/�3s of the ��day of p� - J��`.2. N �.,.,......, fi ; 1 aP ` : ' _ `• ;� Wayn- G. Salentine, Mayor /I. ........... tip. Jjj K. Marenda, Pity Clergy: C , L� PLAN COMMISSInM`'ATP1VAL approved by the Common Council of the City of Nuskego, this day of Pe hi:a , 1'40, by Resolution No. 2�L. , which action becomes eifective upon receipt of approval of all other reviewing agencies and all conditions f tie City of fuskego's approval were satisfied as of the ;Tay of /pAnz J, 14'' CheVIT Sclx00— Recording Secretary Shee! 2 of 3 Sheets _ zz Wavne Salentine, Chairman NAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO: "I Being a Redivision of Government Lot 2, situated in the Southwest 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2b, Township 5 North, Range 20 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION Joseph K. Smukowski and Shirley M. Smukowski, as owners, do hereby certify that said individuals caused the land described on this "Certified Survey Map" to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this "Certified Survey Map". We also certify that this "Certified Survey Map" is required by 236.10 or 236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: Common Council, City of Muskego. In witness of: A � osep K. Smukowski Shirley kI. Smukowski STATE OF WISCONSIN) County of Waukesha) ��11 Personally came before me this A& day of 0092 the above named Joseph Q Smukowski and Shirley M. Smukowski, t me known l o'be said individuals who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge the Me. ... 2- CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE FARM CREDIT BANK OF SAINT PAUL, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of land described on this plat, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping and dedication of the land described on this plat, and does hereby consent to the certificate of Joseph K. Smukowski and Shirley N. Smukowski, his wife, owners. In witness whereof, the said FARM CREDIT BANK OF SAINT PAUL, has caused these presents to be signed by Paul Lawinger, Vice President and countersigned by Mike Miller, Vice President, and its corporate seal affixed hereunto this day of , 1992. In witness of: FARM CREDIT BANK OF SAINT PAUL i PATRI K R. SCHUSTER S-1985 MILINAUKEE, • WI Paul Lawinger, Countersigned By: Vice President Mike huller, Vice President ` PATRICK R. SCHUSTER, RLS-1985 O Baxter & Woodman, Inc. ►�� January 22, 1992 920050 Revised February 5 1992 Revised February 11, 1992 Sheet 3 of 3 Sheets gimsurs af�tcf) t1wof t., ftr: RICO[? FDR WORD lot � j~Y o {