664 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP=I: MD SUNZY MAP OF PART .OF THE E�OUTMVT. QUARTER DF SECTICE 5, T04WK-IP � orth, Range. 20 Eaet, City of Muskego, Waukesha Coi:nt.yr, Wisconsin. Monuments: .. s• W. COR, s'F. SEC .5.3-.20 o = I" O.D. x 24loriu pipe at- 1.13 lbs. per ].in. ft. W I OF ANGZBS:: A & B w = 10f 321�2 ° C & C' = 779 041'21" in E & F 90' 00 On ro S' Y. ZAD SURVMM IS C7F."I IC 'TT. S J - s '`'OR STATE OF WisconS%3''(,� COUNTY OF WA!wsuA( I, JOHN -D. HURLEY, curve•,; or, do hereb;;' certify: : That I have surveyed,, divided and mapped all that part of the Southweat � B! . ..gamer of the :'outheast Qiartex' ox' _ Section 5, Tovnship 5 11orthi Itange 20 �+) - L`e'Bt11 City of Muskego, Waukesha Count- v� _ a Wisconsin, located and bounded as fol- n1 � � � lows: Conwrncing at a point in the LoT 5oUth line of the said quarter=section {� 402.34 r6t, East of the LOouthwest e Cotner thereat';, thence contlnuixig- Due Iq East. a,)bng- the said ''outh line 39.15 7g , feet; thence flue-' N orih 150.00 feet ; :�j n ' 4o,o thence Due west .15h .l5 feet; thence 4 o7C"ti�a lr• 2(� t(;'jj((���r �'{ St F. �BB�.� t�iBI1C� DUB 5 f3vTN N `. 47.Zgo�� North 37*26139" 'nest 206.39 feet; there /50, 00' _ _South 14006*l3" F7est 211-73 feet to the . : place ' of commencement. That i fully complied with the }provisions V) � of Section 236.n4 of the Statutes of the ' 14 _ State of Wisconsin and the subdivisiel4Fi (..oT z ° Q = requirements of the City of Muskego. That I have drafted this ins truMnt consistiAg CT tvO -Wes. Dated at Brookfield,, Wisconsin this. DUA NORTH- a I Signed: i h. e Y :e Wis d Su-ry rox 0 I v. J Hurl g. euz rr� � I ,OHM Q s 3 Ht,IRL-Y . sue' - +� -5a ?� • I:�7� `: i�TO =^s� i^OT•:T �°e::'ex* r to azPtved Brookfield L:eridiPlL rsm:irg at- _40" to south �•rg line of quarter-sectioL. io ,; o to, 6d H �� Iilllll lllllll4lllllllllllllllllllll11111111111 - - ym sURWY MAP OF PART OF '177M SOLTI=4ST (�IWTMF -0 S CTI L r, TOMISHIP rc "MI OF VaEFT111,10 WAIMMHA C0134TY WMIC01-13M. rc rM W-GE 20 SIAET "T Dr ) -1 OUNU�cl C7,1 ICA= 1CIA7 DX AS 01TATEW.3ir we hereby declare and CaTtify that ve have caused the land described in the foregoirj S-urveYor'z Ce--tifioate ;-19-c. to ',.)e 'sarveyed, mapped and divided, by Joh..a Rvarlew,, and hereb.l., dedicated ac represented In this Certified Surrey, Map. Witm-ess the hands and seals of the said ors ners this day of 'Alri / z7a e ii ryban 14 itner's 1, �-rl d T L Witness t Try an (W fe of Gerald Tr/bar, Str.te of Wisconsin( County of Wa12'-esha(:7q Persopallv came before me this day tt;he a:oove np--.,i,-,d Gerald Tryjan anO T,,-,r.et iI. 1111-. 'bal- his V if q to -me know the perEons w-ho exec -i;ed the forel-oixw- inttrme'r.l. 'axid cLc':r-cv1cdgetd l-.e� 2- Ngeury Ful 11c irk- and 70—r "Iaukesha M, COT.=; Ssion expires '74 of M-aske-o;,'1,-iFLa-ke'shd Co=t-! A,,i-,,n oved i"'IsalMing connis-Fic f t e 7 it isconsin.- this da,.: of- !7M .... _ ' _ :- :.. V r