6624 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP00' FORM NO. 985-A Stock No. 26273 M IGS2555 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP No.--L6 PART OF THE NORTHEAST 114 OF THE SOUTHEAST W4 OF SECTION 7 AND THE NORTHWEST 114 OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF SECTION 8, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 2O EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESH4 COUNTY, WISCONSIN J 200 400 GRAPHIC SCALE 200 N4 114 I NW 1/4� t o—INDICATES I "X24" IRON PIPE, 7 r1EiD DRIVE `8 8 1.13 L8S. PER LINEAL FOOT, 8 8 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED T t T I fLL t SE //4:j SW 1/4 t , I OCATION MAP PART OF SECTIONS 7 8 8 , SUBURBAN SURVEYS 8 ENGINEERING, INC. PLANNERS ENGINEERS COMPUTERS SURVEYORS NEWSERLIN, WISCONSIN T5N,R20E i OWNER - GLENN C. HANSEN. ETAL KRTHEAST CORNER OF,. W 250 SOI15 CENTER RV.. THE S0U714EAS7 1.-4 to MUxWONAGO. W1.,53149 5ECrrON7,, T5N. R20E CONe:. itWu.%RRASS CAP N. - 336.;W 26 y - E. - 2, 490, 42? 88 tn n DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF NORTH IDENT1FI48LE DIRECTION -NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 114 OF SECTION 7, TOWN5NCRTH, RANGE 20 EAST , N87000'33"E• WISCONSIN STATE PLANE COOROINATE SYSTEM, SOUTH ZONE. GRID NORTH MUSxEGO FOR PUBLIC ROAD N98040'297E 2706.03' I m I NORTH t1NE OF THE SOUTNFAST 1.'4 OF SECTION 7 "E 2646.08' I N88°40'29"E ' `'. i 97 20'f V'- ' N87°I00'33 N8700033 E 662.02 — 2610.83', CFNTE'lut"g �'�40.02 N87°0033"E �` 662.16' �— M 391. 13 ' 271.48' _ _N8�°40'29"Ein I Cl H !ti2 rnMn PaL�P •5. 4VUND AREA y'� Q,�y WaT z aanG�F S m ;2.,� NU50 1� 3,r5p5prT. y.\ `4,V. x �m $ a L+'azvm'n k Vol ^t HUa D o v w 1 LOT 2 w 5:k rn `n L 0 7 -4 302,211 So. FT, 6.936 ACRES N e � x � 2 - IPri 0 D S88041 '21 "W 9 � 343.11 ' UNPLATTEO LANDS 217, 605 So.FT. 5.0(D ACRES o a c cfi v V z w m S98c?41'21'W �0 222.4,9' OFa'e 6 p,•,.. do\h o z C7 n SOVTNEAST CORNER OFF TNT SOUTHEAST 114 of S£CT10N T, T9N,R20E CONC. 4IONU./ BRASS CAP N -333, 906.40 E.- 2, 403. 469. 62 , , /o/30/91 sheet 1 of 3 sheets. r r r 117 FORM NO. 985-A �HrCl7Wlef Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. All that -part of the NE4- of the SE4 of Section 7 & the NW14- of the SW4 of Section 8, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) I, Claude C. Johnson, Jr., Registered Lana Surveyor, do hereby certify that I have surveyed, divided and mapped all that part of the Northeast one -quarter of the Southeast one -quarter of Section 7 and the Northwest one -quarter of the Southwest one -quarter of Section 8, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southeast one -quarter of Section 7; thence North 88640'29" East along the North line of the Southwest one -quarter of Section 8 and the centerline of Field Drive 97.20 feet; thence South 01017'56" East 627.75 feet; thence South 88' 41'21" West 222.49 feet; thence South 45115'08" West 266.08 feet; thence South 88041'21" West 343.11 feet; thence North 01118139" West 791.26 feet to a point on the North line of the Southeast one -quarter of Section 7 and the centerline of Field Drive; thence North 87100133" East alone said North line and centerline, 662.02 feet to the point of beginning, containing 550,387 square feet or 12.635 acres. Excepting and dedicating therefrom a strip of land 40 feet in width lying South of and adjacent to the above described centerline of Field Drive for public road purposes. That I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Glenn Hansen, Power of Attorney, Gerald A. Hansen, Ellen J. Sprawls, Karen K. Hansen, Laurel L. Evans, and Gayle A. Pawlak, owners of said land. That such neap is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Ordinances of the City of Muskec_ro, in surveying, dividing and mapping the same Date: 30 SUB RBAN SUR YS & E GINEERING, INC. Claude C. JOhnson, Jr. S-0765 *rJOHNSON, E C. JR- S-0765 z NEW SERLiN WiS. i X ' OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATIONSUR�1E�� As owners, we hereby certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Ordinances of the City of Muskego, and any applicable sections of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Witness the hand and seal of said owners this _ day of 1991. Sheet 2 of 3 sheets. FORM NO. 9E5-A !{� Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. All that part of the NEli of the SE1- of Section 7 & the NW=4 of the SWII of Section S, Town 5 North, Rancle 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Ini presence l� Gle n Hansen, P. .A. E len J. S awls Laurel L.-Evans Gerald A. Hansen Karen K. Hansen n � ayle� . Pawlak STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) Personally came before me this ��,_ day of 1991, the above named Glenn Hansen, Gerald A. Hansen, Ellen J. Sprawls, Karen K. Hansen, Laurel L. Evans and Gayle A. Pawlak, to me known to be the persons who e�::ecuted the forecloing instrument .end acknowledged the same.. Mv Commission E_:pires: 9 3 •� - Not, ry Public, Waukesha - . _unty, WI.. _PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL Approved by the Plan Conmiission of the Citv of Muskego.' oil this day of A4'4--7'f 1991. Way n G. Salentine, Chairman ,Sec tart' COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL Approved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on this i-.�avcdav of -/ . 1991. 1b92555 Roo "NVO-56 P! Cf-c i wayn G. Salentine, Mayor Jean ` . Marenda, City Clergy: JOMNSON, JR NEW 8ERUN WL& S U R� oJ�i�r91 Sheet 3 of 3 sheets. l� G