6580 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPFORM NO. "S-A R! ^� �6q # (,fqfs ( &'j- 6 6,i3ra- f c l Stock No. 26273 P,c� ,,s�P539 I-9'fs CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. being a part of Government Lot 2 in the NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 15, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin 1O� / 5 SCALE: ' I" = 2000' 1 BASS �l 1 BAY i ,r VICINITY SCETCH NE 1/4 15-5-20 I r.s.s± ti 1 'y Dy4?�/i1 AHD —MAR DRIVE I I _AUD-MAR ESTATES I _13 1 i I I UNPLATTED 1 LANDS I I I { GRAPHIC SCALE � 0 100' 200' ` ' ` 50' 15001 ZI M., vi+ ul NOTE, O-DENOTES I"x24" IRON PIPE 1.13 LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT, SET AT ALL LOT CORNERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. BEARINGS REFER TO THE WISCONSIN STATE PLANE CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM SOUTH ZONE. O-DENOTES 2" IRON PIPE FOUND ALL AREAS ARE TO THE MEANDER LINE. 4 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEI, 60' 1681735 Ne CORNER NE 1 /4 15-5-20 N 334,349,32 E 2,506,535.28 6"x6' GONC, MON. o w WITH BRASS CAP AUD-MAR ESTATES w w 2 i` z 0 N88'48'43"E°' 150.00 O O O �I0 �I �I PARCEL 7 0 45,000 S.F. I ._ §I z I 01 ' d± I _I N $0- 48' 43" E 150.00 -�20' SANITARY SEWER f q Z EASEXIENT f Op ;I I zz zc 1 Z irl z> I o w�'4 ,nwu! i r� Q w m I Q z • l o; + w � O <�z a Q EL '# 9• 1 7.69 N t� I PARCEL 6 y :co 1 333.858 S.F. Imo' 7.664 ACRES 10 �` --�-- 20' STORM SCWEP. 8 1 DRAINAGE EASCMEN'f PARCEL 5 58,326 S.F. 1.339 ACRES`,6 �o /! 1-2 FT. ABOVE 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE / SCALE: - I" = 100' REVISED - 8/19/91 Sheet 1 of 4 s oe? !0 i• FORM NO. "5-A FlL•Ilrlrlsl Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAR N0. being a part of Government Lot 2 in the NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 15, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin , .. SCALE: I" = 100' I I REVISED - 8 / 19 /91 izp• I n1f111tIB1lgl�l ii i �0N zFT. ABOVE l+ oAR STAI�ILEY ,y � FLOOD LINE P SHA, ytti¢��v Wl G ,y,� JrJ ci'y ° / � hlllSllll1111111►1► PERMANENT ACCESS EASEMENT GRANTED TO AUD-MAR ESTATES SUBD, 0• AND OWNERS OF LANDS IN THIS C.S.M. / ---ZO' STORM SEEP a ` fn �DRAINAGE EASEMENT � ` s �� \,` •%'' � PARCEL 6 33 �'� hF'�,•�_`� 7.664 ACRES - /r` f00 YEAR FLOOD LINE EL, 774,E L� l ti <1 I \W °D a y a l LU �a ml a� f �o r[ f� J]I A •-64'•- G7 LIMITS OF WETLANDS PER WISCONSIN__S-1 WETLANDS NVENTOP,Y MAP L� UNPIA CS" LV 0 M d• 0 U) w I� U) m v 2 O J \ w _rr�o L- - ANpS JAB QO r1w SE CORNER ' NE 1 /415-5-20 aNi N 334,349.32 E 2,506,535.28 6"US, CONC. MON. W1iHBRASS CAP Sheet 2 of 4 • 10 10 FORM NO. "S-A 4!1C. vs - Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. � being a part of Government Lot 2 in the NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 15, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin NO RADIUS ARC CHORD I I/2 CHORD BEARING 7 60. 00 94.24 84.85 900 00' 00" 450 00' 00" S 430 48' 43" W PARCEL 5 60.00 31.41 31.06 300 00' 00" 150 00' 00" N 730 48' 43" E 6 60.00 62.83 60.00 600 00' 00" 300 00' 00" N 280 48' 43" E SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Stanley J. Potrykus, a Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped a part of Government Lot 2 in the NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 15, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said NE 1/4 Section; thence S 1° 11' 17" E along the East line of said NE 1/4 Section 228.50 feet to the place of beginning of the lands to be described: thence continuing S 1° 11' 17" E along said East l ine 1504.30 feet; thence ''N 759 28" 05" W,'. 348.00 feet to a point on the meander line of Bass Bay; thence N '.2618`.43".W _: along said meander line 275.50 Feet; thence N 40' 57' 12" W along said meander line 186.96 feet; thence N 350 16' 56" W along said meander line 112.03 feet; thence N 39° 11' 35" E, 482.77 feet; thence N 1° 11' 17" W, 170.33 feet; thence Northeasterly 94.24 feet along the arc of a circle whose center is to the North, whose radius is 60.00 feet, and whose chord bears N 43' 48' 43" E, 84.85 feet; thence N 1° 11' 17" W, 300.00 feet; thence N 88" 48' 43" E, 150.00 feet to the place of beginning. It being intended to convey those lands lying between the side lot lines extended and the shore of Bass Bay. That I made this survey, alnd division and map by the direction of Audrey Oschmann, Owner. That such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the salve. C-Jr�,ye�®,Igo/ Date Stanley J. Potrykus, RLS 500 X SC Ns�'� STANLEY J.{ POTRYKUS S-500 = REVISED - 8/19/91 WAUK`SHA, Q �.SURv Sheet 3 of 4 9/10 FORM NO. 9ESA !ps!; . Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. o being a part of Geovernment Lot 2 in the NE 1/4 and the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 15, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE As Owner, I hereby certify that I have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the -Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance. I further certify that this map is required to be submitted to the following for objection or approval: City of Muskego. WITNESS the hand and seal of said Owner this '3 day of CCtWLL.IJ, 1991. IN THE PRESENCE Witness Audrey Oschm n STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) PERSONALLY came before me this 2-day of C/ G'CGr[./, 1991, the above named' Audrey Oschmann, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument 'and acknow dged ame. - Notary Public - State f Wsconsin My Commission Expires: - PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by t Plan Commission of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. �2 — on this hhis J _ day of � � , 1991 . JJ- - �7 -S.4 Waypd G. Salentine, C airman Chei-y-hSchmi4t, Recording Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED and dedication accepted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. I this 2,2 mr, day of OGT= 1991. Wayfie G. Salentine, Mayor Jea arenda, City Clerk PREPARED BY: Stanley J. Potrykus 20875 Crossroads Circle, Suite,A-,p�rt�;,�,/*� ►� r�� Waukesha WI 53186 � s��= •�� C. C P��O� (414) 782-2221 STAN[-EYJ PREPARED FOR: { L POTR` kis Audrey Oschmann S79 W15851 Audmar Drive '' Muskego, WI 53150 O SUR.. GV This Instrument was drafted by Stanley J. Potrykus Sheet 4 of 4 ck 00 k OPSITCR'SOFFICE)SS � R�C�3'tii�C4 FOR �iEC��RC THE.�C1.,���1' .... A. D., 19.r1.L..AT...:.�v RECORDER t!1.,�� , «�.... f �EC15T