6411 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP.6463.1 CERTIFIED SURVEY tAAl NO - L ALL THAT PART OF T4E ?4Wrr 1/4 A ) THE NE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SCION 16, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGM, DIKES! A COUNTY, 0SCON N 0 - INDICATES IRON PIPE 1" x 24", 1.13 LBS./LIN.FT. SET IDENTIFIABLE SECTION LINE - WEST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 SEE. 16, T5N, R20E., ASSUMED BEARIN-G N 00'59'13" W (WSC. STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, GRID NORTH, SOUTH ZONE) R - RECORDED AS J6, 36, f �I W 1/4 coR. C. 16-5 -20 f W IRS6 CAP I , W f' I m �9 Selma ' I •47'42"F C Mi.63' M � ' ODE "MM* T SEWER k WAM I S"M4 20' WAIDE f ERMANDJ T / UMU-TY EAR€�Mt-NT LOT 1 / OWNER: CITY OF M,USK1EG0 W182 S62700 RA'CI'N'E AW. MUSKEGO, W. PREPARED BY: RUEKERT & M'JELKE. INC. W239 N1,812 ROCKWOOD DR. WtAUKESHA. W. 53108 UI'+11PLATTE_D _LANDS TEMPORARY � — S€R MIENT TRAP E*SEIMENT , Ka y 1011- TOTAL - 2.4002 AC. 104,563.30 S.F. %� 4 / ,� / N 1-30' VAIDE PERM. VOW 15RAWAGE EMOR- 1T r ,l r Q / /4 � �•41'E�.6"rw 14fTP1'FVM. TOO YEAR FLOODPLAds I::W�If'1`S SSW 1/4 QQR SW 1s-` -20 CAST IRON MONU. WASS CAP % w E �j ✓ 0 100 200 Of GRAPHIC SCALE 1" = 100' " 060 �I LOCATION MAP SECTION 16, T5N, R20E FTC J. .S. ' : S-1204 WAUKESHA. FILE # 1565 T4S INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY FRANK RUCKERT, JR. PAI,4CE 1 OF 3 a CER'fTFMW SURVEY M,tif' NO - 6�d ALL IWAF PART OF THE Ift 1 /4 AND THE NE 1 /4 OF TH!E SM 1 /4 OF 5EC-RON 1:6, 7OW 5 OMTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSlEC-O, WWprt;KESHA COUNTY, WSCONSIN STATE OF WSCONSiN) (SS COUNTY OF WWAUKESHA) We, R ueleert do k m4ke, laic., Registered t an-d Surveyors, do hereby certify thrat at the ds'rrec ian of the Ownor, we home rn!od;e tWlis swirve+y, "m,q al9 that part of the blrar e 1 /4 and the Nertlr�ecst 1 /4 of the Sewthwest 1 /4 of Section 16, Town 5 North, Aermpe 20 East, City of Muskege. WtuWe a Ce,w+nty. Madonem, bourxded and described os follows: Cemmen,01ng a;t the NSW 1 /4 carner of the &V 1 /4 of sgfi;d Section 16, therl,ce SOD' `13"E oliong the Wrest I;he of soiel SW 1 /4 Section, 944.00 fact to a point on on Owe vw stearly eeiens69m of tho southerly rig -t-ef-Tway lime of Enterprise Drive; thence okmg said southerly right-of-way Nine; N 7'4'2'"`E, 961.63 feet to the point of beginning of the lends h:erokefter deecribed; thaenLCe c®nat`jn1Ui1n;g ad'aftg .said smvth mly right--e+f-way Hine, NW*47- 42"E, 50.27 feet to a paiM; thence Sw"39' OrW, 2-OV.35 feet to a point; themee 54620'W"W, 425:00 feet to a Point on thle sw-th 1inte of the MWV 1 /4 of the SPIV 1 /4 of wind See'Vom 16; thNemee a1eng sold south tine S6B**1'06"WW, 51.90 feet to ® point; themee N011211M 384-82 feet to the point of bsWnrring, containing 2.4002 acres (1-04,553.30 sq. ft.) more or less of lanid. Tl-mt we have mode this suirve)% Icn-d divisivin an-d mop by the direction of the Cry of Mwkego, Owner of sek land. That such rmap is a oarrect rePraaoMWTen of ®ill the exterior boundaries of the pond surveyed ¢end the land division thereof mode. 710fat we have fLAy cernipPed rwith the pro ieione of Chepter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes load the City of Muskego in surveying, diviolling and mapping the some. Date: &�g-- Rui'EKERT & MlhELK'E, INC. gook J. Rwekert, Jr., 'RL 1204 ... + s i • FRW J. ••. RWENERT, JR. S-12g4 �• WAUKESHA. •� '. VA • FYLE # 1 W5 TWS- lNSTRUMENT WAS DWAFFE0 BY FRMiK RUEKERT, JR. PAGE 2 OF 3 GER17FIED tiEY MAP IMEO - ALL THAT PART OF THE NW 1 /4 AND THE NNE 1 /4 OF THE. SW 1 /4 OF SEC' TIION 1'6, TMN 5 MIRTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF i USKE—CO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, W11 C'Ofi VIN - I. W, Nkf gfr,'E*C'V' N3 � Am OBI ER1, wq hereby certify throt we have cGused the lend described ableve to be survorml, err ' d, "upped cmd dkedicat" as represented am tre his ap. As 0*4ER, we aert thdt t�s Certsfad Survey Map is required to be submAted to the City of M6wkwp for approval. V,W96 thre hran,d end seal of socid O R this -ZZ day of J , 17 In the Presence of: STATE OF NX04SPN) (SS COUNrTy OF IAAUKESHA) by - •�':<�. v::,,, f%: F,. . PR�LLY ee�e before me this /lam dsy of 19 the ebowee reed of ials sf the City of k wakege,, to rrrle 'Nmomn to be the peFsens whe 6weauted the foregoing ilrmtrummmt anal colmewle'd9ed thle salm' e. ray emirs ission Eepirew —fzlz ®7 ry Pulbil4c, %6jigiika County, ty, W. A FP IPRGVED by the Pl,er ming Coimmima$or dey of , G. Sdenline, Meyer K. Moremda, Gerk Of the City of Miu o on this 19 QI . .h. ApP'PROWD by the Commen Council of the City of MugkW an this dGy of 19 - 2 1 FILE # 1365 1'NI'S 97�K- S Ways C. SalAntime, Moyer kFTED BY FRMK IWJE*EfRT, JR. �J �� t�~d Tf� k �•y •elf: .~, '' � lt'� PACE 3 OF 3 �Q V L,---) m -4 Z. 4-1 / KEGM ER'S OFFICE) ss 1644311 RICEIVED FOR RECORD THE ...13--..Dly ,,pp ...., A.D.,1991-AT-E-Q& 6�f►EICI(1A. i RECORDED tN v 3