6404 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP11111111111 u�aaaa,as IL641562 WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Located in part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest J/� of Section 314. Township 5 North, Range 20 East in the City of Muskego, Waukesha COunty, Wisconsin. NOTE: There may be a possible assessment in the. future for a road. JOB NO. 505 B. w. SURVEYING 35117' ACADEMY RD. BURLINGMV, W1.. 53/05 LOCATION 414 - 534 - 4109 MAP SW 114 SEC. 34-5- 2 -S.W. COR. N.01* 49'06"w. SEC. 34 -5 -20 j W LN. SW I/4 SEC. 34-5-YO N 01.33.15 • w 6s. 00' N. O/ O 33 Is " W. O O g N ON PLA rrED A M t � ' W 97. $ gar 0 Z av i Dw6. t o K � W h Z N • a N. at 033,15 1 W. 0 I � I Z ` LEGEND � y N O DENOrES SET IRON PIPE N ` 1"D/A, r I4', wevewv6 NOT I/ � L£SS 1.15ADS/ LINEAL FOOT I STD. w. uKesHA COUNr1 i moNumENr �i 9 �i•'s IX PREPARED FOR �\ 0 i�5.114 GM. £. LN. SW. 1/4 �\ , SEC.34-5-IO SEC.34-3-20 N. OI�IT'13'W rN/S C.S.M.\\ LANDS 324.00' PARCEL / 1,408 AC. $4,799.90 st. fI. 324.00 UNPLArT£D LANDS f rN.41 > SC,ILE • I' + 2000' SCALE I"• 60' O 30 0 60 NOT£ - 9EAR/N8S RELATE M GRID NORTH OF THE W/SCLUSN STATE PLANE GO-ORD1NArE s),srEM, SOtlrH SON--. rOM HucrrsrORF ROBERT J. , W 167 5II003 LOOMS ROAD WETZEI. MU3KE00, W/ 53150 _ S-1778 BURLINGTON, < W1 5 �Z ag91 ROBERr /. W EL 0 S- /778 A WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFISO SURVEY MAP NO Located in part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/+ A Section 34, Township 5 North, Range 20 East in the City of Muskep,o, Waukesha Countn Wisconsin. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Se-_tion '{4, Township 5 North, Range 20 East in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bound- ed and described as follows: Connence at the Southwest corner of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 34, Township 5 North, Range 20 East; thence North 38,0 20150" East along the South line of said Southwest 1/4 Section 1123.38 feet; thence North 01033'15" West 66.00 feet to the plate of beginning; thence 0 continue North 0!°33'15" West 324.00 feet; thence. North 84 20`5O" East � i z , 200.00 feet; thence South 01 Ol �3i 15" East 3_�+.C�O feet; then�:r South bb u 20' 50'' West 200.00 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 1.438 a,_re.s of land more or less. TOGETHER with an easement for ingress and egress, located in part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 34, Township 5 North, l?�tnFr 20 East in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said section A; Mende North 88020'50" East along the South line of said Southwest 1/'4 of Se_ti n 34. 1123.38 feet to the place of beginning,; thence continue Non h 88"=G'Sly" East along said South line 310.81 feet to a point on AV Northwesterly right of way line of Loomis Road and the arc of a curve: thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve whose radius point lies LO the Northwest, ha•,,in a radius of 3387.75 feet and whose lon., chord bears Idorth 36 41'30" East 50.98 feet, a distance of 50.98 feet; thence South WJ20'50" West 142-37 feet; thence North 01033'15" West 26.02 feet; thence South &3 20'50" West 200.00 feet; thence South 01033115" East 66.00 feet to the place of beginning.. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: 1, Robert J. Wetzel, Wisconsin Register Land Surveyor. certify that the property herein described has been surveyed b., in or und_.r nip; direction and the plat shown hereon is a correct representation of all lc,t lirp-. _arid that I have fully complied with Chapter 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the Land Division Ordinance for the City, of Muske; o, Waukesha County, W i s c o n s in. c0ivs'�/4/y, Dated this 1004 day of March, 1991. ROBERT J. A -� WETZEI -1773 SURULINGTNGTON, � Robert J. Wetzel 0 S-177$ rA��9 WI OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: al As owners, we hereby certify that we have caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided and trapped as represented hereon in accordance with the requirements of the Land Division Ordinance for the City A Mus%0— W k h C t Wisconsin au es a oun y, Dated this OF day of l991. Thomas Huckstort Edward Huckstarf Y TN 15 ! BY FRANALIN J. LENMAN $NEE r z it, 3 WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Located in part of the Southwest 1/4 of thr. Southwest 1/4 ,;f Secti n ",4, Township 5 North, Range 20 East in the (:ity, of t`lusl e_ 4•Jaul.esha (,uuntV , Wisconsin. all /V/✓v,!/YJ � p Gerald Huckstorf STATE OF WISCONSIN)SS MITLWAUKEE COUNTY) PERSONALLY came before 1991, THOMAS HUCKSTORF, EDWARD cJOHN HUCKSTORF, Owners, to me known to be foregoing intrument and acknowledged the. same. N tares Pufc P1V Commission expires PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL: me. this %% da-; of HLICF:STORF, GEFALD HUCESTOPF the persons who e::rcuted the APPROVED by the. PLANNING COMMISSION this 119 rN dav of 4,{4 1991. C lz �r Way e G. Salentine, Mayor COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL: APPROVED by the COMMON 1991, Wayo G. Salentine, Mayor r P S . rYtar:,, COUNCIL of the City, of MuSkke/90, this 7_& day by Resoluti.4 i,;,!ii,,, C'F hA'U'�':'{: d CON �tin�wmnmr¢fui . RpB RTJ. s Robert J W,_tZ_ 1 -1 ; � WETZEL ET 78 I STER'S OFFICE ) Bl1R1.1N13TON, �� WI Q� 9erkgko 6o, R!/, Mo.,,�,,,,,, RECEIVED FOR RECORD THE`, ...f�' Di1► >'rrrrmrt4titltiu OICLOCK �M. & RECORDED If Z4a<3' K i7 r i[1/Q7[• rmis 1N3iRUMEN: ORAF7'EC or FRANKLIN J. LEHMAN , i7 .s / _,e . v 7°- SHEL r