616 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP• C, wCaa zs,s Lots 9 and. 10, Block 10 Oak Ridge unrecorded Subdivision. SC41-A, CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP of that part of the NWI,, of Sec. 4, TIN, R20E. City of Muskego Waukesha County, Wisconsin Q-D£�VaT.rrS I x�q t RON ?� i /oi SEC. �-�"-20 L✓As �Rr,�.uT.�d � Ln S trB � uN.p,ECoRD,Ep. 0 w �o 1 tr ZL t SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) SS WE. WAUKESHA LAND SURVEYS, INC., do herety certify' Z_ 0 SHEET 1 JF '2 SHEETS a`� 9o'ao' Ri a� \\\``�,�rititititifiii iiirrll!»r�rrrri PIEW BERLIN, WIS 40 �'rrirrlir�llSl lu Z%4 COR. S.EC.9-S 20 THAT WE have surveyed and mapped Lots 9 and 10, 5 Block 10 Oakridge unrecorded Subdivision, more 2 e59.8 O' particularly described as follows: All that part of the C`wl4.C1AIe-4-X-p-0 Northwest one -quarter of Section 4, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County; Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows, to -wits Commencing at a point in the East and West � section line through said Section 4, 39.06 feet East of the center of said Section 4, (said. center being 2659.80 feet West of the East + section corner of said Section 4); thence North 30Q 491 West, 85 feet; thence North 350 18' West 700.46 feet; thence North 450 081 West 350.00 feet to the point of beginning of the lands herein described; thence continuing North 45Q 08' West 100.00 feet; thence North 440 52t East 170.00 feet; thence South 450 08' East 100.00 feet; thence South 440 521 West 170.00 feet to the point of beginning. Excepting and dedicating therefrom the Soruthwesterly 25 feet for road purposes. CF/V7;e,P 0f EAST p As the lots included in this 2 sheet certified survey do not conform to the zoning ordinance said lots may not be deleted in area in any war. tR SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS THAT WE have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Earl Hardtke and F.linazHardtke, his wife, and. Pearl Hotelling, owners of said. land.. THAT such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. THAT WE have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and ordinances of the City of Muskego in surveying,,,�ividing and mapping the s , Date: May 16, 1967. �z e �U. 1. Revised: June 21, 1967. Claude C. Johnso , Jr., Land Arveyor WAUKESHA LANDS VEYS, INC. OWNER'S OF DEDICATION AS OWNER'S -we hereky certify that we have divided, mapped anddedicated as represented on ordinances of the City of Muskego. caused the land described. above to be surveyed, this map in accordance with the requirements or WITNESS the hand and. seal of said. owners this2 " day of J u n e , 1967. In presence of: c Earl Hardtke . .� .s c�• �4l ce��t't�r-ce' i n c. r Hardtke Pearl Hotelling STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) SS PERSONALLY came be fore me this 2 8 day of June , 1967, and. Fl in crHardtke, his wife, and Pearl Hotelling, to me known to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. My commission expires: 5-4-6° PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL Approved by the Planning Commission of the City 1967. i the above named Earl Hardtke be the persons who executed Muskego on this a day of -a v— Chairman Secretary This instrument was drafted. by Claude C. Johnson, Jr., Surveyor. u,: Ate., CYD cCl la3 N 4 4 � U 3 act d A—