611 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPUC0002974 CERTIFIED SURVEY HAP OF PART OF THE- VO THUEST 1/4 OY THS SOUTHWEST 10 OF TM 3, Tj NORTH, RANK A EAST, o CITY OF P.°iTMEGO, 'I&YESHA CUTUTY, N MCSC tONSIF. M O W fY fl? 4! � fr O U � w on on O m o '3,87 o88 'N d 6ti'£31 ZO'0 c� w N 6 — � — J W 7 N co U3 co M r m O z r ml O U) ti � O J rn m 7 Vr' '4; L W. Y EE,'r�ti mow` CERTIFIED SURVEY tUP OF NRT OP THE NORTH.MT l OF TFI* _; M YT rr' 1 ji, SrCTIQN 3, TOWN 5 Paa>�xx, RAilG'L 2-0 EAST, CITY C'F ,!T'3KEG3.0. �rr'�tJk�STy9 COirIIT`i !T SC OPI i 1IJ'. BHA COUITTY } "S STATE OF '.11 'CONSIN) " I, _'ames Ws Landry, Land Surve;ror, hereby csrtify; that I havo surveyed, and mv.ppod all of thpt part of the Northwest l/L of tlio gouthw©st 1/4 -of Section 3, Tovrn 5 North, .Ran-e 20 East in the City of !.'use eSo, :121-ikwcha County. Wiscon�i.n, d.esoribed as follovrs; to -wit: Conmiencing at the Southwest earner of tile, -Southwest 1,n4 of Section 3, Town 5 North, Range 20 East; thence Y-orth 1601.81 feet 2P.1on¢ th,- '.,Test line of said 1/4 Section, to a point; thenoe North 880 28' East, 50.02 feet to the place of bagiraling: continuinb North OCo 28, Eiist, 12j.49 feet to a point; tlz_nce North 314.7S fe,"t to a point; thence :North 6-10 407'lest 140.26 feet to a point, thenoe South 335.22 feat to th*s place of beginning. That I have; mRde this survey, lsnd division and rmp by the direction of ir`Jilliam lau-ch and Frn.nceS is/Llseh, his wife, C),nner's or -@id lone, that such Trop is a correct raT?r�Jsentation of all the e.'ter for br,undaries of the Z.o.nd surve-•ed and the IRnd division thereof made, that, I have fully nompli.-d wi#:h the provisions of Chapter 236 of. the '!Tisconsin Statutes and the 0"dinances of the City of .'luska-o iIl •'urveyina, dividinc", and. ��:L n- di the 8^iIl�. Also tnoVM as lots 1, and 3, Block B, S outhe n fteighbc�. DAT>3; -ice lid Ja,m,lz W. Lendry, rep}istrd surveyor S 652 07.`JIdER' S C';RTI'_�'1 A'Me OF DEDICATION As CtivnMr's ,"re her�+l- ner-!:1f- tli-AA, .Are hove. caused the land desorib.cd above to be :.1s�zrreyvd, divided, Napped. and dodieated as rot:rca:,itetl on this ir:ap in occord:kncc "Yith the "recl�-iirptr,ents of the Ordinances of' tile City of 1"Asheoo. } $iti1C4SS till: na d and sezl of .:yid owner this AY of in th Presence Of 0 �vw'� (SEAL) OZ VL41 ( ) Utia.rr reen :'Ji1 iAm K4usch Charles H. Kttzro4r 7 Frgnres Kausch �Iais fe) STATE 017 iIIS^ONS11T) , i'r`:IT? 1I:'HA C 91JITT Y � Persoiisl1}+ cpsi-to before Lw tTi is /D ` da-f of ,1�67, the above; named, to me ]mown to be th,� :persons who e,4calited tho for- -ilia instruii:e+nt and och-nor,ledged the same. S I:r,- Coirunissioii E_.piros Plot ✓ Ihiblic Harry A. Greenwa dt .Approired b3? the Pla.nni.na Coimiiissior- of the City of idashego or this -� day ofcJn1Z' ,1967• T „ec.rotary Tliis in3trument teas drsfted. by James '"r. Landry, Siirvayor S-c52 2 of 2 0 cr.) oc§ CID L6j LW LL. M ca CL) LLI co C002 co Uj Gam} M LU C, U- C= O CD 11