6039 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP156719� CeRrI.,0/EO .5[/R VEY A4j i)o Na.�a.� 3E/NG A P eRr aF rv.- Y. E. //.o t s• W. //4 a F rme A/ E. //4 of sEcTio/V R4 Torun/ S No1e7-X11 e 4A'6X 20 Eo;Lrr, /N rNE 0FMUrKE60/ dRLlk�rH� COUNTY GJ/.3�• �►`gcoNs'k . Oa/NE'RS: G�,�rpuDE .SY'.YgFFav� �JYATF• ✓9.YEJ Mr7Y- AE,QJ0.4(pi ,4JPAF,JIfA/Tgr7YE. �Il L. CIO f71TS'- .lO N.4LD �uNil/Br/C�iI nACA+ c�F /OS33 �. N.oTro.Y•QL AvE, I�f'1r1i71 SKI prE,rr .v sL/� wiJ. s9ze> � SI7 f P,e/AGE a Q �►va�'gM a+�. mm ; �O soc, a a' 111Ht1tititi» 0 - 0F No7z'r / "X 2.0 /,e 43 GBS. / z /W.. Fr. . • INMAN SURVEY & DISSOCIATES, INC. L0C,977O,A/ MAA , 11221 W. FOREST HOME AVE. 'V.eA'.rv'vwe ,fc HALES CORNERS WISCONSIN 53130 /Yp (/ONfNYfQ PHONE 425-2060 AFT 'At r e c- .v s. co.e. of /oo aZ fi� z4t-s-zo _-25 .. do. ) a o 8p-/ate c h d4! CorP of NE fic- -4el, 3/r 449 r s� To~o3 i :W +� CJ- r aNEj � 1 I � ti y'� o 4� .✓ E. 114 Jz c. s_liJT f L 4y k N , :Fa. 70 ls�r -- 2¢8.3¢--alvE 6vEJT a —1-->w R el Aol c .4 r rZ 0 c -x' ., L_ 0 CERTIFIED SURVEY 14AP NO. Q being a part of the S.W. 1/4 and S.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of Section 24, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN)SS MILWAUKEE COUNTY) I, RANDOLPH L. RAFALSFI, registered land surveyor, hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed, mapped, divided, and dedicated a part of the S.W. 1/4 and S.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of Section 24, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, Founded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said 1/4 Section; thence N.87032100"E., along the north line of said 1/4 Section, 1815.77 feet to a Brass Highway Monument fSund in C.T.H. "00", also known as North Cape Road; thence S.09 33108"W., along the centerline of said North Cape Road, 1464.54 feet to the point of beginning of the lands to be described: thence continuing S.09033108"W., along said center- line, 279.97.-feet to a point; thence leaving said centerline, Due West, 248.34 feet to a point; thence N.09033108"E., and parallel to the center of North Cape Road, 313.24 feet to a point on the southerly line of PARCEL 1 of C.S.M.No. 196 as described; thence S.82 18114"E., aloncr said southerly line of said C.S.M.No. 196, 245.03 feet to a point on the centerline of North Cape Road and the point of beginning. DEDICATING THEREFROM, the easterly 50 feet for public street purposes. THAT I have made such survey, land division and map by the direc- tion of JAMES MAY, personal representative of the estate of GERTRUDE SCHAEFER,(deceased) owner of said lands. THAT such survey is a correct representation all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the land division ordinance of the City of Muskego, in surveying, dividing, mapping and dedicating the same. Dated: October O .$� 5.1758f1X OQ RAf4DOLPH L. RA A SKI, R.L.S.No. 1758 Oti,n4ERS CERTIFI kAl_CATION AS OWNER, I hereby certify that I have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped, and dedicated,as rel.Dresented on this man. I also certi f,'7 that this plat is recruired b­' s . 2 3 f .10 or s . 236.12 to be submitted to the City of'rSuskeg'o for approval. WITNESS the hand and seal of said owner this ,•�'z,4-4". _day of ri e•' ,1989. ( SEAL) In the presence of: hY J ES P Y7 persol ' representa- ve for t e esta of GERTRUDE SCHAEFER, deceased. Sheet Z of 3 ✓06 No.. �leoi97G r/7 11) CERTIFIED SURVEY PUi P NO.' .1!0 LV 7 being a part of the S.E. 1/4 and S.W. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of Section 24, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. STATE OF WISCONSIN)SS MILWAU' E CO TY) PERSONALLY came before me this day of ti ,1989, the above named JA4ES MAY, personal represen ative for the estate of GERTRUDE SCHAEFER, (deceaced) to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. (,SEAL) N ary publ c, jilwaukee County, Wisc. My commission expires PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego on this J day of ;�,;.;;-4� - 1989. Planning Chairman Secretary COPMON COUNCIL APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION " .F APPROVED and DEDICATION ACCEPTED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego .o:P .this day of J`',�z���r %. ,1989, by Resolution No. T•MYOR ;' CITY CLERK WAUF: A' E SHA COUNTY PARR AND PLANNING ACCEPTOF DEDICATION DEDICATION is hereby accepted by the Waukesha County, Park and Planning Commission on this day of ,1989. , , S U,ftict % Walter Tarrman, Exec. Director l� i � � ss } No. .... 040ti.sal CO- Kai. 3 �..DNY RECF4wf0 FOR RECOND i�iE ..,�-- ' 00 RECORDED IN a63 /1 This instrument was FEE M. L f,-1 UPON' Sheet 3 of 3 drafted by Randolph L. RafalskiJob No.16976