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to 11111111111111111111111111 wGea0a3z, CERTiD SLW'VEY M AP N0 ALL THAT PART OF THE FIE 1 /4 OF THE SE 1 /4 OF SECTM 17, TOW 5 FORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF WVSKEGO, %ktWES IA COUNTY, WS- C.0 SN O - 1MRAICAWS MON PIPE 1" x 24". 1.13 LBS./11N,FT: SET � �i�T1�hi LiLA€ - E,AST L1i�lE � 1�}1€ ! E i�k5C. 4�F PG�1d CiJATE S'ti�l�#'1, GBIB 1dGR . 9Al1Fi�F°! �C11�1E) R - RECOMO AS INW, WSW IA A! RACINE AVE. Ait1Si Elk 4 F41-/m sY: E!2�RB�VM®Al9 DR. WI. 531'68 CURW DATA NO. 1 R MW A 7.2.M' ON - $9.72' CH. BALD - N WW49' E I MG = 3r 4d'5r SEC7 Mf 17, T5W. R20E UMPLATTED LANDS I Pal. 1 - _ ' WME . UTILITY MArL - 3.40W ABC. 146." .U4 &F. 1 I i �'Y €�T P1 CIR.- 14951M 51r. 0093M Ac: DEMA±M FOR PUKX -' AL&M MWOM - 0.33M AC. 1*3",M &F. UWLAT'PED LANDS �• , , J. •� RLMMT-, JR. WAUMESHA, ' WI yy� +• • � i,-i-if p f@ Pd a 'w 2- Ne N W E S E 1./4 COR SEC. 17-5--24 CAST MAN •k1ONU. WAkA$S CAP a a z r w P;K MAILS �'o \ SE? - I f 70.4.3' SE 1/4 CDR SEC. 17-5-20 M ML *Mpl iu, 1MR' � CAP FIL€ # 1,538 TWS WSTRUMENT WAS DRAFlEO BY FRAW ERT, JR. PAGE 1 OF 3 CERMED SURVEY MAP NO — ALL THAT PART OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC70N 17, TOWN 5 TH, RANGE 2:0 EAST, CITY OF MU'SKEGO, WM'ESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN / ±.i 1" ��� a ��� i ■ STATE OF WISCONSM.) (SS GOUNTY OF WAUKESHA) We. Ruokert do MWlke, Inc., Reostered Land Surveyors, d+o hereby certify that at the direction of the Owner, was have made this survey being al+l that Part of the Northeast 1/4 -of the SoutKeest 1/4 of Section 17, Town 5 North,. Range 20 East, City of MwF,uskego, WaukeeKa County, Wisconsin, bounded and described es follows: Commencing at the Seu-theast 1/4 corn*r of Section 17; thence North 0'0'59'13" Wit aioRg the oust. lime of said South*ast 1/4 Section, 17".34 feet to a poilint with Its intAwsection of the "-sto^ly site ision of the northerly right—of—way line of Enterprise Dive; thence South 88'19'54" Went along saM northerly dght---of--wey tine, 881.22 feet to the paint of b*glhndng of I -ands hereinafter described, thence c©ntInuing South 98'19'54" West, 70.43 feet to a point; thence South 01'40'06" Emt, 36.00 feet to a paint; thence South 8,8"19'54" Vest, 400,12 feet to a paint on the west tine of the 141etth* st 1/4 of said South— east 1/4 Section; thence North 00'543'30" West ol.onj said west line, 321.00 feet to a point; thence North i� I V54" East, 470.05 feet to a paint; thence South dp'59' 14" East, 285.00 feet to the paint of begin-ning contoining 3.4059 acres, (148,359.83 .Sq Ft.) rn-ore or Ise$ of Ion.d. ©ed'iecting therefrom the. most southerly 36 feet for public roe4 p4rposes. That we have mode this survey, land divisfan and map by the direction of the City of. IvFrrskego, Owner of. said I-ond. That such mop is a. correct representation of otl the exterior bound vies of the laFrd surveyed and the Ion'd di'v4sion thereof mod*. That we hGVe fully compfied with the provisions of Chapter 23-6 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the City of Muskago in survFe)4ng, dlvid�n-q and mapping the some. Dote: RLPEKKERT do MELKE, INC SS a _' wavkf l 'Cs. Nit. ) . ..mow RECtld-ED FOR RECORD TRE314�. DAD. e A. D., 1:9.1;It. A401— if w..�7 ft • `a Pillow J. S-t2 4 Frank J. Ruekvrt, Jr., RLS - 4 r WAUKMA, RLE # MM T S INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY FR RUEKERT, JR. PAGE 2 OF 3 297 CERTWED SURVEY WAP NO - ALL THAT PART OF THE WiE 1 /4 OF THE SE 1 /4 OF S>ECTkOPI 17, TOWN 5 NORTH, RAC 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, W-AUXESKA COUNTY, WI`S•COI+JSIN As OVER. we hereby cortify that we Kaye cmu-sed the laird described above to be survey". AW4ed, rr -Wed and does eted ors represmtecl on this rr zp. As OM+ER, we certify -that tWts Certified Survey Mop is required to be subrmtted to the City of M ego for approval. WITNESS the hand and seal of said 0'4 RER this 2.3rd -_ _ day of _ Augu_st. 1989. In Ove Presence of: G. Sd en -time, Mayer K. Mwende, Clerk (J STATE. OF VN SCONSIN) (SS � .. COUN-TY OF WAUKESWA) , PERS014ALLY carve before me this day of the above named offic; s of the ' Gfty of Wuskejo, to rn-e 4cmewn be per -sans who emocuted the foregoing inztrurnent and acknowledgedtl�e sn iff: My Expires: Pubil'ic, *k4adh'a County, ". APPROVED by the Plonn-ing Gornmission of the City of Musk -ego on this 15th day of A%gust _ 19 89 01 r •r ' Choi n $creta�'y APPR,OfVE.D by the Comrrkon Council of the City of MUusk-sgo on this day of _ A13gu.s t- . 19 89 G. Salentine, Mi yor K. Mcwenda, Clerk " • r-�-ter FILE # I&M 'MIS Tf�'MT, WAS' DRAFTED Bel MAW XERT, JR. PAGE 3 OF 3 se"