5747 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP0 0. #284-C CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO,5-vz/7 BEING A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTIO 7, AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. MONUMENTS: o = 1" O.D. iron pipe 24" long at 1.13# per lineal foot. North Point referred to Wisconsin State Plane Coordinate System -South Zone. r C.s•�yf, #`.�16I � N J_0-A 1 3o, 36o s4. FT .5 44 3''..�az'; J.O -k 12 3o,36o Sa Fr . oo ,LOf• 3 30,36a s4.F7` k0 i 4 07.54.Fr 4 tj NVI a Q 9 ryry--Q "r I�•5V V r O 1' gb I a. •0 o? $ c_ O���A 0 �6.3Ad9�89Pj, Go N EDVVARD A. �j HUR LEY i v'r" 5 �s i S-1s35 i a Gj c Brookfield, Wis. -7 o Sheet 1 of 3 sheets 0 #284-C CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. , BEING A PANT OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SEMI-91 7, AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER GF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RAI4GE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: 1, EDWARD A. HURLEY, do hereby certify that in full compliance with the provisions of Section 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the land division regulations of the City of Muskego and at the direction of Glenn Hansen, Gerald A. Hansen, Ellen J. Sprawls, Karen K. Hansen, Laurel L. Evans and Gayle A. Pawlak, owners, I have surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated the following described lands: All that pant of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 7 and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, of Section 8, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, located and bounded as follows: Commencing at a point in the east line of the said quarter -section, 1334.10 feet North 01°25'52" West of the southeast corner thereof; thence South 87°14'.08" West 223.72 feet -to the centerline of Hillendale Road and the point of beginning of the lands herein to be described; thence South 87°45'08" West on the north line of Certified Sri:-vey Asap No. 1059, 184.21 feet; thence North 00015'08" East 238.37 feet; thence North 45015'08" East 383.26 feet to the southwest cornea of Certified Survey Map No. 1461; thence South 44°44'52" East, on the southerly line of Certified Survey Map No. 1461, 293.00 feet to the centerline of Hfllendale Road; thence South 45015'08" West, on said centerline, 416.00- feet to the point of beginning, enclosing approximately 3.192 acres of land, dedicating therefrom the southeasterly 40.00 feet for, public road. That this Certified Survey Map is a true and correct representation of the location and extensor boundaries of the land surveyed. And that I have drafted this instrument consisting of three pages. Dated at Brookfield, Wisconsin, November 20, 1988. Signed: J - R . HURLEY, Hurley Engineering Service, Inc. E820 Pepper Lane Brookfield, 'Wi 53005 • EDWARD A. , a HURLEY � � S-1185 Q to % Brookfield, Wis. ; 16 . siu a (cct►,K G NA,usw POA SEERS' iT�ATIFXCATE: As owners, Glenn C. Hansen, Gerald A. Hanse,q,( El en J. Sprawls, Karen K. Hansen, Laurel L. Evans and Gayle A. N_� v x*t ereby certify that we caused the land described herewith to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on the foregoing map in accordance with tP-C- requirements of the City of Muskego. We..also certify that this Certified Survey Flap is required to be submitted to the following for ap oval. ty of skego. Witness the hand and seal of said owners this ,� D-day of 1988. /; yty! C� (SEAL) r1 'rf t �' (SEAL Glean C. Hansen Gerald A. Hansen � �,yyy* CIsx- !, (In• _e_&jj 0 (SEAL) Ellen J. Sp � s .- 11,111 j C� .: (SEALi Laurel L. Evans cLx.-�d•� (SEAL) Karen K. Hansen /Gayle r . Poihrck Sheet 2 of 3 silaets #284-C CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. , BEING A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SEC ION 7, AND T IE.' NORTflVIEST QUARTER -,OF .THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER'OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) ss Personally came befor me 1 7 Gay of ram. oK 1988 Gienn C. Hansen, Gerald A. Han�i,�lenJ. prawls, Karen Hansen, Laurel L. Evans and Ga le A. xto me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and P adnow�i edged the same. My Commi sAi on expires: S i-g PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL: Approved by the Planning commission of the City of Muskego this 3 RD day of .s'ANuA/Zy , 1989. Si fined: WA AlE CG 5ALE,v7 ,,A14 Chairman r Signed'��� CN�r�Y�- rDT ecretary COMMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION: Approved and adopted this /O 7'y day of .T rviAARY 1989 by Resolution Number /6 _ $9 Signed: ` 9 WIANAAff G• SACE,V•TiAl,EMayor Si gned: n/ MA►2EIVPACity er 01 t, EO,1rnn� A. • ,,.. 4 - �c ��ISTFR'S OFFICE � °�`��....�'�-�LYY/,;,. *90Ke5ha CO. Wis. ) 1rfl...........« REC-IYEfl FOR RECORD THE .13.DAY C QI rL.I. A.D., 19.`�l..ATJO.,�b J f?ECCl- ED iN00L-4:& ..........•�... Sheet 3 of 3 Sheets