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O - RiNCAT£S IRON PIPE 1" x 24". 1.13 LBS./LIN.FT. SET • - PITON PIPE FOUND (R) - RECORDED AS IDENTIFIAZLE SECTION LIME - NORTH LINE OF TH£ SW 1/4 SEC. 12, TSN, R20E., ASSUMED BEARING N 87'31'2ro" E (08C. STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, GRID NORTH, SOUTH ZONE) OWNER: PREPARED BY: CITY OF MUSKEGO RU-EXERT & WELKE, INC. Wl-82 S82N IRACINE AVE. W239 N1.812 ROCKWOOD DR. M4J'SKEGO, W. WAUKESHA, W. 531M l fiF- ,tf f' 1+- ea' sup. snvo 0 �0A 400 ! ! EAA>EkIENT 12V DRAWAGE 1 I EA UMWT ! 1 'GRAOPW SCALE W 1 /4 C©R. OF C. S SEE. 12, TSW, R20E ••I/I. N0� � (ICI PIPE) 5221 � sky C.S_l�l. �kO. 5545 I > I — i N. LINE OF SW 1 /4 SEC. 12 T5N, R'20E. (W. 1 /4 LINE) N tral. &0' t OL130 t. k. ram, . e LET ti qq VrW'26"W 13*.75' L 60' DEDICATED FOR A� / e�046� Y N I, PUBLIC ROAD PU4WO-. RM QO' z EXISTPNG POND w . LOT 3 ACREAGE dL 71 1.6990 AC. (NET) x� LOT 1 16.9342 AC. (NET) °C 45.,e �d EXISTING POND R 180' WIDE Frk'SEUMT N $s*30WE rnigg T �} 29'± c; Z V) z Jx Q! T b� r-. 4 I cn L T 2 I-51 ?Mr GERTFIED SURVEY MAP NO — �0I---- PART OF THE NW 1 /4 OF THE SDI 1 /4 OF SEC.12, T 5 N, R 20 E, „— CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, W[SCONSIN. Y • • FI • , S-1204 �• WAUKESHA, go- m go CENTER OF SEC. 12, T5N. R20E (CONIC. MONUMENT W'/BR-ASS CAP) , 1635.06' LOT 1 N 87'31 " E S.M. N0. 52'80 ! LOT 2 /1130- ! f N 87-31 ` ! i I l 1� 30� I� R PARS 1 �g6 PAS. 2 !js02 9.7732 AC. (MET) - � P,a. 2 l Pop. 1 ` in ! p 0 30' DEDICATED FORLki f i ,vo. Cy' L! a PU�LJC RDAO PURPOSES C• m �5111 FREMM _ RD. kVf m OSH I s 1-37"'W FILE # 1528 THIS I-NSTRUMkENT WAS DRAFTED 8Y F�AP�lIK RUEKERT, JR. PAGE 1 OF 4 C.5 EERWED SURVEY MAP NO FART OF THE NW 1 /4 OF THE SW 1 /4 OF S .C.12, T 5 N, R 20 E, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUXESHA COUNTY, M'SCONSIN. AREA TA.Fii F LOT 140. SQ. FT. ACRES TOTAL 1,393,925.717 31.9978 1 766, 065.89,2 17.5865 RD. DEDFCAPON 32,789.M6 0.7523 NET 733,295.9M 1-6.8342 2 481, 425.081 11.0520 RD. DEDICATION 31,627.876 0.7261 RD. DEMATION 24,0765.612 0.5527 NET 425.720.593 9.7732 3 110,172.878 2.5292 RD. DEDICATION 36.1-61.867 0.9302 NET 74,011.011 1.6"o CURVE TABLE AE 40. RAMUS A CNORD CHOW aw 1 12'07.75 4%4`06' M1.55 S01'O'24"W 2 14Q0:00 8'32`57' 2118.82 SlD5'41'38"E # TER'S s.s 1SIL47 89 11aakesAe Co. Wis. } m •............ R'ECEIIFED FOR RECORD THE ...DAY ................... A. D., 19.` $.AT.. ".Y O'CLOCK.I.H. & RECOKOED M Q ..Ji�o 4'F....5...,5...,aN ...... 1 r Rf �15T' COURTLAND LN. NE 1 /4 :'� a AM— C„S.M SE 1/4 5W 1 /4 Sc LE: L0CATI,0N MAP SW 1/4 OF SEC. 12-5-20 TA" BOG I ARC NO-)-33'58''E 1 101.58 STV Oe'07.5'E 1217.04 PRAW a MAMMOT, JR. O - S-164 - WABHA, awl l �iMlq. Frank J. Rau f:rt Jr., RrLS 1, - -t 9e FILE # 1528 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED E3Y FRANK RUEKERT, JR. PAGE 2 OF 4 Q�l SURAYOR'SC ,R .IFICA.TE CERTfF!ED SURVEY MAP NO.�_----_-- A-11 that part of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 12, Town 5 North, Range 20 Eest, City of Muskego, Waukesha County., Wiisconsi:n. STATE OF WISCORSIN) (SS COUNTY OF WAU•KESHA) We, Ruck -art & Miel'ke, Inc., Registered Land Surveyors, de hereby certify that at the direction of the fawner, we have made this survey befng all that port of the Northwest 1/4 of th-e Southwest 1/4 of Section 12, Town 5 North, Ronge 20 East, City of W-uskoge, It uk-esha County, Wisconsin, Iaeu.nded and described as follows: Commenoing at the Kest 1/4 corner of Section 12, being the point of begtinning,; tll er Ce North 87'31'26" East along the North line of th-e Southwest 1/4 of Section 12, 1032.10 feet to a paint on the West lltne of C.S.M. No. 5290; thence South 02'28'34" East along the Weat Iine of C.S.M. No. 52100, 290.00 feet to a point on the South line of C.S.M. No. 5280; thence t4orth 87'31'26" East along the South line of C.S.M. No. 5280, 195.31 feet to a po-int on curve in the W*steerly nigh-t--of—way line of FoirfivM Avenu-e; thetn.ee centin-uirng clang the Westerly right—of—way line of Fc&fw1d Avenue crud the arc of a curve, 101.58 feet, center of which ties to the East, rG&us of 1207.75 feet and a chord bearing South 01'09'24" Vest, 101.5.5 feet; thence South 01'15'10" East, 16E3.12 feet to a point on curve, thence adog the arc of a curve, 217.04 feet, center of wh-ich hies to the East, ro4l-us of 14.0,0.0,0 feet Grild a chord bearing South 05'41'39" East, 216.82 feet to a point on the forth line of C.S.M. No. 44360; thence South 83'32'24" West along solid' Nortfh 141n,e of C.S.M. No. 436,0, 180.55 feet; thence South 06*03'23" Eost along VIM West lines of C.S.M. No. 4360 and C.S,M. No. 39-59, 230.00 feet to a point on the North line of C.S.M. Ne. 5111; thence South 8,Y56'37" Vest al%ong s-eid North lrwne, 225.0�0 feet; t'Irronce South 06'03'23" East olong the West line of C.S..M. No.. 5111, 250.00 feet to the centerline of WcsKarre Rood; thence Sewth 83'56'37" West al-ong said centerline, 864.00 feet to a paint on ttra West line of the Southwest 1l4 of Section 12, ai;so being the East 5ne of "FREEDOM ACRES ADDITION NO. 1' a recorded sub-iVmlon; t-honce hhorth 01'1-9'34" Est 60nQ said West line of the SautKwree-t 1/4 of Section 12, 1331.44 feet to the point of b*giinming. Dedicatlnq th,ere-from the Sourtfteriy 3.0 feet of Lot 2 ar'd the Westerly 60 feet of Lots 1 cad 2 for road purposes. Alse da4calinq a -610 folot wide portion of Lot 3 for rood purposes, being the Ec6t.erly average 6-02.70 feet of Lot 3. Throt We Iha.ve made this survey, land divission and r°nap by the direction of the City of bluskelgo, Owner of said land, That such, slap is a correct representation of all th-e exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the lond div�sion thereof made. That we have fu'liy corn -plied with tt�e provisions of Chapter 2336 of the Wisconsin Stotute,s and the City of M-usireg-o in surveyn.g, di-v 6ing cad mapping the same. RU-EKERT 8c MIELKE, INC. ' ..... •0,04 � ;'�" • • •00 S-12414 Frank J. Ruekert, Jr., RLS 1 .° 4 0• FILE # 152,8 PAGE 3 OF 4 0 (P OWNER'S CEIRT'IFICATE OF Eaj;CATj.QN As GWNER, we hereby certify that ► e have caused th;e I -and described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map in accordance wiith the Requirements of the City of Vus.kego. WITNESS the Fund and seal of said 0WER this _ ��'� day of 1988. ----- In the Presence of: Salientine, Mayor K. Marendz, Clerk STATE OF WISCONSIN) (SS COUNTY OF WAUiKESHA) PERSONALLY come biefore me this jL- day of k `�s1._____—_. 19,88, the wave Warned offiiEicnls of the City ofl uske yo, to me kkn to -be the persons who executed the foreg-oin-g instru•rr°ent and aokn. owil.e+dged th•e sa:mr e_ y Corn -mission Expires: C-� --_ ii- 1 tary Publ:i•c, �e�ra County, M. APPROVED by the Planning Commias�ion of the City of ku ego on this day of ___ohs_-------.-- 19 -8:4----- Ch on Secretary N• :ice• . •.. A APFR4)VED by the Com:rrkon Cou foil of the City of M,u-sk"o on this 22,d ray of ------- • 'FRANC 1 6. RUDOWT. JR. • S...M- y Frank J. Ruekert Jr., RLS FrLE # 1528 A+- 41P- G. S401eatin.e, Mayor K. Myeren-da, Clerk PAGE 4 OF 4 931