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C E R T I F I E D S U R V E Y M A P Caaa,aa2 N 0.,5 01 Being a division of a part of The Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 5, Township 5 North, Range 20 Ea.st City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin /0 0 25 50 /Do 150 200 300 400 GRAPHIC SCALE: I"= 120' � I I ` N.W. ya N. F. 5.W.4 5.E.f.4 �CF4T lrnhv¢��I f LOCALITY MAP 5.E. !/4 SEC.5-T6111.-R20E, SCALE : I'• 2000' 0 FOUND VERY OLD 1ROn1 PIPE F REPLACED w+rN 1"� 24" IRaIJ PIPE, 1.13 I6,. PER LINE -AL FaO7' ^- WoR7H SYMBOLS o INDICATES I" Y 24" IRON PIPE ),I3 lbs. PER LINEAL FOOT. ALL DIMENMON5 5HOWu ARE MEA5UREO TO THE NEAREST HUNDRETH OF A FOOT: ALL 6EAR)H(6 AAE REFERENCED TO GRID NORTH - WISCONSf M STATE PLArJE COORDWAVE 5YSTEM, 50uTH zoNE. ANGLES A 7b° 05- 2Ci 8 103'- IS- 30, C 179 °- 3S-56' 0 90°- 5S- 04" E 90'- I4'- to" ALSO OESCRIOED If4 YVL 780 OF 0eE.()S CIN PAGE 29 AS DOC.07.ZSZA7 CdEPO) iIJIJPLATT D 7 5. 88' 57- 4o'E „as sfeas) E L AN Os rJ.E. COR. OF LANoe, Cr . �7._jV. DESCRI6ED !N REEL t I5' 4,)gE (OEEo) e�� f A (M. 86•- 47' iV.r- GEED) 806,'MA6E5l2, -- /�3 5- AEEI� u r7�( 5 MEAS.) f88-3/•3f7 E.Gas nn AS QOC.01371997 ��' g 0A7E0 SGPT V)'IFOL.WU `2b. / 4b75DOB12,r9d6. Q7 rrro �3 PARCELu7 JOF+ o �, PARCEL. 4 onah 3 U, , jy 67,31 �. 8 7 5 0. F T. a R% mov ly 'Vv5454I F Nvl, PL4 Q-/y AC. v,mo C4 �W(mp -1+RQ'VP1pE `o' 75.006 1 75 N.W. COP.. OF LAND5 A5 DESCRIgEO IN VOL, 1062, PAGE 251 AS Doc. M 670840 DATED U11Q SEPT.is, 1966. D OI�p �I F'AR.CEL 2 PARCEL. a la0 gl I w (L LUIoLn rr N b fl °� m qj uwr < 0.^ W ° M d v o QgalnoUI 1 U, h N ZI'VQ i o 0 A 2 PolNr of 3 3, �4 LL r� g 3 75.0U ]J.00'E 719.70' tlEbINH7Ny 7Jr' . 00 Q Sul ,A b A OEOICATEO TO TFIE CIrY CF 616.3'+aEEO _ AN6LE PT. PS OESCRssvo IN �pd � MUSkEb4 FU/? PVBLr[ � E7CF8.��,3' N.$9°•3�=$Q"!1( +TYOFMVSKE;ORfSaL.Ufle� 6/6.15 G,z MEAs.) 57' " 5?iZm - _ _ _ RE€T PURPOSE_5. 7 ml�?5%01,��3r,'-2tiE. �. r1/89`-3&' Sb'WCDs VVErN TLAND DRIVE ^' -5gso'hnr 4b?.54' _ •3.87' 44'E_Ca EPO) M64S.) (S'�EST• OEEOj' fl 3 d'(C LOpj y.i� I LOT 2 '�1 UNPLATTED LAM FOUND IRON PIPE,-' CENTE,Q OF 22,'0 C4 p ` c.,g.n�}i , ,�' I C.S.M. �Je. fib4 -- -- — — AgfVATE POAO C) _ a_ I 1.. (')F 'STP,EET AS DG5CRI19EQ $N CITY OF V --- �'I i MVSKEGO R6501 VT7on1 d 6-$7 ory e�No 1379, 05' .05.76' 1 ,I�,AV plpe s/L OF �4 SEC. 5-_S- 240 _ (CONTROL MAP) S. 88° 35 20' W 1984.8 ( LVF_,5-'- DEED) ti WILLIAM H. \ b SCH;.',IT Ir WEST ALLIs, _. r 7 Y Wis. REGISTER'S OFFICE) ss Waukesha Co. Wis, No. RfCE#WED FOR RECORD THE ... I..K..DAV ..: �.. ....., A. D., 19 91AT,3." D'CE©CIS..Y...N. & RECORDED In 1I.�:...`I I -. 22i I (� � �'z_;772Z r" �e r This instrument was drafted by William H Schmitt Sheet-1 of 3 • C E R T I F I E D S U R V E Y M A P N 0. 25 Being a division of a part of The Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 5, Township 5 North, Range 20 East City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE )SS I, WILLIAM H. SCHMITTT, registered land surveyor, hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed, divided and mapped a division of a part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 5, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows, to -wit: CONMWCING at the southwest corner of said Southeast 1/4 of Section; running thence North 881 35' 20" East on and -along the south line of said 1/4 Section 605.75 feet to a point; thence North 140 04' 20" East 183.54 feet to a point in the centerline of WEntland Drive as now laid out and the point of beginning of the parcel of land to be described; thence North 14° 15' 50" East as measured (South 15' 41.5' West -Deed) on and along the easterly line of a parcel of land described in Reel 806, Image 512 as Document No. 1371997, dated Sept. 12, 1986 in the office of Register of Deeds, 226.25 feet as measured (222.55 feet -Deed) to the northeast coiner of said lands marked with a very old existing iron pipe (replaced with a 1" x 24" iron pipe); thence South 880.57' 40" East as measured (North 871 33' West - Deed) 11.55 feet measured and Deed to an angle point marked by a very old iron pipe (replaced with a 1" x 24" iron pipe); thence South 88' 31' 36" East as measured (North 860 47' West-Deed).551.17 feet as measured (552.00 feet -Deed) to the north- west corner of a parcel of land described in Warranty Deed, Volume 1062. Page 237 as Document No. 670840 in the office. of Register of Deeds, dated Sept. 13, 1966, marked with a very old iron pipe (replaced with a 1" x 24" iron pipe), said point lies 719.70 feet measured and Deed West of the centerline of a 22 foot wide North- -South private road as measured parallel to the south line of said 1/4 Section; thence South 01 35' 20" West as measured (North 21 00' East -Deed) on and along the west line of said lands and parallel to said private road 208.70 feet measured and Deed to a point in the centerline of Wentland Drive as now laid out; thence North 89° 38' 50" WEst as measured (South 870 44' East -Deed) on and along the centerline of said road 616.15 feet as measured (616.3 feet -Deed) to the point of beginning. THE South 30 feet being dedicated to the City of Muskego for public street purposes. THAT I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Elaine Feest, owner of said land. THAT such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 and Chapter 18 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Section 3.8 of the City of Muskego Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. DATE: March 29, 1988 WILLIAM H. SCHMITT r WEST ALLIS, 1 W14. ?• - c William H. Schmitt Registered Land Surveyor, S-626 Sheet 2 of 3 ON WILLIAM N. SCNI.ITT WEST ALLIS, r Lv ;r wts. ((�� h tj 6*06 E R T I F I E D S U R V E Y M A P N 0. 5,50) Being a division of a part of ,The Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 5, Township 5 North, Range 20 East City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION As owner, I Hereby certify that I have caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as repre- sented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 18, Section 3.8 of the Subdivision ordinance of the City of Muskego. L,l Witness the hand and seal of said owner this / F day of 1999 . In the presence of: i STATE OF WISCONSIN )SS COUNTY OF MILWAM-F ) Elaine Feest Personally came befor me this 4th day of March 19B8 the above named Elaine Feest, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknownledged the ,same. PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL .4 `, _10,*114 F <� BEEi�:lCE, VAN AtSTME �fhpIiL E �p�� R1..OF 11,5.n Notary Public Milwaukee , Wisconsin My commission expires 3-13-88 Approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Muskego on this I5711 day of , 19 ' . Se etary ChazYman COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION. ,.... APPR OVED by the Common Council of the City of Ja'L N9 day of IZGH , 19 , by Resolution Mayor Muskego. ,.on' this No . ity Clerk This instrument was drafted by William H Schmitt Sheet 3 of 3