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CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP of Part of N. E. 1/4 of Section No. 32, Town-
ship 5 North , Range 20 East, in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha County
Wisconsin. Jan K. Keiser, owner
Sheet 1 of 2 sheets
Parcel 1
Parcel 2
Scale 1"=100'
Survey No. 5588
Surveyor's Certificate
Lloyd S. Dancey,-a registered
surveyor, hereby certifies that
he has surveyed -and mapped the
following described lands, by the
order and under the direction of
Jan K. Keiser, a single man, as
owner of the said lands located
in the Northeast 1/4 of section
329 Tz"mahip 5 North, Range 20
East, In -,the Town of Muskego,
Waukesha County, Wisconsin, com-
mencing at a point on the West
line of the said 1/4 section dis-
tant South 00-08'-30" East 333.0
feet from the North 1/4 corner of
the said section. Thence coatinu-
ins South 0°08'-30" East on said
West line 660.0 feet; thence due
East andparallel to the North line
of the said 1/4 section 341.0 feet
thence North 00-08' 30" West
660.0 feet; thence due West 341.0
feet to beginning. Reserving the
West 50.0 feet for road purposes.
Containing 4.41 acres of land,
more or less, exclusive of high-
way. That he has divided the said
lands into four (4) 1.0 acre
parcels, and a street of width
60.0 feet, as shown on the with-
in map. The descriptions of the
separate parcels , and of the
street are as follows;
Parcel 1
All that part of the N. E. 1/4
�+ of section 32- T. 5 N. R. 20 E.
���� •� in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha
Oomd#yt Wisconsin, commencing at
aepoint :on the West line of the
said 1/4 section, distant South
0-08'-30" 'East 333.0 feet from
the North-1/4 corner of the said
I- !V ,n 34/.0 ' r section. Thence continuing South
0008' 30" East on said West line
150.0 feet; thence due East and parallel to -the -North line of the Bald
1/4 section 341.0 feet; thence North 0°-08'-30" West 150.0 feet; thence
due West 341.0 feet to beginning. Reserving the West 50.0 feet for high-
way use, and containing 1.0 acre of land exclusive of highway.
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Sheet 2 of 2 sheets This instrument was drafted by
Lloyd S. Dancey , Surveyor S. 115
Parcel 2
All that part of the N. E. 1/4 of section 32- T. 5 N. R. 20 E.,
in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin commencing at a
point on the West line of the said 1/4 section, distant South 00-08'-
30" East 483.0 feet from the North 1/4 corner of the said section. -
Thence continuing South 0°-08'-30" East on said West line 150.0 feet;
thence due East and parallel -to the North line of the said 1/4 sec-
tion 341.0 feet; thence North 00-08'-30" West 150.0 feet; thence due
West 341.0 feet to beginning. Reserving. -the West 50.0 feet for highway
use, and containing an area of l.o acre of land , exclusive of high-
Parcel 3
All that part of the N. E. 1/4 of section 32- T. 5 N. R.20 E.,
in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, commencing at a
point on the West line of the said 1/4 section, distant South 0°-08'
30" East 693.0 feet from the North 1/4 corner of the said section.
Thence continuing South 0°-08'-30" East on said West line 150.0 feet;
thence due East and parallel to the North line of the said 1/4 section
341.0 feet; thence North 00-08' 30" West 150.0 feet; thence due West
341.0 feet to beginning. Reserving -the West 50•0 feet for highway
use, and containing an area of 1.0 are of land exclusive of highway.
Parcel 4
All that part of the N. E. 1/4 of section 32- T. 5 N. R. 20 E.,
in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, commencing at a
point on --,the West line of the said 1/4 section, distant South 0°-08'-
30" East 843.0 feet from the North 1/4 corner of the said section. -
Thence continuing SouthO°-08'-30" East 150.0 feet on said West line;
thence due East and parallel to the North line of the said 1/4 section
341.0 feet; thence North 0°-08'-30" West 150.0 feet; thence due West
341.0 feet to beginning. Reserving -the West 50.0 feet for highway
use, and containing and area of 1.0 acre of land exclusive of highway.,
Description of street Rnad Reservation
All that part of the N. E. 1 of 5ection32- T. 5 N. R. 20 E. com-
mencing at a point on the West line of the said 1/4 section distant
South 0008'-30" East 633.0 feet from the N. W. corner thereof; thence
due East 341.0-feet; thence B. 00-08'-30" East 60.0 feet; thence due
West 341.0 feet; thence N. 0*08' -30" W.-60.0 feet to beginning.
That the within map is a correct representation of the exterior
boundaries of the land surveyed and of the land division thereof
made , and that he has fully P-11-04wi.th the prol-isions of Chapter
236 of the Wisconsin Statutes in surveying, dividing, and mapping
late at;Waukesha , Wisconsin, this .16 th day of June_3. 6_+.
Lloyd So Dancey n.15
As owner of the lands described in the foregoing certificate of LlopdR,
S. Dancey, I do hereby certify that I have caused the said lands to
be surveyed ,divided , and mapped, and dedicated as represented on
the map of the said survey, in accordance with the prov &o- of
chapter 236 of the Wisconsin statutes.
Witness the hand and seal of the said owner this .Z� day 'o , 966.
Pe of
(seal ) .
ly ca before me this day of �1� Fa;, thb!above
known to me to the persons who executed the fore-
strttment, and acknowledged the same.
My p S—s commission ex irea
Notary Public, Wauk6sha County, Wis;
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DATE ' — A