50 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPE 155qz 61 CERTIFIED SURV4Y HAP: All that part of the Northwest of Section 32, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. - SURVEYORIS CERTIFICATE: I, JAMES W. LANDRY, Surveyor, hereby certify: That I have made the above survey, land -division, and plat by the direction of Land Development Company, a partnership, consisting of William Kilps Sons Developments, Inc., Mid -Towne Investment Company, Inc. & House of Real Estate, Inc., owner's of said land, commencing, at the Northwest corner of said North- west 4 bf Section 32, Thence South 00 37' 00" East along the West line of said 4 Section 555.00 feet to a point. Thence East and parallel to the North line of said Section 32. 668.69 feet to a point, thence North 00 271 00" West 555.00 feet to a point, thence West along the North line of Section 32,670.22 feet to the point of beginning. Reserving the North 50.00 feet and West 30.00 feet for Public Highway PurtJoses. Containing 7.414 Acres more or less Containing Parcels 1-2-3 & 4 That this map is a correct representation -.of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division there -of made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Ordinance No, of the Town of Muskego in surveying, Dividing, and maj2ping the same. Dated this /B�day of �/�ti= 1962. _ ' Ate. LANDti OWN-HRI S CERTIFICATE: As owners, we hereby certify that we caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped, and dedicated as represented hereon, in accordance with requirements of Ordinance No, of the Town of Muskego. Witmess the hand and seal of said owners this Z 2_%�ay o1a62. In presonce of: Land Development Company, a partnership, by its duly authorize sivnatories. Marion Fredin 14elray LaF(Ynd Irene-.Czajkowski Donald W. Kips r STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS MIWAUKEE GOUNTY ttooert � �inge»r _ Personally came before me this ZZ"`='rday of J�ravAra 1962,-'he'aba•ve.`mmed Land Development Company, a partnership, by its dul authorize& gjr-it Orie1S, Melray LaFond, Donald Ki*ps & Robert Singer, to me known to b tYse',pdrso'n-who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged same. - My Commission expires 7-12-64 :•ice-_.y. Howard C. Graves Notary Public Milwaukee 1d.V' .' PLAN COMMI-SION APFROVAL: Ap_roved by the Plan Commission of the Town of Muskego this �2,F day of 1962. CHAIRMAN SEC RY State of Wisconsin) ss. County of Milwaukee) I hereby certify that.the above survey is lines thereof And of the principal lines certify that I have procured the official Date of Survey a true repre-entation of the lot of the buildir*.; thereon, and I further description from official records. L(% Registered LandSur or S-652 Certified Survey Map Sheet 2 of 2 Prepared By: Landry Survey Service 3420 W. National Ave. Milwaukee 15, Wis.- -,VW CafP C,(- 5R- 3Z-5-,Zd OR 2-1531 WEST 670.ZZ Wf ST 640. 08 I JZ0.. 04 I � g I We'-57- 639_ SZ 1 � f � ro3s.io Q) g - 00 Q 3 e \ A� 0 t ki 0 GM. 69 EAST N072f-. 0 2 l 0 GV I 01,0Y LPL`' State of Wisconsin County of Milwaukee 500.04 V ' o � � o N� 3I9. 76 S .......,,,s/ JAME5 W. LANDRY ! Z r MILWAUKEE, n a .y WIS. /? �Z 48818l81�11SO I hereby certify that the above survey is resentation of the Lot lines thereof and principal lines of the buildinb thereon, certify thst I have procured the official from official records. a true rep - of the and I further description C-' p� Date of Survey: 1-16-62 ,F(eistered Land SyV4,eyor ru 5 �-1 50615 REGISTER'S OFFICE SS Wsukesha Co., Wis. wo, -- — Fn-R' RECORD THE_..' DAY, jA)40A'RY , A. D., 19 AT CCU CK M. AND RECORDED 111% VOL, OF 0.4-P;AGE S 6 z-, REGISTER