4989 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP0 ( bi r f-19 L D� •1 -ittc Q5 g # '7 l g l 11 id 1.359595 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO aqfL BEING A PART OF THE S.E. I/4 OF THE S,W. 114 OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP a NORTHt RANGE 20 EAST IN THE. CITY OF MUSKEGO* WAUKESHA COUNT V WISCONSIN. ��riGe -�2 .cUii%c� /yr.f a ,fi off' yo '�fv pk% !I , WC0007370 11,V/oZ PrT2ro ,vf382'0'yz E r 1 ,Qo6d-,PT A APA6 s� P4. � yy 8z8� Letrc% ,t5-*7pY e /GIB/o /1Nl,? 3% c. SM.,589 ys/ 3 °2z 21 W6.88 N/o°j3 3a.s'kf 00 L°fZ 7sd9 yy o'Sa?3" r//•zs /N.a o ys X do/.3 y/ gyp/ y ySBY yy N//•y�--of!sw Lo/ y Go, pp /8Z d0 U,</PLlTT�A N13 °03 `W '`c/ 15�9,961 a= f:f•IS�"ii�•sy�(/sGj�+.�/� set .KCAL E= /" sIaO' ,P�.ST,P.�•rio•r/ 3Z ' "11Q le ono C+cw ��✓ «/ a.+ �2 4•f d �a�S 3 �7. CERTIFIED SURVEY D!AP SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN}SS WASHINGTON COUNTY} I, Robert A. Pagels, Registered Land Surveyor, hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped this Certified Survey Map located in the S.E. 'A of the S.W. 1/4 of Fractional Section 32, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the cast iron "Harrison" monument at the South 1/4 corner of said Section-32; thence IT010 40' 26"W along the East line of said S.W. 1/4, a distance of 133.00 feet; thence S88120' 42"W, a, distance of 462.62 feet; thence N330 47" 49"W, a distance of 232.79 feet; thence N130 03' 4211W along the easterly right -of -wary line of C.T.H. "Y", a distance of 59.96 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the East, said curve having a radius of 7589.44 feet, a central angle of 000 48' 58" and a chord which bears N120 39' 13"W, 108.10 feet; thence Northerly along said curve a distance of 108.10 feet, to the point of beginning of the lands to be described; thence continue along said easterly right of way line on a curve concave to the East, said curve having a radius of 7589.44 feet, a central angle o.L 030 22' 9-7" and a chord which bears N100 33' 30.5"W, 446.88 feet; Northerly along said curve and right of way line 446.94 feet ; thence N881 20' 42"E, a distance of 182.00 feet; thence S100 33' 30"E, a distance of 534.02 feet; thence 92",0 25' 17"E, a distance of 97.84 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concave to the Southeast, said curve having a radius of 60.00 feet, a central angle of 300 00' 00" and a chord which bears S430 20' 4211W, 31.06 feet; thence'Southwesterly along said curve 31.42 feet to a point of cusp; thence 5880 20' 42"W, a distance of 182.00 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 1.898 Acres. - That I have made this survey and map at the direction -of Arthur, H. Bostater, owner, That this Certified Survey Map is a correct representation of the boundary surveyed and described and the land division 'thereof made, That I have complied fully with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes, and the land division ordinance of the City of Muskego. Certified this 23rd day of June, 1986 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE Robert A. Pagels .L.S. 1387 As owner, I hereby certify that I caused the land described on this Certified Survey Map to -be surveyed, divided, maped-".and dedicated as represented upon such'map. I"also certify that this Certified Survey Map is required to be submitted to the City of Muskego for approval or objection, in accordance with current land division ordinances. WITNESS the hand and seal of Arthur H. Bostater, owner, this 1 L - day o£ , 1986. In the presence of: LY�k- Signed: GG U1c•L L � '`� I / = Witness Arthur H. Bostater State of'Wisconsin 11020 Racine Ave. Muskego Wi. 531 Waukesha County SS Personally came before me this (�-� day of ? , 1986, the above named Arthur H. Bostater, to me known to be the person who Yxoer the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. t 5 ary blic s f-r :3 My commission expires a Revised this 12th day of July, 1986 APPROVAL OF TBE CITY OF J'fE ITGO I'Re r)lvpd }ha.t this Cert;_fed Survey ?.Tap in the City of Muskego, Arthur H. Bnsta.ter, owner, is hereby approvad by the P18n Commission of the City of P,Tu/skego. Date a.pprriVea July 1 , lo86 Wayne G. Sa entinee Chairman Secretary ReGolved tha.t this Certified Survey T'a,p in the -City of TTuskego, Arth+_Lr H: Dostater, owner, is hereby approved by the Common Council of +,hp City of T-Tuskego. Date July 8 1936 Approved Wayne V. Salentine T-Tayor July 16Tale ,178 Signed Le Wayne/G. Salentine Mayor A t hereby certify th t the fnrpgning is a copy cf a resn].ution adbl}tEJd'�k Mize: Common Council of the City of T-Tuskegn, a Date . July 16 1986 City Cj._.rk Charlotte L. Stewart k 0�;a�si�1 4, % «L f RO ER ?� .. P G � .. � a f w s �jwi r4-` �'1,, a ;S�u v ; 011%, RLGISjjK'S Of VICE.) ss .1359595 i solo" 00. !MOR RECORD TV4� &j*_-- - i - o - - 1 9 1 ...... 'D _ ` hsi, instrument diraf. ted by Robert n P2.ge].s sheet � of ?