CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP of 2 acre arcel of lands of Mrs. Erna Peters
in W� of NEJ of Sec. 29-T.5 N. R.20 E. in the City
of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wis-
This instrument was
Ww1f !, X 4�a' gAb�M dafteBurveLorydSeptD3n-
�3 f 9 . 4 y y 1966
-• ' SURVEYBr's certif-
JAC7=1ow A-0CAP raa-W irate.
� mo*.3 Lloyd S. Dancey, regis-
tration S. 115, hereby
deposes and says that by
�.�„�.R ",,,,,�„ �a i �� • h the order and under the
direction of the owner
thereof he has surveyed,
divided , and mapped the
lands herein bounded and
N :g} described,
All that part of the West 1/2 of the
�y Northeast 1/4 of section No. 29,
.\¢t ,�/1q','.�z k ` s►'r a. Township No. 5 North, Range No. 20
East, in the City of Muskego, Wauk-
esha County Wisconsin, commencing
a't the center of the said section 29 distant N. 4-38'-5611 E.2682.50
feet from the West 1/4 corner of the said section, and running thence
North 30-28'-56" E.624.65 feet, and thence N. 33°-28'-56" E. 496.20 feet,
&nd thence S.50-31'-04" E. 24.75 feet to the point of commencement of
described area at the EW corner thereof. Thence N. 33°-28'-56" E.-on high-
way boundary 336.34 feet; thence S. 630-05'-34" E. 231,49 feet; thence
S. 330-28'56" W. 362.73 feet; thence N.50-31'-04" W, 229,47 feet to the
point of commencement, containing 80382 sq. ft. of 1and..He further depos-
�s and says that the witki mgp is a correct representation of all the ex-
torior boundaries of the land surveyed, and that he has fully complied wiih
the provisionoof Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes pertaining to cer-
tified land survey maps, and the regulations of the City of M7-)
kego, in
surveying , dividing , and mapping the same, -/- J /j � _ _ ."-
The above certificate subscribed to and I1 duS.' D nce
sworn to before me this / day of�-
M •�9P
OWNER'S CERTIFICATE As owner of the lands described in the
foregoing certificate of Lloyd S. Dancey, surveyor, I hereby certify that
I have caused the said lands to be surveyed, divided, and mapped as rep-
resented ther in .
I rese ce
Personally came before me this day of-' - -- 1966 the aboyis named
person known to me to be the person who executed the above a�ov�pgr-
tificate and acknowledged the same. My commission exp1res- ..55-�`--%
Notary Pu lie.
Approved by the PLAN 0 +IS a CITY OF MUSKEG s`�
day of------- 1966. _
UR��. C rman Clerk
N# Q` Ltory s. I
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