48 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPWC0002610 • ­�,)o q. Sheet 1 Of 2 CERTIFIED SURVEY 14AP : All that part of the Northwest 4 of Section 32, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SU RVEYORIS CERTIFICATE: I, JAA9ES W. LANDRY, Surveyor, hereby certify: That I have made the above survey, land -division, and plat by the direction of Land Development Company, a partnership, consisting of William Kilps Sons Developments, Inc., Mid -Towne Investment Company, Inc. & House of Real Estate, Inc., owner's of slid land, commencing at a point in the West line of said g Section 1155.00 feet Southerly of the Northwest Corner of said 1 Section: Running thence South 00 371 00" East along the West line of said Section 32. 600.00 feet to a point, thence East and parallel to the North line of said 4 Section 32, 665.37 feet to a point, thence North 00 271 00" West. 600.00 feet to a point thence West 667.03 feet to the }point of be- ginning. Reserving the West 30.00 feet for Public Highway Purposes. Containing 8,764 Acres more or less Containing Parcel 9-10-11-12 That this map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division there -of made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chspter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Ordinance No. of the Town of Muskego in Surveying,, Dividing, and mapping the same. Dated this 1,P* day of _,�PAJ. 1962. / JA S W . LANDRY OWNER' S CERTIFICATE: As owners, we hereby certify that we caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped, and dedicated as represented hereon, in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance Naof the Town of Muskego. WITNESS the hand and seal of said owners this z. day of NTJANu yX __,1962. In presence of: Land Development Company, a partnership, by its duly authorized tories. Marion Fredin -- PI. ray a on , Irene -- Donald -Kilps Irene Czajkowski D STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS 11ILWAUKEE COUNTY r` Robert Singer-1 Person2lly came before me this Z24day of��R1962, 'the abpv+�-�a�ned �` ` Land D velopiaent Company, a partnership, by its duly authorized�'s`g otori s., Melray'LaFond, Donald Kilps & Robert Singer, ti me kn,--,wn to %65 & pa-rOgn who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged same, My Commission. expires 7-12-64 Howard C. Graves N otary Public PLAN COT-T`I� SION APPROVAL: App owed by the Plan ConLmission of he_Town of muskeg this day of 1962. ��`'� �-_ --� CHAIRNAN 'SECTWARY State of Wisconsin ) ss. County of Milwaukee) I hereby certify that the above survey is a true representation of the lot lines thereof .and of the principal lines of the building thereon, and I further certify that I have procured the official des cri ion cram off ial records. Date of Survey /-/G -�2229 Registers and S eyor S-(,52 Certified Survey Map Sheet 2 of 2 Prepared By: - Landry Survey Service' 34,20 W. National Ave. N Milwaukee 1�, Wisconsin \ OR 2-1S31 �,��f0lif�fflp�0 N. fs! CAP.vE.� JAMGS W, ..sEc. 3z- .s - ZO = LANDRY MILWAUKEE�S WIo pf0 S� 13o D° iYEST .967.03 � 637. 43 C>1 h 6z 0 �f/EST °S oo � G36.00 WE.5T 635. 79 _ �vEsr 1 ��a 0 6 35.37 665. H7 EAST N �? NOTFe 0 IJFiVoTL�-5 / /A-4V 21,, V f-. - State of Wisconsin County of Milwaukee v I hereby certify that the above survey is a true representation of the Lot lines thereof and of the principal lines of the building thereon, and I further certify that I have procured the official description from official records. Date of Survey: 1-16 - 6 z Q-i • REGISTERS OFFICE I ss 5 5 9 61 Waukesha Co., Wis. No QIVED FOR RECORD THE ,�C, DRY ARy A. D., 19__�AT U'GL CK M. AND RECORDED IN VOL,T_� — L ON PAGE / fkEGISTER !`