4712 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPr 1295!166 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 1 ,)� BEING A RE -DIVISION OF LOT I BILK. 2 OAKRIDGE UNRECORDED SUBD.,& PART OF LOTS 1,20 BLOCK 22 JEWEL CREST SUBDIVISION, OFA PART OF THE N.W I/4 OF SECTION 4, T.5N., R 20E• , IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA CO., WISC. • • INMAN ENGINEERING OF MILWAUKEE. INC. 1 AIJK E F„ cousin 53 zz MILW�.Vf. EE WIgCtN151N 5313: PHOFIE 425.201;V i GRAPHIC SCALE Gv+/et/E �. Qc66RT /PtPP ILK' - 0�5 10' 25 50 t" 50' f00 ISO e�o.�,ceelnt rA¢hcttoY. L o_T^3_Q- = Ec.M , G4cVe,Gji8C., "122 o E - N1 859 00 $ �. � ,,, I.o ae V L.VSET -59.00 AI ES 2 `, Mtn ob , r W Y Q J r� W ♦D 01 ` 4 O J� Oo C.1'I�-gg��o 00 on mf �-'_ h 1 n7 ry0' • r.:k; `(D 14 ��2pEj N �qA fp4- / -r rou .rsQ �1g 55 + +� 1 ko °Vq 4 ,yy! ac m b _ 10 RSy1 G rd , 2-0 ,6551d 0.5Nut,_,y36 a kn O i� �o Cot�EGG ,4VE, Y. A! 'WV " IV s� t� LOCATION MAP SCALE I "-- 20O0' O-DENOTES I "X24.1RON PIPE, 1.13 LSS./L1N.FT. NIUSKEGO FLOOD PL41N w 500 YR. FLOOD ' EL. 794. 5 if 100 YR. FLOOD EL. 794.0 Oi 50 YR. FLOOD = EL. 794.0 it 10 YR. FLOOD = EL. 793.5 -*- FROM CITt' FLOOD STUDY. ' JO W. 15.4 1 'stj �GES {�- 98 4516- S.W. cop. Lor1 oh�yo ti12?� r� -^N PL BLx. c^792.4 O�kR1p h� 5 lAo2c� �� ,'C'r WC@@07093 / WATER SHEET 10F 3 JOB NO. 10431 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. BEING A RE-DIVISTON OF LOT 1 BLOCK 2 CAIJTIDCE UNMCORDED 'SUBD. & PART OF LOTS 1,2, &3, BLOCK 22 JEWEL CREST SUBDIVISION, of a part of the N.W. 1/4 of Section 4, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City. of P11skego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSI SS 1 IILWAUKE E COUNTY) I, RANDOLPH -W. Id ZT-11I hereby certify THAT I have surveyed, divided, and mapped a part of the Pd.1T. 1/4 of Section 4, 7".5N. , R.21E. , in the City of Mxskego, Waul:e.sha County, Wisconsin, being a re --division of LOT 1 BLOCK 2 OAI GE U1,2ECORDED SUBD . , and part of LOTS 1, 2 , &3 , BLOCK 22 JEI JEL CREST SL1BD . , bounded and described as follows: Ccmanencing at the Northwest corner of LOT 1, BLOCK 22 ME EL CREST SUBDIVISION, thence N.02044'45t., 212.05 feet to a point; thence N.83925'48"E., 59.00 feet to a point; thence S.1(°00'00"14., along the westerly line of Garnet Drive, 230.15 feet to a point; thence S.74°15'E., 40.20 feet to a point; thence S.16046'10"W., 9.80 feet to a point; thence N.65034'40"E., 19.38 feet to a point; thence S.20°23'40"E., 135.00 feet to a point, said point bein the Soutl-mvest corner of PARCEL 2 of C.S.M.No. 4576; thence S.64 29'30"W., along the canal to Little Muskego Lake, 112.72 feet to the Southwest corner of LOT 1 BLOCK 2 OAMIDGE UNRECORDED SiJBD., thence 11.10031'40"E., 117.14 feet to a point; thence N.77024'30'14., 59.17 feet to a point an the west line of LOT 1 BLOC[: 22 JEWEL CREST SUBD., thence N.07028'29'�%, along said west line, 67.96 feet to the point of beginning. THAT I have made this survey, land division, and reap by the direction of Robert Ripp, owner. THAT such neap is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed, and the Im-id division thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, in surveying dividing and mapping the Same. C,�O p A p RANDOLPH L. �n RA. AISKI MTff= I-r.- RAFALSKII, RLS 1758 _ I1759 ••........ a OWNEP.S CERTIFICATE ���'�qN p S R���``� AS OWNER, I hereby certify that I have caused t��fej ztd``desc -ibed above to be suw•-veyed, divided, and mapped as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code of the City of lbskego. WITNESS the hand and seal of said owner this _day of In the presence of: r STATE OF WISCONSIN) WALKESHA COUNTY) SS PERSONALLY came before rie this day of hng j 1986,— the above named ROBERT RIPP,otaner, to me Imown to be the person who e:;:e ted the foregoing instigxnent and aclmowledged the same. My Commission expires 5=/ 7-2'z NotaVPublic, Waukesha Co., Wise. Sheet 2 Of 3 Job No. 10431 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP TU . BEING A RE -DIVISION OF LOT I BLOCK 2 IDGE UNRECORDED SUBD. a PART OF LOTS I,2,&3, BLOCK 22 JEWELL CPEST STTBDIVISION, OF A PART OF THE N.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 4, TMN 5 NORTH, MIME 2OEAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSICEM, 1,aUI-SHA COnTrY, WISCONSIN C(TNSE1,Tr OF TR7RTGAGEE SEn.JRITY SAVE4GS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State Of ��Tisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, and mapping the land described on this plat and does hereby consent to the above certificate of ROBED' RIPP , owner. IN WITNESS 1=0F, the said S-�CUPJTY SAVT24GS M ��4SSOCIATION has caused these presents to be s' d by ToddlLauersdorf , its resi nt, and countersigned by Lawrence R h i ss ecretary, at 1 wautee.yJisconsin, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 1st day of Mav , Xjgg4..1985 SECURITY.. SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS. In the presence of: Y Doni}.p M. Cawood Todd Counts Gail K. Tews Lawre 4 rsdorf // Yr4S1U1 tried: . s . Vice e R. Tomaich . • •/ �.e tAs8t. STATE OF WISMNgTN• SS Hilt aukee CoUlllz PERSONALLY came before me this 1985, Todd Lauersdorf, Asst. �`�resident and Lawrence R. above name corporatismto rile knoNm to be the persons ment and to nie I\-nmaa - to be such President and Secretary aclmowledged that they executed the foregoirkg instrumen deed of said corporation, by its authority. Idotary public, MllwaukeeCounty, tidiSC. Donna M. Cawood 1y Conrnission expires November 8, 1987 Lary is t d of May. , Tomai §btretai�r of the who foregoing instru- v 'E ation, and uch o as the ~ DONNA Sri. CAWOOD PLA 414ING COIwNISSION APPROVAL APPROVJD by the PLANNING CONTMISSION of the City of Miskego, on this 18th day of September , 1984. IIAT G. ENTTM, 1 ayor Carole Vavrik Secretary C01110171 COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. 191-84 Dated on this 2 5 t h day of September 1984 IIA7 G. SALENrINE Mayor Charlottes wart City Clerk REGISTER'S OFFICE) 12.955 rbi `+E:ytN llflil;rr VICEI fs FOR R 1�. �7 ICaR1 TRf ' ......, .1., l 1.-./I Tl�� j 0.�M.&�CQ�E� y'vi14 s � = v Sheet 3 of 3 This instrtmient was drafted by Inman Suz-vey and Associates, Inc. Job No. 10431