4608 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPS 89° -114 00' PARCEL 2 s i i CE R T I F I E D SURVEY MAPc� BEING A PART OF THE NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 5, T. 5 N. R 20 E., City of Muskego, Waukesha County, WI. CITY OF NEW BERLIN N. LINE OF THE NE.1/4 COLLEGE 19' 0 2 ° W 60. 28' z 30'T3 0) 0)- 1 U) •►- �, oNmoi -AL. N CD PARCEu 3 ,n C s 1 N CITY OF MUSKEGO AVE. 530.713 Y PARCEL I NE COR. SEC. 5 T 5 N. R. 20 E. CONC. MONUMENT W/BRASS CAP ELEV. 823.16 S 89° 19-02" ly 5 44.70' -� G.T. H. "H H" s900 N37°31'09"E Bridge Structure 19878_ SF ; �o; 2�3 g? 2�3.9� Ssg 2p, Y t, E %x w �a Grl` 2 0 y 2?F 4► , B 100 YEAR FLOOD LI NE 4 ELEV. 809.7 J� OWNER.' I RENE E. PRESTON ID 582 LAUREL HGHTS. DR. �p,14 DELEVAN WI. 53115 y 1 rA E� ' �s N SURVEYOR.' ROBERT G. FOX 2120 W. CLYBOURN ST. NORTH M I LWW, WI. 53233 1 SFr%T G. 7% FOX, WIS. ""mo sz O S -To5 ZQK1f/a4 a 30 60 90 120 ,`1F lE DOG, �2 REVISED: SEPT. 10, 1984 GAR MPP o TOLGR D NORTH 0 R TH E REFERENCED STATE SCALE . 1 f►� 601 or PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM SOUTH L01 ZONE. ALL CORNERS ARE MARKED BY A I"x 24" IRON PIPE, WEIGHING 1.13 LBS./FT. CU R VE DATA CURVE PARCEL RADIUS I°ANGLE CHORD CH. BRNG. TAN. BRNG. 864.53 0 4t" SOS°51 56' EA g 361.28 03027'34" 21.81 N 18°02' 27"W N 190 46' 14" W 1-2 4 904.55 16° 20'06" 257.01 1 S 02° 1.6'07 W S 050 51' 56" E 3-4 - .39 I.2a 13° 34 00" 92.43' S 12° 59' 14"E S 060 12' 1 4" E 2 08° 35' 16" 58.59' S 10° 29' 52"E 3 04" 56 44 33.90' S 17° 16' 52" E 5-6 1 331.28 10*06'26" 58.36 N 110 15' 27"W N06°12' 14" W NOTE: NO DIRECT VEHICULAR ACGE_SS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO COLLE G E AVE . 'FR.OM PARCELS 1, 2 8k 4. CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP BEING A PART OF THE NE 1/4 of the NE-1/4 of Section 5, T 5N. R 20 E. , City -of Muskego, Waukesha County, W1. N.LINE OF THE NE.1/4CITY OF NEW BERLIN CITY OF MUSKEGO CTH.'1HH" o COLLEGE AVE. S 89° 19' 02" W 530.71' to F40. 0j� 117.45' '_ - 114.00 0 60. 21i z 198.81, +2O'UTILITY _12' Z'EASEMENT N_U) IIm 0 VISION CORNER, �3g, 1 NVOL. 1140 l / /'0 R 547 � �k' N 3 1 -� �_ PARCEL 1 33 40 U 5go 50 PARCEL } cn c� 2 SEE SHEET 1 W ' W 15988 SF. m1 I OF 5 111��n 1 5 0 41� Zp Usl , 3p" E 1 N ?3 to l LID 010 U) nt�Qjcn PARCEL 0 40 0 PA R G -.. ,4 p �w 15624 SF. =)1 I 1-6196.3­-SF. N N1` I �` 1ti LU w 1 0 �3 1 _`� z 1 N�O 033! �2 IQ I G o A 0 I z � ,cam OD 10 0 NORTH 01 1 —11 a ! 0= ! 1 - 1 -I� z 1�JI Q i o. 3, 1 i Li a3 SCALE' I.:' 0' I 01 1s 73 S _ 31'S0 x 4 207 DELA • O.�,�f 99 NI01 REVISED SEP IO,'84 NOTE: Vision Corner Restriction, as recorded in Vol 1140, P. 547. Reserving to the parties of the first part and to the general public a visual sight easement for traffic safety purposes over and above said lands. To effect said easement, no shrubbery, trees or other plantings shall be made upon said property which will emceed two feet in height, and no permanent improvements shall be made on said described real estate. CHFFT 7 CIF 5 '�t C E R T I Fl ED SURVEY MAP BEING A PART OF THE NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 5, T. 5 N. R 20 E., City of Muskego, Waukesha County, WI. SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT TRT G. a FOX ..-1462 cy STATE OF WISCONSIN ) REVISED SEPT.10'84. t DE_ F;MLD, �yf S S . , t. Wr'. ; COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) _' �*14-ul6 �'y�, au1 .4 _ I, Robert G. Fox, Registered Land Surveyor, being first duly sworn, on oath hereby depose and say; That I have surveyed, divided and mapped all that part of the NE. 1/4 of the NE. 1/4 of Section 5, T.5N., R.20E., City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 5; thence 5.89°19'02"W. on and along the North line of said section and the centerline of College Avenue, 544.70 feet; thence 5.00°401581-E., 50.00 feet to a point on the south right- of-way being the point of beginning of the lands herein described; thence 5.89119102"W. on and along said southerly right- of-way line, 530.71 feet to the centerline of Hillendale Drive; thence 5.05051156"E., on and along said centerline 193.69 feet to a point of curvature; thence southerly on and along said centerline and the arc of a curve, center of which lies to the west having a radius of 864.53, a chord cf 245.64 feet, bearing 5.021�8'C17"W. , 246.48 feet-; thence 5.79031_'50"E.,.207.99 feet; thence N.00043'44"W., 101.65 feet; thence N.05118150"W., 96.86; thence N.70013146" E., 162.00 feet to a point in the centerline of Preston Lane; thence N. 19046'14"W., on and along said centerline, 85.30 feet to a point of curvature; thence northerly on and along said centerline and the arc of a curve, center of which lies to the east, having a radius of 361.28 feet, a chord of 21.81 feet, bearing N. 18002'27"W., 21.81 feet; thence N.73041120"E., 243.,97 feet to a point on the shores of Jewel Creek; thence N.370371O9"E., on and along a meander line of said creek 38.99 feet to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of College Avenue; thence N.59004127"W., on and along said right-of-way line, 56.32 feet to the point of beginning. Together with all riparian rights. That I have made such survey, land division and map by direction of Irene E. Preston, owner of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. QYTTLIr" -1 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. Dated this 26;T 0 day of An? i - 1984. STATE OF WISCONSIN �:, , �;R ERT G. FOX 5-1442 K i+ y5n{A REVISED THIS LOTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1984. Ic COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE )n+�b+crce `` Personally came e°t"ore me this j&7 day of the above named ROBERT G. GOX, Surveyor of said land, to me known 1984, to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the foregoing instrument, as such surveyor. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WISCONSIN My Commission Expires: / -firs OWNER'S CERTIFICATE I, IRENE E. PRESTON, as owner, hereby certify that I have caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, mapped, and dedicated as represented on this Certified Survey Map. Witness the hand and seal of said owner )this day of 1984. 7 --7 In the fresence of: IRENE E. PRESTON, Owner STATE OF WISCONSIN ) )SS. WALSVOPTH . COUNTY ) Personally came before me this .z "d day of 1984, the above named IRENE E. PRESTON, to be known to be the person who executed the foreoing Owner's Certificate and acknowledged the same. P NOTARY PUB C S. TE OF WISCONSIN My Commis on E pires : % _ I f -�z � +V4 SHEET 4 of 5 �a CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP BEING A PART OF THE NE_ 1/4 of the NE. 1/4 of Section 5, T.5N., R.20E, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, WI. PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL Approved by the City of Muskego Plan Commission this ,ce day of ��,Cc- 1984. `Chaff ifan Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL Approved by the City of Muskego, on this -day of 1984. . C� i27"r i *s 1016,01 4_Z( "J WAY E G. SALENTINE - MAYOR J /7 CHARLOTTE STl`WART -CITY CLERK No RECE ULD FOR RECCURD THE .J, ;P,.RAY ... ,7",ham , A. D., 19Zt�: AT.y..: CLOCK..�.�..►�. & RECWi DED I �` `.•.:3 =TF4 REVISED SEPT. 10TH, 1984