4385 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPFORM NO. 985-A HC M'ilnCn�.� 1 I JjI I i I I„ IC0006766 IZZ5451 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP No.�.p� PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWN 5 NORTH , RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO , WAUKESHA Co., ORDERED WISCONSIN . BY: CITY OF MUSKEGO N REFERENCE BEARING: SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, ASSUMED BEARINGS 87048'II"W. W E O -INDICATES I"x 24" IRON PIPE SET, w WEIGHING 1.13LBS./LIN. FT. O 50 IQO' ,t / 704 SCALE: I"= 501 ,L50O + � 10 �oO/ � p`G • \66 O9 � �i7�. i Q• EONS �� 0g0\�`�/ • o�°fie 5� Oil ao �o UNPLATTED \ o, ogo\� cn m LANDS \10 LOT I "r'0 0.379 Ac. jV r °,v, er V, �rrptv_ 6 0 -fi N \��► lei 'pia \gQQ N o UNPLATTED LANDS 0'Erl °r gg �\ 1i ��4� r-- s97°as'1i''=w 1334.48 ' N8704e Its E 480.75 SOUTH 1/4 C R . \ SOUTH LINE OF SE I/4 SEC. 10, T5N R20E 01111111tre'v 9<, T SEC. 10,T5N,A20E �O -f, 0 SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SEC.10, T5N, R20E OHN H. : MIELKE N�v S'55 WAU1'tSHA, = Q. e r % WIS. '• ^p',,• t C�� PREPARED BY: RUEKERT a MIELKE, INC. CONSULTING ENGaNE;ERS l•}^'`"~� a0 REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS # WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN C" It THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY MARTIN E. KULINSKI ." 1422 SHEET .I OF 3 FORM NO. 985-A M GMlII.lCurpq® SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) (SS. COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) We, Ruekert & Mielke, Inc., registered land surveyors, do hereby certify that at the direction of the Owner, we have made this survey being all that part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 10, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the South 1/4 corner of Section 10: thence North 87°48'11" East, along the South line of Section 10, 480.75 ft.; thence North 4130'21" West, 284.15 ft. to the centerline of Woods Road; thence North 57050717" East along said centerline, 764.12 ft. to the place of begin- ning; thence continuing North 57050117" East, along the centerline of Woods Road, 250.07 ft.; thence South 1012159" East, 198.22 ft.; thence South 57°50'17" West, 148.15 ft.; thence North 32°09'43" West, 170.00 ft. to the place of beginning containing 0.777 acres: Dedicating therefrom the Northerly 40.00 ft. and the Westerly 60.00 ft. for public road purposes. That we have made this survey, land division, and map by the direction of the below named owners of said land. That such map is a correct representation;of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That we have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the regulations of the City of Muskego survey- ing, dividing and mapping the same. Dated: QL o 7 I Sz- ```����d�GO�lh♦�r�ii RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. S JOHN H. F MIELKE • � iAx S 55 _ WAUKESHA, � : • WIS, r Z O: OWNER'S .S rLi We, the undersigned, as owners, do land described in the certificate C+ohn H. Mielke, President S-55 CERTIFICATE hereby certify that we have caused the of Ruekert & Mielke, Inc., to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represent STATE OF WISCONSIN) (SS. COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) -..Personally-came before me this 40 day above signed persons to me known to be i-nstpruhlent..an acknowledged that they Notary Public of ,19 �' the the per ns who signed the foregoing executed the same. 7 -g6 My Commission Expires 1422 SHEET 2 of 3 FORM NO. 985•A KCMni•hi�Wn� PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Muskego, on this 15th day of February , 19U . Cha' man, Wayne G. Salentine 6cretary, Cat e"rine M. Anderson COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, on the 22nd'.. day of February , 19 83. MayZr, Wayne G. Sal ntine , Clerk, Charlotte . Stewart 0 o z n �rti r m c rri 6 : r coo', v J 3 ■_ r ri CA O ' , -., u �. ;r JOHN H. - MIELKE WAUKESHA, Wis. r+; V 1422 Z SHEET 3 of 3