4264 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP1199295 CERTIFIED SURVEY' MAP NO. 4 FOR EVELYN & M ARdARET KRAUSE W 125 S9905 N. CAPE RD., BALES CORNERS, WI.53130 OWNERS PART - SE 1/4, SECTION 25, T 5 N, R 20E , CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA CO.,WISCONSIN N SCALE: I" - 200' a ICa am 400FEEr GRAPHIC SCALE V 9 £ - W V'4 / N870 2 54 E-- 430.67' 1337.68' �� VOL. 256 P.354 DOC- NO. 205439 Sr N 87 22 ' 54" E r \ T HWY. "36 � ' 3 " 22098' �' CURVE DATA \CENTER yro 11.46 5 Z 10 z1. o' zv= 10048'28" SEC. 25 24• o �n� R= 1171.5a 5-20 Lp2 CH.=220.65' j 24.15' BR=S82°14'21"W BARN K r CD � cq u-i v z � a J Op V O of O ` Z Z, aI �} o JI � I. P o.5' PARCEL I w 12.627 ACRES 0; m �1 I Q1 w ` W D_I �r > F (n O �0 0 k N VI6 Llra_ E I �le 6 g~8' 24 UNPLATTED 3 1p 1ci 0 0 0 rl C31 tu, a: a_ i Z 0] CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP �a5 LOCATION MAP SECTION 25 - 5 - 20 LEGEND - EXISTING IRON PIPE ®- IRON PI PE PLACED, I' X 24" 1.13 LBS, PER LIN. FT, - EXISTING WIRE FENCE NOTE > BEAR [NOS REFERENCED TO GRID NORTH BASED ON WISODNSIN SME PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, SOUTH ZONE s o39s � `5C0Nirk 430.6 ROBERT E. ? S JAGUSCH S-1015 i + r WAUKESHA, + &0 .ANDS ;.y WIS. t O: OR wCmeassas BY: ROBERT E . JAGUSCH REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 890 SU14NYCREST DRIVE WAUKESHA, WI. 53186 782-8061 nrir.rni � n •� CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. PART - SE 1A, SECTION 26, T 5 N, R 20 E, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA CO. WISCONSIN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Robert E. Jagusch, Registered band Surveyor, do hereby certify that at the direction of the owners, I have made a survey and division of all that part of the Southeast One - quarter of Section 25, Town 5 North, Range 20 Fast, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follow: Commencing at the Center of said Section 25; thence North 87 * 22' 54" East along the East-West One -quarter line of said Section 25, 1337.68 feet to the Fast line of lands described in Volume 683, Page 97 of Deeds recorded as Doc. No.425562; thence South 000 56' 44" East, parallel to the North -South One -quarter line of said Section 25:and.-he': Fast line of said lands, 69.69 feet to a point on the Southerly Right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway "361" as described in Volume 256, Page 354 of Deeds recorded as Doc. No. 203439, said point also being the place of beginning of the parcel hereinafter des- cribed; thence South 00' 56' .4411 Fast along the aforesaid East line of lands described in Volume 683, Page 97, 1274.82 feet to the Sixteenth line; thence North 87* 28' 24" Fast, along the Sixteenth line, 430.65 feet; thence North 000 56' 4.41, West parallel to the North -South One -quarter line of Section 25, 1294.35 feet to a point on the curve of the Southerly Right-of-way Line of State Trunk Highway "36" as described in Volume 256, Page 354; thence Westerly, 220.98 feet, along the are of said curve and said Right-of- way, radius of 1171.50 feet the center of which lies to the North and a chord bearing South 82" 14' 21" West, 220.65 feet; thence continuing along said Right-of-way, South 870 38' 35" West, 211.46 feet to the place of beginning, containing 12.627 Acres more or less. That this survey is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of land surveyed and that I have complied with the provisions of Chapter 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the Regulations of the City of Muskego. DATE: Alwe,92hec ZZ 1982 `����1111gq�h., �����,CJGOI�►5, ��i� Robert E. Ja S-1015 ROBERT E. JAGUSCH <P1 S-1015 Ir WAUKESHA, _ 9 WIS. O: '•b..S _UV OWNERS' CERTIFICATE We, the undersigned, as owners, do hereby certify that we have caused the land described herewith to be surveyed, divided and mapped as represented on this plat. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA } Personally came before me persons to me known to be ledged that they excuted My commission expires l 1 ! Evelyn IQrause Margar t Krause 64 , ` . this�_datiy of�_ ems' , 1982 the above signed the persons who signe4 the foregoing instrument and acknow- the same. Notary,'I blic CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. $ART — SE 1A, SECTION 25, T 5 N, R 20 E, PITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA CO. WISCONSIN PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL Resolved, that this map in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin is hereby approved by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego. Date: December 7, , 1982 Chair an, Wayne G-. Salentine S etary, Jeali Marenda COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL resolved, that this map in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin is hereby approved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Date: December 14 , 1952 May/*, Wayne G. Salentine ity Clerk, Charlotte L. Stewart REGISTER'S OFFICE } SS 1.199295 lfaukesha Co. Wiv } No.........„. RECEIVED FOR RECORD THE ....« WCEOCK.d..M. & RCGOROED im »......, SETT 0 J �SCON's ROBERT E. JAGUSCH .41 S-1015 r WAUKESHA, t j 9 Wis. or � SHEET 3 OF 3