10772 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPFORM BBO-10 CER77 MD SURVEY MAP No, Z ?2a Shut 1 of 3 Part of the SW 1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 30', Town 5 North,. Range 20 East CITY OF MUSKEGO;' WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN N ALSO, Being a redivisio.n of Lot-1 of Certified Survey Map No. 10260 LEGEND: 0 Iron pipe 18" k 1" dia. (placed) OWNERS: AVID J. & LINDA A. HAITA W E 1.13 + Ibs. per Iin. ft. S98 W21184 Parker Drive .0 Iron pipe (found) Muskego, WI. ' 53150 sB O SURVEYOR: JOHN W. JAHNKE 5 Soil Boring Jahnke.& Jahnke Assoc. Inc. SCALE 1"=200' a19.o Existing Elevation 711 W. Moreland Blvd. Waukesha,WI. 53188 GRAPHIC SCALE REFERENCE BEARING: The South line of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of .section 30, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, is used as the Reference Bearing and has a bearing of 0, 100' 200' 300, S 8$'02'.28" W Per the Wisconsin State Plane Coordinate System(South Zone) BENCH MARK: 855.06 (NGVD) WETLANDS: Delineated by ALICE THOMPSON, THOMPSON & ASSOCIATES, on April 26, 2006_ Field located by Jahnke & Jahnke Associates Inc. on May 3, 2006. NORTH LINES 112 OF NE 114 _ 0.28'S 0.07'W SEE PAGE 2 FOR . ADDITIONAL NOTES FOR WETLAND AREA RESTICTIONS 3 r �I 07 ZI N I ... pl UjI I I JII Q JOHN W. ?n JA H, NK.917 *rt� L7­ yin. .SHA, < 1 bC' BENCH MARK - TOP RR SPIKE o 855.06 0 cr sy L _— -P -- s 88°02'28" W 669.543' SWCORNE114 ---[ SECTION 30-5-20 NO MONUMENT REESTAEILISHED B1' TIES STATE PLANE CORDINATES N. 320,605A9 F. 2,488,162.86 0. a N 87`55'39 E _668.849' SB 0 LOT. 1 328,227 S.F, 7.5351 AC. C. LU z Y m 0 1 =Q/ +f a ;r , y . LOT 2 361,090 S.F. 8,2895 AC. TOP OF RAILROAD SPIKE 107.85' NE OF SW 114 OF NE 114 OF SECTION 3b-5-20 NORTH LINE S 112 OF NE 114 0.05'S 0.08' W. NW 114 NE 114 N � �—I CrJ T ISW 11U,4 1,.i I 4 LL1 PARKER DRIVE LOCTION MAP NE 114 SECTION 30-5-20 SCALE 1" = 2000' 0 N O a tn. T ❑I ZONING. Qi A-1 AGRICULTUAL DISTRICT MIN. RES. LOTAREA O� 120,000 SO.FT. LOTS 1 & 2 w �I MIN. SETBACK: 75 FEET 'MIN. OFFSET: 30 FEET �I 300.000, UY �i MIN. OFFSET FROM v 1 Zi WETLANDS 15' C) UD ' WETLAND LINE TABLE I , � � I LOT-2 I A+4 I I MOUNDS _ C.S.M. No. 10260 I � _- j Lu __-- I` , CO 1. CD I in r7 h- 184.761' 184.761' S 88°0228" V1I 369.522' all ------------ PAINT MARK ON ROAD LINE BEARING LENGTH .1 N 27'32'03." E , 227.49' 2 S 77"17'39" W 257.44' 3 S 07'05'05" W 106.85' 4 S 03'55'50"" E 133,92' 5 S 63'32'19" E 84.07' 6 N 29'3035" E 151.68' CA II O - Cn l30 s o o I CP �Jy 1� v� -----^—--- ----__--- S 88'02'28" W 1639.085' — _ _ �7a I-- -- . SOUTH LINE NE 114 SECTION 30 5-20 _5 88°02'28" w W 2678.170' o —r-' PARKER DRIVE SECORNE114 SECPON30-5-20 ' NO MONUMENT UNPLATTED LANDS REESTABLISHED 8Y TIES ' STATE PLANE CORDINATES - N. 820,596.73 E. 2,490,839.31 JO JAHNKE - 's. Reg. No. S - 917 T THIS 19 th AY OF NOVEMEBER 2009 EVISED THIS —DAY OF s&gd a,_ — 2010 INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY JOHN W. JAHNKE 5: \Projects\S7785\DWG\S7785CSM.DWG P.S. MUSKEGO 432 BAI]GER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP. a la . Sheet 2 of 3 Part of the SW % of the NE i/ of Section 30,. Town 5 North, Range 20 East CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN` Also being a redivision of Lot 1 of Certified Survey. Map No. 10260 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, John W. Jahnke', registered land surveyor, being duly sworn on oath, hereby depose and say that I have surveyed, divided and mapped the following land bounded and described as follows: A redivision of Lot 1, Volume.97 of Certified SurveyMaps on Pages 56758, inclusive, as Document No. 3412719 and Map No. 10260 as recorded in the Waukesha County Register of Deeds Office on August 16, 2006, being a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW %) of the Northeast Quarter.(NE %) of Section 30, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. I further certify that I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of the owners of said land; that such map is a correct representation ofthe exterior boundaries of 'the, land surveyed and map thereof made; and that I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes pertaining to Certified Survey -Maps (Section 23.6.34) and the regulations of the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. co 0,`PRY P(��� (I�rrl `'' JO . JAHNKE :s. Reg. No. 5-917 Zip H W. h R sed this 2'Z �a of _�,��y, 2010 MARY K. s `% JA �l I KE s917R GOONEY WAUKESHA, r 5Vi . eF IS ' Nsl ``' STATE OF WISCONSIN )ss COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) The above certificate subscribed and sworn to me this day of 2009. MARY {. O Y = NOT AR UBLIC My co i sion expires June 2, 013 - WETLAND AREA RESTRICTIONS: Those areas of land which are identified as wetland areas ofthis Certified Survey Map shall be subject to the following restrictions: 1. Grading and filling shall be prohibited. 2. The removal of topsoil or other earthen materials shall be prohibited. 3. The removal or destruction of any vegetative cover, i.e: trees, shrubs, grasses; etc.; shall be prohibited with the exception of the removal of dead, diseased or dying vegetation at.the discretion of landowner, or silvicultural thinking upon the approval of the City of Muskego. , 4. Grazing by domesticated animals, i.e. horses, cows, etc., shall be prohibited. 5. The introduction ofplantmaterial not indigenous to the existing environment of 'the natural area shall be prohibited. 6. Ponds may be permitted subject to the approval of the City of Muskego and, if applicable, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Anny Corp of Engineers. 7. Construction of buildings is prohibited. WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET RESTRICTIONS: There is a City required 15-foot wetland protection offset around all wetlands, areas. The areas of Iand which are identified as. wetland, protection offset areas shall follow all restrictions listed in Chapter 17 of the City of Muskego Municipal Code relating to Wetland Protection Offsets. If DNR regulations are applicable, then said regulation shall be in addition to all City regulations. OWNERS: AVID J. & LINDA A. HAITA 3736081 REGISTER. OF DEEDS WAUKESHA COUNTY, ill RECORDED ON Instrument drafted by John W. Jahnke Jarilmes R�geh0renci 12.56 PM P.S. Muskego 432 G. Register of Deeds. _41) 3 PGS TOTAL FEE: $25.00 TRANS FEE: $0.00 Book 104 Page 138-140 BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 FORM BBC-10 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP.,&_7�7 Part of the SW 1/ of the NE % of Section 30, Town 5 North, Range 20 East CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY; WISCONSIN Also being a redivision of Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 10260 OWNERS' CERTIFICATE: As owners we hereby certify that we caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided and mapped as represented on this map. We also certify that this Certified Survey.'Map is required, to be submitted to the following for approval: City of Muskego vec AVID J. H ITA - OWNER LIRDA A. HAITA (WIFE) — OWNER STATE OF WISCONSIN)ss COUNTY OF WAUKESHA). Personally came before .me thiso?�_day 200, the above named AVID J. and LINDA A. HAITA, owners to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. My commission expires ARY PUBLIC A PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL: d i Approved by the Plan Commission City of Muskego, this �F ��,`L day of e;�u(� � , 20. �Vt� By Resolution. No. P.-C. )6bdated 9 I O JOHN R. JOHNSO — CHAIRMAN KELLIE MC LL . N — SECRETARY . COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL: Approved by the Common Council, City o ,4Vskp q� this day of `' 20 By Resolution No. ` L r Vim. `GpRpol�,gT�'.O . O R. JO S N — MAYOR ,,"rJ,gClKE4SN,,. J I.0 .MOYER—C�IfREASURER CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER: I, Janice Moyer, being the duly elected, c in accordance with the records in my day ofi1 •�*•,� Date: i R SEAL, and acting City of Muskego Treasurer, do hereby certify that �uo unpaid taxes or.'unpaid special assessments as of th js 14 of the land included on this map.�`fG (z i �+� ..N ti•• �II Il�ilS�»tip`,` JO JAHNKEOis. Reg. No.. S-917 Dat this f„�ay of 2009 Revised this day of 2010 OWNERS: AVID J. & LINDA A. HAITA Instrument drafted by John W. Jahnke JANICEIMOYER— CLEMQjtR]ASURER , OHN W. 3r N, 2WAUKESHk WIS. pl SU % .,, P.S. Muskego 432