10616 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPucasio2e -ooa CERTIFIED SURVEFMAP NO. A) b / Sheet 1 of 4 1�13 Part of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 31, � � Town 5 North, Range 20 East Icay CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN ' 11 � jip ll I`I r 'm ! 40 2 4.T l� I I y j �41 z�. O j 1 N IF C �4 C �4 z I4 r , > I D m lI Q I, II w N (O rn 1 l I I y UNPLATTED LANDS w !4.75' m m N 88"26'45" E 440.008' 400.000' FE C2.8 40.008' Ex. BLnG. I r EX. GAR 3.318 SF 8�� 1 SF FE- I rLFJ� E-602.16 � 65.0' j 00 EX. BLDq 3.968 SF FE-802.2 I ! I APPROX. LOCATIOIJ 7 E% RES OF EX. WASTE WAFER 0 1.261 SF DISPOSAL SYSTEM I j FE-805.13 1 40' DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC FOR ROAD I PURPOSES 1 I I I t I 30- WIDE DRAINAGE I EASEMENT . 0 U3 e 1309,417 SF(gross) �0 N 18.5817 AC.(gross) M '`m w LOT 1 720,003 SF 1 A 16.5290 AC. 40' 1218.650: N' SSWW CCOOORN/E�Rkl OF THE Sw 1T4 v SEC.31-5-20 CONCRETE MONUMENT WT BRASS CAP FOUND U) o N A 0 SURVEYOR: JOHN R. STIGLER JAHNKE 8 JAHNKE ASSOC., INC. 711 WEST MORELAND BLVD. WAUKESHA, WI. 53158-2479 OWNER: BRODEL REVOCABLE TRUST C10 JENNIFER LLOYD S110 W20974 S. DENOON ROAD MUSKEGO, WI 53150 TELE. (262) 895-6651 VISION CORNER EASEMENT: The height for all plantings, berms, fences, signs or other structures within the Vision Corner easement IS limited t0 2 Y2 feet above the elevation of the center of the intersection. No access to any roadway shall be permitted within the vision corner easemank UNPLATTED LANDS N 88"31'38" E 514.568' i � 1 I ! 1 1 T 30'X3O' VISION r I 30' WIDE DRAINAGE CORNER EASEMENT EASEMENr GRANTED TO THE J CITY OF MUSKEGO TTr T rr I I I I 40' DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC POs>=s I I zs� SCALE IN FEET 0' 200' LOCATION MAP SW 114 OF SEC. 31-5-20 SCALE 1"=2000' REFERENCE BEARING: THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW V4) OF SECTION 31, T5N, R20E WAS USED AS THE REFERENCE BEARING AND HAS A SEARING OF NORTH 88.31'38" EAST PER WISCONSIN STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, SOUTH ZONE LEGEND: 0-IRON PIPE 16" X 1" DIA. (PLACED) 1.13+ LBS. PER LIN. FT. 0-IRON PIPE (FOUND) m o C] N z 00 a N 0 ITT o o Q - J A a A O Z o O O O O FOR ROAD PUR I oo S 88"31'38" W S. DENOON f S 88"31'38" W _ MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY UNPLATTED LANDS SE CORNER OF THE SW 1T4 SEC. 31-5-20 CONCRETE MONUMENT W1 BRASS CAP FOUND 312.526.51 GRID 2,488,4e4.68 I WISCONSIN STALE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, SOUTH ZONE I I 374.674' 906.159' g M CITY OF MUSKEGO - 945.326^ TOWN OF NORWAY 4- SOUTH LINE SW 1i4,SEC.31-5-20 S 88'31'38" W 2538.65' (SURVEY & SEWRPC) 312,461.2s )GRID "PER THE WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT DATED OCTOBER 2008 IT 2.485.947.03 APPEARS THAT THERE ARE NO WETLANDS PRESENT ON THIS SITE. WISCONSIN STATE PLANSYSTEM. WETLAND CONCURRENCE FROM THE DNR VERIFYING THIS HAS BEEN SYSTEM, SOUTH ZONE .SOUTHZO REQUESTED, BUT IS PENDING. FORMAL WETLAND CONCURRENCE FROM THE DNR IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY GRADING OR CONSTRUCTION CAN OCCUR ON THIS LOT. IF ANY WETLANDS ARE FOUND ON THE LOT, THEN ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS MAY APPLY" "THE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE RESPECTIVE PARCEL OWNERS. THE PARCEL OWNERS SHALL MAINTAIN SAID EASEMENTS IN AN UNOBSTRUCTED CONDITION SO AS TO MAINTAIN THEIR INTENDED PURPOSE. CONSTRUCTION OF ANY BUILDING, GRADING OR FILLING -IN SAID EASEMENTS IS PROHIBITED. THE PARCEL OWNERS GRANT TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE RIGHT (BUT NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY) TO ENTER UPON SAID EASEMENTS IN ORDER TO INSPECT, REPAIR OR RESTORE SAID EASEMENTS TO THEIR INTENDED PURPOSE. EXPENSE INCURRED BY THE CITY FOR INSPECTION, REPAIR OR RESTORATION OF SAID EASESMENTS MAY BE PLACED AGAINST THE TAX ROLL OF SAID PARCEL OWNER AND COLLECTED AS A SPECIAL CHARGE BY THE CITY" FILE NAME: S7632-3.DWG P.S. MUSKEGO 431 JqVN R. STIGLER - Wis. Peg. No. S - 1820 D ED THIS 1 TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 2008 REVISED THIS 8TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2008 REVISED THIS 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2008 REVISED THIS IPV DAY 01`,& W- 2008 INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY JOHN R. STIGLER BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 FORM BBC•101 CERTIFIED SURVEYMAP NO. /� 916 Sheet 2 of 4 Part of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 31, Town 5 North, Range 20 East CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN +o DRAINAGE EASEMENT DETAILS 1� Ica 24.75}{II I! 40' UNPLATT'ED LANDS N 88°26'45" E 440.008' 400.000, i L -40.D08' I 1 I I 1 t I l I m U7 I� p ly a NI 40' DEDICATED TO THE m I 24.7s' I 40 PUBLIC FOR ROAD PURPOSES I I I I I 1 30' WIDE DRAINAGE + EASEMENT L5L3 - L4 -- %�'��- -_L1CD5 L16 1 r��/� r L54 'J (O LD �r .%i �CL OF EXISTING 10 p DITCH W 809,417 SF(gross) 18.5817 AC.(gmss) LOT 1 720,003 SF 16.5290 AC. 30'x30' VISION CORNER EASEMENT GRANTED TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGO SURVEYOR: JOHN R. STIGLER JAHNKE & JAHNKE ASSOC., INC. 711 WEST MORELAND BLVD. WAUKESHA, WI. 53188-2479 OWNER: BRODEL REVOCABLE TRUST CIO JENNIFER LLOYD S110 W20974 S. DENOON ROAD MUSKEGO, WI 53150 TELE. (262).895-6651 REFERENCE BENCHMARK: CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH BRASS CAP FOUND MARKING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION 31, T5N, R20E AND HAS AN ELEVATION OF 805.10 UNPLA17ED LANDS N 88°31 r36" E 514.568' 22s.5tT• r ry 30.737' r rr 30' WIDE DRAINAGE J EASEMENT r J / CL OF EXISTING DITCH 40' DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC 45 FOR ROAD PURPOSES N I 'N 30.00o EX. 18' RCP 550 912• ^' 1 ,£'- I.E: 78E.65 SCALE 3N FEET 0' 200' DRAINAGE EASEMENT LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 30.006' S 86,2645' W L2 589.163, S 02'40'44" E L3 42.D97' N 84-39'34" E L4 76.147' N 85'36'24'E L5 71.652' N 77'30'05'E L6 89.001' N 60'40'58- E L7 61.573• N 45'04'22' E L8 60.859' N 45'42' 17' E L9 10.730' N 76.07'30' E L10 24.825' N 76'0730" E L11 69.181, N 45'42'17" E L12 57.627' N 45.04'22' E L13 30.454' N 60'40'58• E L14 65.091, N 77'30'05' E L15 74.269' N 85.36'24' E L16 7U.982' N 84'39'34- E L17 44.425' N 11'06'04' E L18 67.125" N 13°4B45' E 1-19 61.958' N 04'4821' E L20 74.583' N 22'59'45' E L21 67.653' N UD'4138" E L22 59.930' N 02.50'56' W L23 34.900' N 01-24'13• W L24 35.243' N 01'24'13' W L25 59.381, N 02'5U'56'W L26 60.812' N 00'41'38'E L27 73.472' N 22'59'45' E L28 64.398- N 04.48'21'E L29 6614724 N 13-48'45- E L30 51.826' N 11'06'04- E �I N z g I coLu 0 M F o Q I �I Z O I ZI O o o O O J 1 JO YY ^ ^ � EX. 18' RCP LE -787 22 UNPLATfED LANDS "THE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE RESPECTIVE PARCEL OWNERS. THE PARCEL OWNERS SHALL MAINTAIN SAID EASEMENTS IN AN UNOBSTRUCTED CONDITION SO AS TO MAINTAIN THEIR INTENDED PURPOSE. CONSTRUCTION OF ANY BUILDING, GRADING OR FILLING -IN SAID EASEMENTS IS PROHIBITED. THE PARCEL OWNERS GRANT TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE RIGHT (BUT NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY) TO ENTER UPON SAID EASEMENTS IN ORDER TO INSPECT, REPAIR OR RESTORE SAID EASEMENTS TO THEIR INTENDED PURPOSE. EXPENSE INCURRED BY THE CITY FOR INSPECTION, REPAIR OR RESTORATION OF SAID EASESMENTS MAY BE PLACED AGAINST THE TAX ROLL OF SAID PARCEL OWNER AND COLLECTED AS A SPECIAL CHARGE BY THE CITY' FILE NAME: S7632-2.DWG P.S. MUSKEGO 431 -- ^ . _ .. _ _ _ - 3r-1 71 JO R. STIGLER;--:.Wis. '&g'. o. S - 1820 D D THIS th DAY OF September , 2008 REVISED THIS bib- DAY OF OCTOBE, 2008 REVISED THIS DAY QF� 2008 INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY JOHN R. STIGLER `� BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) ,942.8200 FORM RBC-3Q1 CERTIFIED SIIRVEY MAP. /b 6/�, Sheet 3 of 4 Part of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 31 Town 5 North, Range 20 East CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, John R. Stigler, registered land surveyor, being duly sworn on oath, hereby depose and say that 1 have surveyed, divided and mapped the following land bounded and described as follows: All that part of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 31, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Musk -ego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the southeast comer of the said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) being marked by a concrete monument with brass cap; thence South 8891'38" West along the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) 374.674 feet to the place of beginning of the land hereinafter described; thence continuing South 8891'38" West along said South Quarter line 945.326 feet to the west line of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4); thence North 02°40'44" West along said West Quarter/Quarter line 1329.565 feet; thence North 88°26'45" East along the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) 440.008 feet; thence South 02°40'44" East 890.093 feet; thence North 88°31'38" East 514.568 feet; thence South 01 °28'22" East 440.000 feet to the place of beginning. Containing a gross area of 809,417 square feet or 18.5817 acres of land. DEDICATING the south 40.00 feet and the west 40.00 feet for Public Road Purposes. I further certify that I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of the owners of said land; that such map is a correct representation of the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and snap thereof made; and that 1 have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes pertaining to Certified Survey Maps (Section 236.34) and the regulations of the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. STATE OF WISCONSIN )ss COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) The above certificate subscribed and sworn to me this REGISTER'S OFFICE WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON 11-13-200B 11:42 AM MICHAEL J. HASSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE: 10.00 REC. FEE -CO: 5.00 REC. FEE-ST : 2.00 TRAM. FEE: TRAM, FEE -STATE: PAGES: 4 OWNER: BRODEL REVOCABLE TRUST Instrument drafted by John R. Stigler _"'6;?� ___ =�� HN R. STIGLER - WiVReg. No. S-1820 Q�PRY PUe4 2 � MARY K GOONEY y� day of �!!W2009. MA E ' - NOTARI�fUBLIC My comm' "sion expires June 1-8, 009 P.S. Muskego 431 BADGER BLUEPIIIM COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY AL4P.1Q o�/ 4 Sheet 4 of 4 Part of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 31 Town 5 North, Range 20 East CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN OWNERS' CERTIFICATE: As owner I hereby certify that I caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map. I also certify that this Certified Survey Map is required to be submitted to the following for approval: City of Muskego BRODEL REVOCABLE TRUST B JE ER LLOY �—�RU�STEE��� STATE OF WISCONSIN)ss COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) Personally came before me this_LQ_day of b�y y , 2008, the above named JENNIFER LLOYD, Trustee to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledgg, the same. Kel My commission expires NOTARY PUBLIC—' a ;10 PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL: Approved by the Plan Commission, City of Muskego, this 7 day of OC- Die(/ KE L E MCMULLEN — SECRETARY COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL: Approved by the Common Council, C<�y f Muskego, this da f }-` 0g. "' NU ````�'� �.�•Q[JR�r���0. JO N joffN N —MAYOR ollns-� QA JA IC MOYER — CLE " REASURER J���''•�`�UKirs �`���` J'JJIlllllll5l�, CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER: I, Janice Moyer, being the duly elected, qualified, and acting City of Muskego Treasurer, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my off ice, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this 1 1 day of p (/ t6o,t r- , 20d on any of the land ine uded on thhis map, 40,Y kV .22 �'�• � 4 7 Date: �2�tLkr �k,�titiynui!Ord is ffq���fr` JAN CE Joy — CLE ASURER40 JOHi•! R. STh_tf.R . isyiR Nd.S-1820 ty of SFi�?��1�rL2008 OWNER: BRODEL REVOCABLE TRUST Instrument drafted by John R. Stigler P.S. Muskego 431