68 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPs i I'��VI�WM��maM UCaaez<3a CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP All that part of the North►•,+est 1/4 of Section 33, Township-5 North, Range 20 East, in the Town of \luskcgo, lvaul:esha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYIR'S CERTIFICATE: I, -1774FS EANDRY, urveynr, hereby certifv: That I have made the survey, land division, and plat, by the direction of Hans Keiser and Hertha L. Keiser, his wife, of the following described parcel: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northwest 1/4 of said 1/4 Section, thence South along the Kest line of said 1/4 Section 6S6.90 feet to a point, thence East a right angles to the West line of said 1/4 Section 6S9.00 feet to the point of be,inning, thence continuing East on said line, Which is at right angles to the West line of said 1/4 Section 562.00 feet to a point, thence North 400 03' SS" West 392.00 feet to a point, thence West pnra.liel to the South line of the property herein described 309.70 feet to ,a. point, thence South parallel to the Went Ifnebef said 1/4 Section 300.00 Feet to the point of beginning, containing 3,001 acres. Easement for Access & Road Purposes: All that part of the NnrthweA777FT Section 33, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha. County, Wisconsin, which is botmded and described as follows - Commencing Commencin,atthe Northwest corner of the Northwest 1/4 of said 1/4 Section, thence South along the West line oC said 1/4 Section 656.90 feet to the point of beginninn, thence con- tinuing South along the West line of said 114 Section, 33.00 feet to a point, thence East at right angles to the Nest line of swirl 1/4 Section 836.00 Feet to a point, thence North parallel to the Nest line of said 1/4 Section 33.00 feet to n point, thence Nest parallel to the South line of property herein described 836.00 feet to the place of beginning. That this map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and grdinance No. of the Tnrm of "!uskeRo in surveying, dividing, and mapping the sane. )rated this 27th day of Anprst, 1962. ��p �j� 7_1 „�•� JWPOS W. LAND0 n',vi�E-PIS CERTIFTCATE: s owners, we her certify that we caused the land described an this prat to he surveyed, F divided, mapped, and dedicated as represented hereon, in accordance with recluixements o�f i Ordinance No. of the Tot%m of 'Aiskego. Witness the band and seal of said owners this day of Aut- 1962. ID��III�b�A�l�A.9 STATE OF WI SCnNSIN ( SS '+ILWIJKEE COUNTY ) Personally came before me this `�'da`. of August, 1962, his wife, to me knni-m to be the persons who executed the Iedged sks.. llnns Keiser and Hertha L. Keiser, foregoing instrument and ncknow- Nnt:try ahlic, "lilwaukee Colmty, Ifs rl'-Vv Co"TIISSION APPRr)VAL! Approvea by the Plan Cormnission of the Town of lkiskego this z7 (lay of 1962. E `-mil Jam, SpE r I 1 T V This instrument was draftcd by Tames W. Landry, S-652 Sheet l of 2 Sheets 01 • • CERTIFIED SURVEY NIV All that part of the Northwest 114 Section 33, Toimship 5 North, Range 20 Fast, in the Town of %tuskego, IVRUkesha Cotzity, Wisconsin. �— V W. COfs'NEf- OF SA40 Al. W. X4 OF SEC. 33 - S - 20 �I D C 0 ri W E7sr 3og. -7o boa �o- O_ N VAC AJT Q U LC7- z0 r 0 .00 op o � o o° a dJ I 1 E�sr r..s 9. o al � WE3� s-r 8.00 11� 0 _ _ _ a 0 �� EASEMEMT FO{< ACCESS � 20AD PUKPiD�ES . i �5G O S/ Ape ei ` ............... 01 aw JAMES ir. LANDRY + r t MILWAUKEE, w Wis. 1 .�� ti�"� p�� 0 01 0 5GIZ . 00 En ST- 1WOTE ° • �El�i OTE 5 . *-PEI2. u1 J v Ln I of 1 IZa NA PIPE L1 M. FT T� r�l s• i This instrwent was drafted by .James W. Landrv, S-632. Sheet 2 of 2 sheets. rA REGISTER omnss .9 Waukesha Co., Wis. f No. RECEIVED FOR RMORD THE_.�C,4 UV -AT O'CLOCK M. AN RECORDED IN VOL�� I o 16M2 ON PAGESr REGISTER