377 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP• 654007 7 70 THIS MAP REPLACES CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP DOC. NO 652702 VOL. 2 PG S. 260-261 RECORDED 12 / 30/ 65 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP OF A PART OF 6� KKK OF C1TY�'R.20E. OF MUSKEGO 37Be, COLLEGE JOGS -TOWN LINE 881. 76' N.89P 24' E. 1 M ON -i AVE. CT.H:`HH I S 8V 24'W 884.40' NW. COR. DED. FOR NW. 1/4 STREET SEC. 3 4° SCALE: 1'= 300'. • DENOTES r IRON PIPE 3 24' LONG 1.13 LBS./ LIN. FT. too O 30'X.0 NG 2" IRON PIPE o '� b N O N .q ti E RICHARD A. {ZACH , GREENFIELD, r WIS. 0. iT*� �W*�b�SU R'j r LANDS VOL.256 PG.626 MON. SW.COR. SEC �34 881.76' G S.LINE 1/49EC. SURVEYO t S CET?m IF ICATF St?te. of WiseonBin (SS County of M11?►eiikPe (' .4 i =82740_ N. LINE V4 SEC. 23.19' I,... S 89• �4�11�� . 890A REC.&M. 'GAP ,,,,,__ .9' I NW. VV4 -. a;p I c . 02 SEC. 3 � 4 '216 � I � 0 00 LOT sl Z I I � I 400.00'40 I I S 890 24 W �� 1 �c I W: Z: IW n J 01 I=N an N I LOT 2 N_ INa� , !t! IMO _W L " �`db I TZ a I V nil VOL. 415 Pp. 361 884.40 D. rGAP SE�COR.I0 `.3N W50'2O" E 88 .40'M.80' �3,00' 441.21 I� I6z.30� I.3 r�r— 88sl.BO M. ' OAK �I LE EST. I, Richard A. Zach, T-encj Surveyor, do hereby certify the t I hpve. surveyed end tapped a pert of the 17d. 1I4 -P Sfiction 3, Town S Nlortli, ll?npe 20 E?st in the City of Muske?o, Weia 3�enha County, Wisconsin, bounded -nd deccribed as follows: cor.,mipncin�-- ?t the Northwnpt corner of said 1/4 Section, thence 1,I89024'E sln,n� the Nortiq ling of said 1,l4 3rction F'81. r' ft. to the Point of bevinning of tYle land to be described; thence S 00 02' 450" W and. parallel to the West line of said 1/4 Section 2413—P4 ft. to the South line of said 1/4 Section; thence Pl 080 50' 20" 3 -ton--- t1.ae South linp of said 1/4 Section 884.40 ft. to 2 point.; thA ence ' 00 02 ' 50" E end Parallel to trjest line of staid 1/4 Section 2405 -19 ft.'. to a point on t hF North line of s? id 1/4 Section, thence S 890 24' W and lone the P1ort1^ line. of s^id 1/4 Section 884.40 ft. to t!-ie Place of bezrinn7 n , d�di �2tin`the 14ortl-i 10 ft. thereof for street Purposes. J� muAT I have made t'-iis survF1-v, land division and map by the direction of EFrnhard F. Tellkpmn and Eva V. Tellkam_n, his w1fP, owners of said land. THAT such man is a correct representation of all the exterior bound- ariFG of the 1=nd surveyed and the land division thereof made. THAT I have fLilly complied with the Provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and. Ordinances of the wity of II _ego in surveyingt dividin end map?-ina the same. January 14, lg66 Ac urate SurvF ervice Richerd A. Lacla, Land Surveyor OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION As owners T/-re hereby certify that wA causer? tale land described above to be surveyed, divined end mapped as represented on this m?p in 2cc•orrlance with the requirements of the Ordinances of the City of IIIuG1rF�-o. .4TITPIFSS the hand and seal of said this 14TH d2v of JANUARY 1966. In t I.e nre si: ±ncF of: Frnh,-;rd F. Tellk?mp ELMER L. BAAS ARGARET H. BAAS (�r� va V. Tellkamp STATE OF 'ITF)"01351Id . (SS COU]"TTY OF N1IL71/AU1-1-EE ( P'ersnnelly came beforr mF t�iis 14TH day of JANVARY 1966, the aboye. , n^rgeri Bprnhard F. Te llkr: mp and Fva V. Te llk,?. p, to me known to be th-e P?rs�' z r r�lC1 rxecuted the fo?'?zoi.n.T instrument and act-noT,,rleaP•Fd the s-mF . Notary Public, MILWA EE COUNTY, WISCONSIN My Commission e{pires4 2 Approved by the Plan Commission of the City of DIuskF-,o tltis_�_ day of _ / �.� _�` 1�• . This instrument taps dr^'tend by Richard A. Zach, Siirv47 ror 5H 'ET 2 OF 2 5?7T—L S REG19TER's ORKI ss 654 0 0 7 Wadkesha Co., Wis. No. RECEIVED FAR RECORD -ME � Z/S DAY IANUARY, A. D.,19AT c] O'GLCK AND RECORDED IN VOLE? _ �r OF ;ma. � nwc bN PAGES � �, - c: 1 Rms-rER u •