3085 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPi W�aeasass 19177 1A CERTIFIED SURVEY 1-%P NO. 4�a 9 5-- Page 1 of 3 Part of the SW 1/4 of Section 5, T5N, R20E CITY OF MUSKE(3O, WAUK.ESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN LEGEND: o Iron pipe 24" x 1" dia. 1.13 + lbs. per lin.ft. REFERENCE MERIDIAN: The West line of the Southwest Quarter SW 1 of Section 5, T5N, R20E, is used as the Reference NL-ridian and has a City of Muskego bearing of North 00018'32" East. N SCALE I" = 100' MAIN CURVE DATA CURV E ARC CHORD CHORD BEARING CENTRAL ANG RADIUS 1 E 175.294' 162.055' N.390 56.5`W. 78°02' 23" 128.699' �- 134.433' 124.280' 98.699 I W. 93.571 86.504 68.699' 2 N. 301.592' 296.656' S.83057'59' W. 36000 00 480.000 2 C 282.743' 278.115' 450.00d 2S 263.893' 259.574 420.000 2 A 251.029 248.178 1 S. 56 48 W. -2-9-0 57 52 480.000 PARCEL ARC CHORD CHORD BEARING CENTRAL ANG RADIUS 1 50.563' 50.533' N.81°03�12..W. 6002 008 480.00D' 3 38.484' • 38.471' N8003938"W. 5015'00" 420.000' 4 225.409 222.713 S.81020 22 W. 30°450D 420. 000 LANDS RICHARD P JAHNKE �a S 318 F, WAUKESHA. ►• t V LANDS h ho y5 � y- ti 2S�S'• w u.i w PARCEL -I PARCEL-'2 - -u� 32,040 so. Fr. _g p 47,054 So. FT. cli 0 N ° ,r) en o z ^ LANDS o L' Z N ADRIAN DRIVE \ a --A so sss 18sr0' 301-59-2- 71. 90 75001 04 ^ 282.743 i21 - - A4i78°O2 Ln c0v-263 893 J ~ 90. 006 u' Z25.409 3g N.78cs0\{ 1, s� sO.0 w _ PARCEL-4 3 000 ° gym. 34,083 $Q. FT. `� y z LANDS � of N PARCEL-3 N� m w ,1 i' J i i'� z 33,969 SOFT. W o 4Y N Ln Q o,ti P� 3 STONE P� o� o �� STONE MONO. FD. oh a �+ / - MONU.FD. - - N.88°5019 122.13 C 203. 873' - - _ S.88°50 19 W. 386.016' fi0i012 951.885 - - SW. COR.SW.10L S.LINESW. 1/4 SEC.5-5-20 I i LOT 14 SEC.5.5-20 f I BLOCK -A HI-Y RANCHES LANDS OWNER: ADRIAN SCHMIDT Instrument drafted by Rinhard P. .Tq.hnkp 'D e no '�<l CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Page 2 of 3 Part of the SW 1/4 of Section 5, TSN, R20E CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, Richard P. Jahnke, registered land surveyor being duly sworn on oath, hereby depose and say that I have surveyed, divided and mapped the following land bounded and described as follows: All that part of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 5, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 5; thence North 88050'19" East along the south Line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) 951.885 feet to the point of be- ginning of the lands hereinafter described: thence North 241,02'08" West 243.383 feet to the northerly line of Adrian Drive , a 60.000 feet wide road right-of-way; thence easterly 301.592 feet along the northerly right-of-way line and are of a curve of radius of 480.000 feet, chord which arc bears North 80°56'48" East,248.178 feet; thence North 00°00115" West 21.5.526 feet; thence North 55035110" East 290.930 feet; thence South-00000'15" East 633.470 feet to the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4), also being the north line of Hi-Y Ranches,a recorded subdivision in the Northwest Quarter (NW 1./4) of Section 8; thence South 88050'19" West along said subdivision line and south line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 5, 386.016 feet to the point of beginning; containing 4.2153 acres of land. I further certify that I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of the owner of said land; that such map is a correct representation of the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and map thereof made; and that I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes pertaining to Certified Survey Maps (section 236.34) and the regulations of the City of Muskego in surveying, veying, d, 'ding and mapping the same. - i �?CS/ CHARD P. J - Wis. Reg. No. S- .31 rRI1,CHARD PA AHNKE S-318 S�WAUKESHA, +� w *% W15. l i I STATE OF-.WISCON8"IN) �I S V Vt• COUN Y 4I W�4UKE. iA) ss f�ir•�r��a� -The. above,certificate subscribed and sworn to me this 7th day of July, 1977. My"-cemm;L.sIPlon expires September 26, 1977. T ,/ OME G, WEGNER -'NOTARY PUBLIC � OWNER � CERTIFICATE. As owner, I hereby certify that I caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided and mapped as represented on this map. ag 2LX-ZL—_ ADRIAN SCHMIDT - OWNER STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY. -OF WAUKESHA) s s Personally dame before me this ay of SOIIN DT to me -known to be the person who execu the same: 7 Ay : comma. s s ion , j.LAN-.COMMISSION APPROVAL: r, 1977, the above named ADRIAN going instMMentqxj'acknowledged PUBLIC - :d b 'on-, City of Muskego/this 19th day of Jule 1977• Z TTFRIED - IRMAN EDWARD RAIMANN - SECRETARY UNCIL APPROVA �i..by t e C o ouncil, City of Muskego, this 6th day o u , 1977. ROMP ; TTFRIED - MAYC)R - %dune E. i ? Frer, De p ; Clerk: Instrument drafted by Richard P. Jahnke P. S. Muskego 92 �Uc, 0 - 0 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Page 3 of 3 Part of the SW 1/4 of Section 5, T5N, R20E CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE: NATIONAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping and dedication of the land described on this plat, and does hereby consent to the above certificate of ADRIAN SCHMIDT, owner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said NATW SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION has caased these present to be signed by LEONARD J. S'YMAWKI President, and JANE POTRYKUS, Assistant Secretary, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this Ilth day of July 1977. NATIONAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION LEONARD J. SZYMAN -PRESIDENT JANE POTRYKUS - ,ASSISTANT SECRETARY STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY OF ss Personally came before me this llth day of JulX 1977, the above named LEONARD J. SZYMANSKI and JANE POTRYKUS, of the above named corporation, to me kzluwn to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and to me known to be such Vice -President and Assistant Secretary of said corporation, and acknowledged that they ex'ecu the foregoz instrument as such offic6rs of the deed of said corporation, by itsao�ty. Jul 1980'' My commission Y 20th , � ,�,- xY, :�•' .�� �r.«�.. ankiewicz Milwaukee Coun , cans in i REGISTU'S OFFICE SS joj&,'jst; vaakaaha to. Wis, NO....._...... RECEIVED FGR RECORD THC ...�..��DAT . ............... A. D.,194 .''h//FC3 sT RICHARD P. JAHNKE S-318 yyAUKESHA,do i9 WiS. r4.0 440 ? /1 Instrument drafted by Richard P. Jahnke P. S. Muskego 92