269 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPUC0002632 j CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP of a part of & SWJ of Section 17, T51, R20E. City of Muskego + Waukesha County, Wisconsin A,-WCOP s.W-% S. c,17-s-- feo Al4IAI -' S. W i¢ sXc. /7-s- .CA57- /748, 49,5' Y,C�.E PfP,E /./3,W/.Z/.4 fT. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN ( SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA W1 a% v� 5• L1 � �Z � S.45— ACRES -1 as • -Va I, CLAUDE C. JOHNSON, JR., land surveyor do hereby certify: .TS B_ 98, - \\\\`"„1�114111I CLAUDE C. *:'J©HNSON JR.': NEVV B_RLIN, Wis. ` uuU iRw����`���` Ql k 9 THAT I have surveyed and mapped all that part of the North West One -quarter and the South West One -quarter of Section 17, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at a point on the East-West 1/4 line of said Section 17, distant East 1749.86 fert from the North West corner of the said South West 1/4; thence South 00341 West along a line parallel to and distant Fast 401.20 feet from the West line of the East if 2 of the said South West One -quarter, 73.48 feet to the Southerly line of ihr Wisconsin Electric Power Company Right of Way and. the point of beginning of the lands heroin described; thence continuing South 00341 West along aforementioned line 341.03 feet to a drainage ditch; thence South 88040' Fast along said ditch 586.98 feet; thence North 70401 West, 518.18 feet to a point in the Southerly line of aforementioned Right of Way; thence South 720501 West along the said Southerly line 538.29 feet to the point of beginning and containing 5.45 acres of land. t�- THAT I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Merlin E. Nieman and Helen J. Nieman, his wife, owners of said land. R` SHEM 1 OF 2 SHEETS SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS THAT such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the lend surveyed and the land division thereof and of the buildings shown thereon. ' THAT I' -have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and. ordinances of the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing and mappApg,. the ,17 .tat 0 -January 6, 1965 �v Claude C. Johnson, Land Sure or S-765'-. ., WAUYLESHA LAND SURVEYS, INC. OWM S. CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AS OWNERS we hereby certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of ordinances of the City of Muskego. WITNESS the hand and seal of said owners this // day of In the presence o Merlin E. Nieman Helen J. Ni eAgn STATE OF WISCONSIN ( Ss COUNTY OF WAUKESHA -� 1965. PERSONALLY came before me this �� day of 1965, the above named Merlin E. Nieman and Helen J. Nieman, his wife, me kno to be the pei`adns who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the s e. �• .my commissio&%ires- April 2, 1967 Claude C. Johnson,,/Jr. , No iaf Waukesha County,/Wisconsin. t'` PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL Approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Muskega`�n this Jw day of 1965. `7:77 C� -a Secretary This instrument was drafted by Claude C. Johnson, Jr., Surveyor. r"- CD 2 A ƒk 2 / � G / � ` j 2 2m / 2 � / � # z LA \ 'AMP-,, ! --1-0 2 \ D c13 I S �] ��