268 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP0 �0oazsai 13' 0 dZI O ;U o o ti 0) 22 SCALE I"= 2'00' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF WAUKESHA (SS 'liar f �-,n CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Sheef I of 2 Sheets SW 1/4 OF SECTION 13, T. 5 N., R. 20 E., CITY OF MUSKEGO , WAUKESHA CO W1S • - I �--- 705' EAST 937.37' Proposed 80' Parkway --.} 80 1 1- NORTH 60`-s1'"=- WEST 407.94 N' 58'yy WEST IY.Bq°0' . M 631.22 �" '`�- 306.15 $-�� - 73 I 38 .42 33 .1g' �39 �v ❑406.11 a y •r , 245 pO3/633 N.�62050' W. W385.2223jzs�WES , '.O.Oo 25QpARCEL Aix GPARCEL 36fi$.69 9 SOUTIJO eti Extension of Priegel Drive '0.0 14 4.5i A. 2.0 A. o N 60' Wide f 682.42 ` 713.65' 306.15' # SSE COR. GOV'T LOT NO 3 WEST 1019. 80' WEST 1532.97 ` \\\\,`�„lti��tiu�a�nuur•rr����ii V1 13 O Denotes 1"x ?" Iran Pipe 1.13 pounds per lin. foot. �, The shore line of Big Muskego Lake as shorn on this plat represents very closely = cLALIDE r,, the ordinary high water level of the lake. The high water level of the lake has � *' J�Hy�?N JR.':*' been established at 11.60 feat. Occasionally the lake does rise above this level. On, January 21, 1965, the level of the frozen surface at the existing shore line ��P":, WIS. was 11,79 feet. The floor level of the tavern is 14.18 feet. :0 I, CLAUDE C. JOHNSON, JR., land surveyor do hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed amd mapped all that part of the Southwest One -quarter of Section 13 and the Southeast One - quarter of Section. 14, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the: Southeast corner of Government Lot 3 and the Southeast corner of the said Southwest One -quarter; thence West along the South .line of said Lot 3, 1532.97 feat to the point of beginning of the lands herein described; thence continuing West along said South line 10 -80 feet; 04 q thence North 160 09' Fast along. a meander of the sh'O"411l16411f, Big Muskego Lake 296.27 feet; thence East 937.37 feet; thence South 284.57 feet to the point of beginning; and also convey- ing lands lying within the meander aforesaid and said shore line and the lateral lines of the above described lands extended to said shore line; and reserving therefrom that part used for future road purposes; together with the following described ease- ment. Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Lot 3 and the Southeast corner of the said Southwest Onernuarter; thence South 30.0 feet; thence West 682.42 feet; thence North 62050' West 390.29 feet; thence North 73039' West 152.25 feet; thence North 84003' West 323.67 feet; thence West 385.22'feet; thence North 82058' West 245.00 feet; thence West 406.11 feet; thence North 60.0 feet; thence East 407.94 feet; thence South 82058' East 245.0 feet; thence East 386.42 feet; thence South 84003' East 332.16 feet; thence South 73039' East'k163.38 feet; thence South 62050' East 381.46 feet; thence Ea.et tvQ,69 feet; thence South 1028' West 30.01 feet to the point of begOoLng. Sheet 2 of 2 Sheets THAT I have mad@ this survey, land division and map by the, direction of John Smolen owner of said land. THAT such map is a corredt representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land, --surveyed and the land division thereof made and the buildings shown thereon. THAT -I hav-e.f-ally complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wfs oasiri r Statutes klid -ordinances of the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing and maapri#-zigg•• . the Data, Jaauary 30, 1965 WAUKESHA LAND SURi&S, INC. Claude C. Johnson, Jr., Land Surveyor S-60' . OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AS OWNER I hereby certify that I have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated ae represented on this map in accordance with the require- ments of the: ordinances of the City of Muskago. WITNLSS the hand and seal of said owner this Z. , day of -? 2_7 �,r; .. , 1965 In the presence of: / 1_2 / STATE OF WISCONSIN (SS COUNTY, OF'WAUKESHA. ;i 7 --, _.: • .r: - ! �_S: % ��L _� � i �� (SEAT+) ,d�ihn Smo1-eri� PBR�P;%TLY came before me this day of �u� 1965, the above n�rfg John S�01en to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and a6knowledged thi tame. M _9ommissi6n expires; f d 1.4 S` Notary lic PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL Approved by the p lanni ng Commission of 1965. the City of Muskego on this C' day of 'r Secretary This instrument was drafted by Claude C. Johnson, Jr., Surveyor. ;3 A • v--A ? rn Q lai w 4 is C ui_ 44 OC ^1 4