266 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPP_j 0 WC0eazszs 0 DEN OTC 5 TIFIED SURVEY MAP fZON PIPE 2q" _� oAlG � • 13 L 63/�.N.fT A PART OF M NORTHWEST 1/4 of SECTION 32, -- TOWN 5' NORTH,BAEOa 20 EAST,YN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WAMMSHA COUNTY,WISCONSIN SUH'AYORS CERTIFICATE WE State of Wisconsin ea County of Milwaukee( I,Robert C. Hardie,Registered Land Surveyor,do hereb certify: That I have surveyed and mapped a part of the N.W.1/4 of section 32,town 5 north,range 20 east,in the City of Muskego,'Wanksba County , Wisconsin,bounded and described as follows:Commencing at a point on the 9CAL.L0- east and west 1/4 line distance west 1109.54 feet from the center of said ! =SD' section;thence north at 900001with the said 1/4 line;200.00 feet;thence west and parallel to the south.line of said VA se4ion,218.60 feet to east boundry of North-Shore-Drivo;thence S Oolg'E,on said east boundry of North Shore Drive,200.00 feet to the south line of said'1/4 section thence east on the south line of said 1/4 section,217.80feet to the place of beginning, ,•• . . Reserving the South 33 feet for street purposes. odQ Q! v U N 4oT � h fob 17 991 °oSki v 2S 2. h 'aaal C.9rmzo 'Ane POOL/C STQEET $o +r►� , �9sT 2/ , 00 �M ,9 �9 0.9M ,C O.qD CEA/T�rQ OF No�pTH s�oe����v� � SECro ¢32-5- That I have made this survey,land division and neap by the direction of Alvin A. Plats and ,owners of -said land. That such map is a correct representation of all the exterior b9undaries of the land surveyed and the land divisions thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statues and Ordinance No. of the City of Muskego in surveying,dividing and mapping the same. Date: January 2 19���ur�r�lr IGON5 • ••�titi � RBI R0BERT C. s HARDIE d WELT ALLIS, '+ oWis. t • r . 04 l� v Robert C.Hardie Land Surveyor SHEET / of 2 S,Y46ETS - G� • CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP of a part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 32,Town 5 North, Range 20 East in the City of Masksgo,Wnukesha County Via. GIMRS =TIFICATE OF DEDICATION As owners we hereby certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed,divided,mapped and dedicated as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance No. of the City of Musksgo. Witness the hand and seal of said owners this -day of January 1965. In presence of: Alvin A. Platt seat 4(seal) Patricia L.Platz $'FETE OF WISCONSIN i$S -COid14TY OF WAMBR9 Personally came before meis � day of January 1965,the gibove named Alvin A. Plats and (��. ,to me ]mown to be the persons who executed the above instrument and a owledged the same. My commission expires: . CJ Notar nblic,Waukesha Co. Wis. PLANNING COMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Maskego on th s—z.!� daa�fi►r 1965. MBERT C. HA -DIE WE*T kLLlS, d�q`' This instrument drafted by Robert C. Hardie ,Secretary . .� r• .' -cam` f ,Chairman z 5716rT -2 of 9 SHEETS _ 0 2 5 % Ca ,-Us ®'� ELs- ¥k �7 � C3 ilm 2 0_\ \ ■ �t:cr- ze 4 q . � \ C) (. �� y-: r