2447 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPw�aaa4829 • -q, `1, 6 f lc� 41 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Part of the NE 1/4 of Section 5, T5N, R20E ' CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, N 410 WISCONSIN Iso' LEGEN_D:o Iron pipe 24" x 1" dia. 1.13 + lbs. per lin. ft. REFERENCE MERIDIAN: The East line of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Sec- tion 5, T5N, R20E, is used as the Reference Meridian and has a recorded bearing of North 00034'40" East. NOTE: Parcel "A" is granted an easement over and upon the 13j319.135 square feet of Parcel "B" designated as "Reserved for• Public Road Purposes". 00m o-i N O CITY _0_F_MUSKEGO APPROVAL: AFproved byfthe Common Council for the City of Muskego on this _// day of J. GQT%FRIED - MA BETTE J. BOWYER CITY CLERK Approved by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskeg•o on this y �� l - 0;& d.���_ , .1975 omeA. Gott tried/, Chairman 'Barbara J . rJbanas NOTE: BEARINGS FOLLOWED BY (C) CONFORM TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGO'S CADASTRAL MAP BEARINGS ♦ oo rJA HN w. i HNKE S-917 WAUKESHA, t WEB,W. 0�•I INTERIOR ANGLES A 740 01' 19" B 10 50 58' 41" C 254001' 19" D 285058'41" E 740 01' 19" F 105058'41" G 89025'20" H 900 34'4d' 'Revised t§5 s 6th day of November, 1975. Instrument drafted by John W. Jahnke P. S. Muskego 68 ry /4oIs7 Page 1 of 2 84kELCkOaL� 41 (C) szo r 2►s _i611 ' I 2z >.. 14°18r5r" SCALE: I"= 100 N /5o5a (c) _ORILa- 17rs4; l° /8 51 (C) R. ® rn m ao MMz� W o, �� m z a m r rn oo-I o m rn PARCEL "A" o -n N' N m ro 26,680.906 SO.FT. T xcxo ODLANDS NET 0-S/50 oOc 0 C N r n 0)41'tv siWrm ;soQS/¢o8 (C `n N 4 r �� 5o58(C)s4o �Mo18 �I ��f S CA o 2075p0 r 8 S r;c e'9 41'r 85/,W �--13,319.135 S0. FT (C) PART OF PARCEL"B" CD CA .a o `0 N JS 0 0 rn 0 I� PARCEL "B" I� 8.1155. AC. NET AREA w�t�esha co. ti��;s. ............. . .z,N +�'�f�l�f� .. r• Fr.u.0 r uH.. k•'(1 f 0 S.88020' 10"W.(C) WEST 374.66'___� SE COR. OF NE I/4 N 000A4'4¢"E 541.30': 5EC.5 5 20 �a N 0�1�°05 -7r (C) tit S OQ0 -,�4' 40" W 4 27, 430' -_ S.01005 10 E ICY EXIST. CERT. SURVEY MAP • • CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Page 2 of 2 Part of the NE 1/4 of Section 50 T5N, R20E CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, John W. Jahnke, registered land surveyor being duly sworn on oath, hereby depose. -and say that I have surveyed, divided and mapped the following land bounded and described as follows: All that part of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 5, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the southeast. corner of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4); thence North 00"34'40" East along the East line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) 541.30 feet; thence West 374.68 feet to the south- west corner of the Certified Survey Map recorded in Volume 14 of Certified Survey Maps on Pages 63 thru 65 as Document No. 869399, the place of beginning of the land hereinafter described: thence continuing West 1072.400 feet to the center line of Hillendale Drive, former County Trunk Highway "Y"; thence North 15058141" East along the center line of Hillendale Drive 219.920 feet; thence East 217.800 feet; thence North 15°58141" East 207.500 feet; thence West 217.800 feet to the center line of Hillendale Drive; thence North 15*58,41" East along said center line 17.163 feet to the North line of lands described in Reel 24 of Records on Image 1008 as Document No. 836299; thence East along the North line of the lands described in said Document No. 836299, 954.330 feet to the West line of said Certified Survey Map ree:orded as Document No. 869399; thence South 00034140" West along the West line of said Certified Survey Map 427.430 feet to the place of beginning; containing a gross area of 8.9456 acres. DEDICATING the westerly 40.00 feet for public street purposes. PART of Parcel "B" reserved for public road purposes. I further certify that I have made such survey, land division, and map by the direction of the owners of said land; that such map is a correct representation of the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and map thereof made; and that I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes pertaining to Certified Survey Maps (section 236.34) and the regulations of the City of Muskego in surveys , dividing and map ing the same. Revised this 6th day of November, 1975.-f— —---------- -' - JO� JAHNKE s. Reg. No. S-917 JOHN W JAF'.:dKE 's _. do S-917 _ WAUKESHA, + �, t • wIS.STATE ) S COUEV`I'YOOFWISCONSINWAUKESHA) s s ,��b •S�V R ��, The above certificate subscribed and sworn to me this ?3�xd day of April, 1975• My commission expires September 26, 1977. JE ME G. WEGNER - NOTARY PUBLIC OWNE_R_S'_C_ERT_IFICATE As owners, we hereby certify that we caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided and mapped as represented on this map. rr�� _ Witness the hand and seal of said owners this ,day of 1975. T OMAS A. FERGUSON - OW1R EN E. FERGUSON f WIFE) - OWNER STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) s s -�j� Personally came before me this„. 3 day of yy, C J �, 1975, the above named THOMAS A. FERGUSON and KATHLEEN E. FERGUSON to me known to be the persons who exqe4ted the foregoing instrment and acknowledged the same. r My commission expires, -: ARY PUBLIC - Ju Eiger nstrument drafted by John W. Jahnke P. S. Muskego 68